How To Boost Your Social Media Engagement
Digital to Dealer Direct
Automotive Digital Marketing. Targeted. Affordable. Effective.
Social media has taken the front seat in the marketing world for most businesses and has a large impact on how others view said company. When it comes to social media, not only do you want to increase the size of your following, but you also want to increase engagement as well. Building engagement is a great way to turn followers into customers and that’s every company’s goal, right? Have I mentioned that you can also do this for FREE? Continue reading for 5 ways to increase your social media engagement.
1. Post Engaging Content
In order to increase engagement on your social media you need to start with content that is worthy of engaging in. Topics that allow you to take a poll, ask the audience questions or even something that people can relate to. You want to select content that would have a positive reaction from followers. Think about topics that you enjoy engaging in and use that as inspiration. For your dealership it could be taking a poll on your follower’s favorite vehicle, their favorite place to road trip or even a fun video or photo of a dog in a car. Who doesn’t love dogs? Just remember to avoid sensitive or controversial topics as you don’t want to turn anyone away.
2.?Respond to All Comments
When it comes to social media, it’s always good to show that someone is actively on the page reading and engaging with their followers. If you want more engagement on your page, that does mean you need to engage as well. When someone sends a message or leaves a comment, this is the perfect opportunity to open the conversation. The more you engage the more people will engage back. When it comes to responding, you want to be sure to engage whether its positive or negative. This is a great chance to show appreciation if someone is left something positive or the perfect time to solve an issue if it’s negative. Responding to a negative comment, although we hope no one has a negative experience, can be a great way to show you care about your customers and that you want to make everyone’s experience at your dealership, the best experience.?
3.?Share Content That’s Relevant to Your Audience
When you’re deciding on post topics, you want to start with figuring out who your audience is. What are they interested in? What might they want to read about? This may take some experimenting at first to see what your followers engage with most, but this is an important factor in your dealership’s social engagement. A good start might be posting positive reviews from happy customers, hot topics about new vehicles or new features in a vehicle or even how your dealership is involved with the community. Try out graphics vs videos. It’s always good to put a little bit of variety in there.
4. Post Consistently and Often
This is a big one! To increase your dealership’s social media engagement, you’ll need to make sure that you post regularly and often. The suggested rate would be 2-3 times a day, per platform, to help you build an engaged audience. You want to be sure to avoid posting too often where it annoys your followers but enough where it’s something your followers come to expect. Your two posts could be a daily happy customer review then a daily topic. You could do “Meet the Team Mondays.” “Throwback Thursdays.,” or even “What’s New Wednesday’s.” Have fun with it and see what works best for your audience. If you don’t have anyone on staff who has the time it takes to post consistently, consider hiring an?automotive marketing agency?like D2D to handle your social media!
5. Use an Image in Every Post
“A picture is worth a thousand words” and isn’t that the truth! While scrolling through social media your image will be the first thing that stops someone from scrolling to read what you have to say. Make sure you include engaging and eye-catching photos to go along with your post. This will be the first chance you get to pull them in and hopefully engage with your page. It’s important to make sure that your photos are clear and crisp. There’s nothing worse than scrolling and seeing a blurry image. Some programs that can help with this would be Canva, an online software that allows you to develop images for all your social media.
What steps has your dealership taken to increase your social media engagement? If you’re just starting out, we hope these 5 tips help point you in the right direction to get started. If you’ve already been plugging away at this, we hope these tips can help spark some new ideas to get those followers engaged! Looking for more help? Let our Digital to Dealer Automotive Reputation Management team help you! For more information,?contact us?today!