How To Borrow Via Private Mortgages With Jesse of Calvert Mortgages

How To Borrow Via Private Mortgages With Jesse of Calvert Mortgages


Welcome to the Truth About Real Estate Investing Show For Canadians!?

As the #81 Show on all of iTunes in the business category, our goal is to educate and maybe entertain a little as we bring you stories of regular, everyday Canadian investors who have repeatable results… So that you and I may learn best practices and what works and what doesn’t.?

No get-rich-quick schemes... I can’t stand gambling.?

Investing is a marathon; the odds of success improve over time based on economic fundamentals and continuous improvement, resulting in long-term wealth creation.?

The show is hosted and produced by me, a full-time real estate professional and OG investor specialist Realtor since 2010.??

My team and I have helped close to 500 clients invest in over $400,000,000 worth of cash-flowing real estate, helping clients achieve financial peace.??

For example, we have over 45 self-made millionaire clients (excluding their principal residence).

This past week has been a busy one… my brother got married, we hosted a conference for 800 investors, and, most importantly, report cards.??

That’s right, let’s see what education professionals have to say about my kids this time.

I’m obviously biased and have invested heavily in my kids...

With the most recent strike in the school system, like all parents, we scrambled to keep our kids learning going by buying Math workbooks from Amazon.?

We soon realized my son is two years ahead based on his knowledge, and both kids love to read. We don’t allow much screen time, so when the kids aren’t at extracurriculars, they’re reading books.

BTW, my eldest, Robin, gave a one-minute presentation at the conference in front of 800 adults on money, saving and investing.??

I would have rather gone for a polar bear dip in freezing lake waters than speak in front of adults at age 8.

Anyways, the education professionals said my kids had a “great start” and “excellent start” and then ticked “good” in every category.?Not one excellent, not one satisfactory.?Straight Bs for both kids.

Either the teachers have no idea who my kids are, or it’s me, or this is some sort of protest. I have no idea. Maybe we should sell a house to afford private school. Rant over LOL

I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who played a part in our conference:

  • Sponsors
  • My team at iWIN Real Estate
  • Cherry’s Real Estate Tax Tips
  • Andy and the AV team
  • Our speakers: Jayson Lowe, Dalia, Jordan Anderson, MC Joe, and Derek Foster

Is putting on a conference hard? Hell, yes, and the results were pretty amazing.?

It was so great to see so many from the community I hadn’t seen in three years, thanks to the pandemic.?

My talks gave me an outlet to share my research and how I’ll invest going forward.

Cherry’s talk, I loved it!

The last few years, many got very rich, and many lost sight of cash flow - House rich, cash poor.?

I personally can’t wait to get our financial roadmaps planned out to know when we can stop working if we wanted to.??

Thankfully it’s not so far off, thanks to our boring but profitable real estate portfolio I’ve been working on since 2005.

Thank you to Jesse Itzler, our keynote speaker, who brought a DJ with him from Atlanta and didn’t charge us any extra lol.?

Jesse’s talk killed it. I know many had tears in their eyes. One friend of mine had to leave the room.?

Jesse’s story of hiring an ex-Navy SEAL to coach him through the Last Man Standing race was just insane. Inhuman.?

The words “I feel outstanding” and “we don’t get tired” from now on mean something entirely different to me.?

Even tough guys like Neil Oliver told me Jesse killed it. I know I’ll take his lesson of pouring one’s soul into their work to heart.??

You, my 17 listeners, will see what we have in store for 2023.

We’re doubling up the amount of educational content next year.??

The podcast will expand to include a few more solo podcasts, with just myself sharing my research and a few shorter episodes with the coaches on my team to share what they see on the streets.

Recessions are the best for getting rich, and we’re in one.?

I predict the average market will have bottomed by Spring; however, the best deals will be gone before then, so stay tuned if you’re interested in the deals our clients are snapping up and want one too.

If you’re new to real estate investing and want to learn more, I have a FREE BOOK for you called “The Canadian Real Estate Investing Playbook.”

This book contains stories and strategies of how my team and I have helped close to 500 hard-working Canadians build cash-flowing real estate portfolios as side hustles.??

Simply go to our website:, click on the link on the right and download your free copy.?If you’re near my office, feel free to come by to grab a free physical copy.

How To Borrow Via Private Mortgages With Jesse of Calvert Mortgages

On to this week’s show!?

We have Jesse from possibly the most popular private mortgage provider, Calvert Mortgages.??

Unlike the banks, Calvert loves rough and ugly properties; that’s actually their niche.?Investors love Calvert Mortgages because their turnaround is fast, the fastest I’ve seen for short-term money and private, fast money comes with a price.

Today we have Jesse Bobrowski, Vice President of Business Development, on to share how Calvert helps flippers and BRRRR investors, how much money down, rates, lender fees, and terms on how they lend.

No, their focus is not to raise capital to lend out, which is risky in this market, but we talk about how Alberta stacks up against Ontario!!??

Calvert Mortgages is the biggest private lender I know, with $330 million out there in loans.

For more information, check them out at

I know several Mortgage Brokers who refer them business and past guests of this show who swear by Calvert as well.

Please enjoy the show!

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For the full blog post, CLICK HERE!


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