How to break the B*(Big) down.
Keith Hawkins
I've built & branded a marketplace from scratch ? Distinguished Creator ? 4XFounder ? Influential ? Self-Published Author ? Abstract Artist ? Proficient Brand Authority ?
Motivation; how do you start? You might say Keith, your posts of pretty pictures and words are great; but how is telling me to have a mindset like a superhero actually going to help me accomplish anything? I understand, so here it is.
Let's break this B* (Big) down. After all, big things are just small things over and over. Seriously, I'll prove it to you. Even things like international relationships, starting a company, publishing a book, going to school to obtain a degree; these are all examples of feats that may feel like a huge overwhelming endeavor. In reality, they're just small steps over and over.
Let's say you have an empty backyard. You want to build a masterpiece of modern architecture that will become the 8th wonder of the world. Something to hold your tools and holiday decorations from 17 years ago that will never to be used again. If you're anything like me, you shouldn't be left alone unsupervised with power tools. So how do you build this shed? Let's say you literally don't know anything except that you have a yard and you want to build a shed.
Look at your yard, visualize a location that you feel would be best for your new shed. Did you find one? Perfect. Now you'll need materials because the shed you've envisioned doesn’t exist yet. How and where do you get the material? Who do you ask? How is the shed going to look? Do you ask people who are shed enthusiasts? Professional contractors? A friend who knows a guy who built a birdhouse in Boy Scouts 24 years ago, Google it? You're determined to build this shed all by yourself without any impromptu ER visits. So let's go build this shed by yourself without any ER visits. ??
You start by researching. Research any and all aspects that you'll need independently to accomplish the overall task of building your shed. You'll need to research any templates or design blueprints of how to build a shed. You might be able to wing it. Research the cost of material. Research the tools you'll need to use. Research the cost of those tools. You might need a hand saw, a level, table saw, work gloves, nails, glue, sheet metal, stacks of wood, wood finishes, paint, work bench, pencil.
Once you've researched all these little steps, you'll then analyze the research. Understanding if it would be better to purchase, rent or borrow the needed equipment and/or tools from a friend or a store. Something that helps with the decision making process of purchasing vs renting is, if you'll use the tools after the shed's completion for any other projects. The worst case scenario is you'll purchase some tools, then not need em. At least you'll have a shed to store them in.
Now it's time go rent, purchase or borrow the researched materials and tools for the process. Bring all materials and tools to the yard and prep the site for building. Are there any unforeseen oversights? Did you have to rent a truck? Hire a service to get the material home? Little steps along the way to keep in mind. Now, with the material on site, do you have a friend or hired professional to help? Are you still good to build everything on your own? Reflect on your process and check anything that could be a possible oversight. Be sure everything is ironed out in your process. Lay the foundation, build the framework. There may be some needed yard work or inspections prior? Is it possible you may need permits to even build? Ensure any and all research is done before hand. That's number one. Research everything. Learn Daily.
The shed is done!! Congratulations! It's a shed that was accomplished based on your research, planning and hard work ahead of time. Taking the B*(Big) and accomplishing it by taking the little steps that it really is over and over. Stay motivated. It's all about the mindset and approach. This example may be just one shed, six splinters, two scrapped knees, one close call, three cussed birds while consuming a gallon of lemonade but it's done!! This process goes for anything!! The power of research is incredible. The power to motivate others is profound. It's the most powerful superpower you can have. Next to flying, but that's what airplanes are for. (There could be a plug for an airline but my mindset isn’t sponsored)
Until the next one,
My Mindset Made Me Do It.
Keith Hawkins
Co-Founder of CaratX