How  To Be The Boss Of You (and why it matters)
Nothing like being boss to put a smile on your face

How To Be The Boss Of You (and why it matters)

One day I told my six-year-old son to do something before we left for the mountains. He didn’t want to and got very indignant and said, “You’re not the boss of me!” “Who is,” I quickly replied. He loudly says, “God is!”

After I stopped laughing, I said, “Well, God put me in charge of you right now. Go do that thing.”

If you want to be the boss of you, consider this:

·?????You already are the boss of you

·?????You are the money machine built for surviving and thriving, whether working for someone else or working on your business

Are you really saying, "I don't want anyone to tell me what to do?" That's what drove me into my business. Maybe my son's attitude didn't fall far from the tree.

Do you remember when you first noticed that JOB meant just over broke? You yearned for more.

“Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough not to quit.” George Carlin

Was or is this you?

Being your boss is a strange phenomenon. Strangely it costs you money, time, and sweat effort.

First, you put money into your business idea.

Second, you work more hours than ever before.

Third, you accept a variable income stream in exchange for the higher income stream anticipated.

Fourth, you keep the faith.

In a nutshell, you are gambling with your financial well-being.

Surprises (you'll learn yourself)

If you are considering starting a business or have already, you might discover some surprises. Namely, your growth is steadier when you master emotions and cash flow.

Not everything is hunky-dory (fine) all the time.

It works like this, you know about the ups and downs of weight, right? Imagine your goal is to lose weight. You step on the scale in the morning. If the number increased, you feel bad. If the number stayed the same, you feel bad. But if the number went down, you feel good. Do you realize the bathroom scale is controlling your happiness?

The same thing happens when you watch your investment portfolio. Imagine your goal is to build wealth. Suppose the market goes down, your wealth decreases. You feel bad. When the market is level, your wealth does not improve, and you feel bad. When the market is up, your wealth increases, and you feel good. Do you understand you are giving the power of happiness away to the stock market?

Part of learning to master the emotions of being the boss of you is deciding what you allow to influence your mental well-being. Will you give your power to a bathroom scale, the stock market, or your latest financial report?

Idea: Write a list of what could go awry, for example, a lost sale, a mistake you made, an unsatisfied client,?and, outline actions you will take when they happen.

What’s your bold vision?

We have both noble and selfish reasons for our business visions. Acknowledging them will keep you from losing sight of what's priorities.

SharonAnn Hamilton, dressed in blue, yellow background, looking forward in expectation

No woman left behind. I believe everywoman in the world deserves just-in-time financial education so she can confidently make money choices and meet her financial goals when she’s ready. I want to use my accumulated practical knowledge for a higher purpose. My selfish reason is to derive income for my own goals.

What’s your noble reason, global vision for the world? What's your selfish reason?

When you choose a professional, the words in emails and texts reveal the reasons they prioritize. If there are a lot of "I" phrases,?understand their priority is themselves

How does your business serve others?

It’s not about you, your background, education, or experience. Don’t start your presentation with ‘about you.’

It’s about what problems you help solve. What are they specifically? For example:

·?????Organize finances après divorce

·?????Prioritize decisions facing widowhood

·?????Redesign meaningful life, perhaps early retirement

Take time to list specific problems and solutions your service offers.

Action Needed! What will you do to improve your cash flow today, this week, this month, and this year?

As a business owner, you are also CEO of Cash Flow. Do you know one helpful resource is your brain? The ability to brainstorm can transform your business from surviving to thriving. I believe you need to carve out space and time to create better pathways to income.

Brainstorming with your spouse, best friend, sister, daughter, or financial coach can yield enormous benefits.

How much is enough?

'How much'?is such an important question. It may mean the difference between making a living and having a life. When unanswered, you will work until you drop. Here's why.

The media as well as the money management world show us worst-case stories. $10000 (in today's dollars) a month for assisted to skilled nursing care. $10K projected 30 years ahead is nearly too impossible to understand. They conclude- sacrificially save, for as long as you can. Yes, it's a concern, but should it run your life? How much do your advisors say you need to accumulate? Can you offset with some long-term care insurance?

The lifestyle question is how much income is enough to give you the life you want? The cash flow question is how do you, as a business owner, transform your business into an income generator for that amount?


How To Be The Boss Of You. You already are.

Action: If you want to do a brainstorm with me, send me a message. I'm at your service.


