How To Boost Your Free Facebook Group & Get More Members | Why Should You Have A Free Facebook Group?
How To Boost Your Free Facebook Group & Get More Members | Why Should You Have A Free Facebook Group?
I wanted to share with you a really good question that I had from an estate agent today about getting people into their free Facebook group. I know a lot of you are using groups, perhaps you own and run a local community group, a local community page, landlord or investor page or group? and you're looking to get more people in them. Now, it was asked, “Can we use Facebook adverts to fill our group?” and I would say actually, that there are better ways to get more people into your groups than Facebook adverts. Though you can run adverts and get some success, Facebook doesn't really like people running adverts to groups. So here's a few ways that you can actually get people into your group.
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The best way to get more people into your Facebook group is promote it any and every way possible. Make sure you're promoting that group on everything you do. So some ideas here;
First of all, look at your emails. In particular, look at your email signature. Are you promoting that group on every email that's going out? Just a couple of lines is all it takes to promote the group and tell people what the benefits are of being part of it. Of course, also add a link there directly to the group so they can join. So a super signature on your emails is the first one.
Another one you should be looking at is all the ways that you're generating leads. On the “thank you” page people see, are you mentioning the group? Or perhaps in the follow up process, are you mentioning the group. A lot of you are running online valuation tools, putting out guides for people to download. On the thank you pages, are you mentioning and linking to your group, asking people to join? Give them a second step of what to do next and mention the benefits of joining your group. Also think about emails that are going out about your online valuation tool results, are they getting an email which also invites them to the group?
So have a think about all your “thank you” pages and emails in your current lead generation activities..
Also look at your website and any “thank you pages” you have where you could mention the group. Don't forget, you have pages where people register as applicants, pages where valuations are being booked, there's probably a few other places as well where you could add your group information and link onto. Tell people what the next step is, for example; “Don't forget to join our local community group where you will…”, and then obviously your list of benefits. Or if it's a landlord page, then you'd mentioned the benefits for those landlords who join.
So a few ideas there. I think the key thing is to make sure you look at all the processes you already have in your business, is your free group being mentioned? Look at the automation that you've already got set up in your business, when someone buys a property or becomes a seller, or perhaps they register as a buyer, in your automation is there a mention of your group by email, text or even a phone call?
And then last of all, why are we doing all this? Why should we bother setting up these groups or local community pages? Well, a few reasons. First of all, it will help position you as an expert or local authority figure and people will start to listen to you a lot more. By putting really good content into your group people are going to listen, they're going to see you've got a real interest in the local area. And the other thing that I would say is that don't forget, it's another touch point for you. It's been shown now that people need multiple touch points in order for them to make contact with you or reach out to you or use your services and become a client. So by being in your group they're going to see you a lot more often providing further touch points and getting to know, like and trust you a lot quicker.
So hopefully there's a few ideas there that you can action right away. We ran through a lot! I would love to hear how you're using groups, how you're getting people into them, and anything else you think that should be added to our list!
If you’d like to learn more about Facebook advertising for property professionals, sign up for my FREE masterclass here;
I'll speak to all very soon!
Thanks, Paul