How to break the cycle of narcissism in relationships?

How to break the cycle of narcissism in relationships?

You’ve done the workshops.

You’ve read all the right books.

You’ve received years of therapy.


But you still haven’t broken the cycle of narcissism in your relationships. 


And it feels so frustrating to know what you want. And have a clear understanding of the problem yet, not know "how" to change it. 


You want to break the cycles of narcissism in relationships but you don't know why you keep attracting these toxic relationships. 


You crave a relationship where you feel seen, loved, and wanted but all you ever experienced in the past was an emotional disconnection in relationships. 


There is this pattern of attracting emotionally unavailable men and that just frustrates the hell out of you. 


You are the whole package but still single. WHYYYYYY???


Let me help you break the cycle of narcissism in relationships.


It Starts with Your Parents' Traits...

As you grow up, you unconsciously form an image of your future partner based on the strongest traits of your parents, both good and bad.


You will then be subconsciously attracted to people with similar traits.


This is not a problem for good traits, but it can be a BIG problem for the bad ones!


For example, let's say that your father had a number of good traits, including intelligence, strength, humor, and so on.


However, he tended to be emotionally distant and unavailable.


A woman who grew up in this environment would tend to find intelligent, strong, humorous, and emotionally unavailable men the sexiest men on the planet! It's all good except for that one fatal flaw. 


Sound familiar?


Similarly, if a man grew up with a warm, loving, and giving mother who also happened to be insecure and needy, what kind of woman might he be drawn to?


It is important to note that you are not limited to being attracted to the traits of the parent of the opposite sex.


Your subconscious image can be a combination of either or both parents, and we tend to be attracted to the negative trait(s) that we found most difficult or painful. Also, all of this applies to whether you are straight or gay.


So, how do you break the cycle of narcissism in relationships? 

First, you recognize that there is a cycle of narcissism in your relationships. 


Now ask yourself who has these traits? Was it your mom? Dad? Maybe even both parents? 


Then you want to tap into your subconscious mind THIS is the only way to break the cycles of narcissism in relationships. Tapping into the subconscious mind and accepting and loving ALL OF YOU. 


Try this; for the next 24 hours state this out loud and/or inside your mind “I love myself.” 

Repeat this over and over again for the next 24 hours.


“I love myself”

“I love myself”

“I love myself”


Loving and accepting all of you is the gateway to breaking the cycles of narcissism in relationships.


With all this said. I’m inspired to GIVE you a FREE Heal Your Heart session to help you step into your brilliance and layout a customized action plan so you can stop struggling in relationships and make more loving and healthy relationships in your life. 


When you understand a few key pieces you must put into place to move past your current relationship/love set point, you will be unstoppable.


And it feels SO AMAZING!


Now is the time to take action as my calendar is filling up for the rest of the month and I honestly can’t say when I will be available for free sessions like this again.


My calendar has limited spots open this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The first people who apply for a Heal Your Heart session will receive a FREE Heal Your Heart Session.

(This offer is only good through Sunday).


In this call, we will dive into your relationships, uncover what your perfect steps are to receive love effectively and authentically so you can attract amazing loving and healthy relationships all around you and in a way that gives you freedom.


Click Here to apply for your session. 



Lots of love,

Denise K.


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