How To Break A Fast In the Most Optimal Way

How To Break A Fast In the Most Optimal Way

I often have people ask me how to break a fast and it’s a really important question. Often you feel so amazing on your juice fast, and what you choose to eat afterwards will either help you maintain that or make you feel tired and heavy.

Basically, if you start overloading your body with junk food, you will probably feel sick. So, the period after the fast is also important, if not more important, if you want to really experience all the benefits of the fast.

I believe the best way to break a juice fast is to really go into a fresh fruit market and look at what’s in season. Let your body tell you what it is attracted to.

Maybe it’s mango, avocado, or tomato. Whatever your body needs, I think the most optimal way to do this is to pick one food and focus on it.

How To Break A Fast And Have An Orgasmic Eating Experience

What I want all of you to keep in mind is that when we go through this process of fasting and begin to eat again, it’s important we first feed ourselves mentally, energetically, emotionally, and then physically.

Some time ago, when I was on an extended juice fast and decided to break it, I remember I was just looking at a tomato and thinking that all I wanted was just a taste of the tomato with some salt. I was feeding myself mentally by doing this. When you go slow and involve all of your senses and all of your energy bodies, the process of eating becomes really orgasmic.

You will notice how your approach to food changes. I was sitting there, looking at that juicy, nice, heirloom tomato and started thinking how the tomato grows into a plant, what nutrients it contains. I also started noticing its shape, size, and colour. It reminded me of the heart because of its four chambers (according to science, tomatoes are proven to be good for the heart and the circulatory system!).

This is how we mentally feed ourselves with food.

Feed Your Energy Body

Then, I would go on and cut the tomato really slowly, the smell was amazing so I would start salivating. This process of salivation is really important because it has the enzymes that will actually break down the components in that food based on the smell. It’s absolutely brilliant.

So, the next thing I do is smell the food. It’s really important to take your time to smell your food because this prepares the digestive enzymes in your stomach and supports salivation. And most importantly, this whole smell is feeding your energy body.

I’ve seen so many people going through this amazing process. On my retreats, I’ve taken people on extended water fasts up to 40 days, and I could see that when they break the fast, they start to feel energy just from smelling food. So, let the food feed your mental and energy body.

Experience Your Food Emotionally

Now, take that food, close your eyes and put it in your mouth and really just chew that up and feel the sensations. This is the moment when you may feel some gratitude, have an intention or think about the kind of healing or beautiful things you want to attract in your life. Experiencing this flavour will feed your emotional body.

I’ve seen people in the state of orgasmic bliss, and some even release emotions and literally come to tears and cry when breaking the fast with a mango, papaya, watermelon, any exotic fruit, or even just an avocado with some salt. These are really amazing experiences.

You can read my article on my philosophy about how to eat for life – Eat For Life – Is Your Body Telling You To Eat Less?

Getting Back On Track

Once you do this, you can eat as much as you like, just do it a bit slowly and really satiate yourself.

You can have five small meals a day but focus on simplicity until your digestive system is getting full and you start to have bowel movements again.

This may be a bit funky for the first couple of days, but don’t freak out. Your digestive system (by the way, there is 30 feet there) needs to be filled back up before you start having solid bowel movements.

As your digestive system is feeling full, you can add back in a variety of fruits or solids. By day two or three you may have a soup or steamed veggies, for example, but this depends on how you feel and how everything is moving. Sometimes, you may feel sick even when you have something fresh. If that happens, don’t panic – just cut it back and slow down the whole process.

If you’d like to experience the benefits of juice fasting with me in Bali, then join me on the Heal Thy Self Fast. I know you'll love it!


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