How to Boost Your Confidence

How to Boost Your Confidence

Sometimes the people who get ahead are the ones who have more confidence.?

In this blog, I'm going to talk about how you can boost your confidence so that you can achieve more of what you want and be powerful in going for it, and how to boost your confidence using a three-step process.?

Why I want to share this with you

Every year as we come to the point of launching another Dynamic Women's Secrets Book,?there's this weird place where the coauthors don’t feel like they are authors. (I'm calling them coauthors because that's what they are based on this process. They might be coaches, trainers, or speakers. They might work in a nine-to-five. They might be business leaders or entrepreneurs in another way.) Because they don’t feel like full-blown authors who have their own solo book they don’t share much about it, they don’t invite people to the book launch party, and don’t ask people to buy it.

(Side note: We've launched Success Secrets, then Confidence Secrets, and then Trailblazer Secrets. We just announced that the fourth book, Leadership Secrets, is coming out in the next 12 months. Applications are open here.)

They’re like, “Oh, Diane. You put it together, I only had a small piece in it and so I'm not really an author.” Yeah, you are. You wrote the piece. Your name is on it. Your face is on it. So often I see this, especially in my clients who are women, is that we downplay our accomplishments. We take that place of being humble.?

I'll tell you, men don't stand in that place of being humble most of the time. They own their successes. I'm not saying that they're wrong for owning their successes. I'm not saying they're egotistical. What they do extremely well is these three phases.?

The 3-phase process to become confident?

I'm going to talk through these three phases, give you some examples of how you can apply this to your own life, even though you might not be a published author, yet.

Phase 1: Being present to your successes.?

Being in that place of, “What did I accomplish this week? Not just in my business, but in every area of life.” When you do that, when you look at every area, and you say…

  • “What did I do?”
  • “How did I achieve that?”
  • “What did I do well to be able to achieve that?”
  • “Who was I being to be able to achieve that?”

When you're present with your successes, and you acknowledge them yourself and document them, you will boost your confidence.?

I love using the Dynamic Year Journal for this step. Every week, going in and writing down my weekly successes. I'll tell you, when you start filling this in every day or once a week, and you look back you go, “Wow, look at all the cool things I did. Look at my achievements. Look at what I learned from them. Look at who I was being. Look at what I mastered. Look at what obstacles I overcame.”?

Whatever it may be, when we are present with our successes, we acknowledge them, and we write them down, wow, the power that comes from that!

Here’s an example:?

I had a client who was going for a job. She felt this a little bit beneath her. She’s like, “But hey, I'll go to the interview. It's good practice.” When they started asking her questions about, “What successes have you had? Where do you do well? Have you done well in your jobs?” She could easily answer because she had been practicing writing down her successes and achievements.?

She could easily recall specifics when she did these things, who she was being, what she learned, and why she is amazing. Now, she didn't come across as egotistical. She came across as successful, confident, and the best option for them for this job.?

Now, as I said, the job was a little bit beneath her. But what happened was as the interview went on, and she was more and more confident and shared more and more of her successes and achievements, they changed the role. They even ended up giving her a better job title. And when the interview turned into an offer, she was in the driver's seat and was able to say, “If I accept, I'd like more vacation time. I'd like to be able to work remotely. I'd like all these things.”

She got her dream position, and she had all those bonuses. Isn't that amazing? Because she gained confidence by writing things down and being present with her successes, she had them in the interview trying to woo her, changing the job, making it a better title, better job description with better benefits. Amazing example!?

Phase 2: Receive compliments and acknowledgments from others.?

There's a Business Insider study of how men and women view success differently. When men have success, they believe it's due to their innate skills and talents. Great. Amazing. High five, you guys.?

For women, they believe their success comes from luck and help from others. How many times do we receive awards, and we say, “I want to thank everyone else”? Or, “It was nothing” like when someone says, “Oh, that was an amazing dinner”, we say, “Oh, it was nothing.”?

You've heard these things before. We need to receive compliments. For example:

  • If they say, “Beautiful dress.” We can say, “Why, thank you.”?
  • If they say, “This meal was incredible.” We can say, “Oh, thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I've been practicing my such and such technique.” Or “I followed this really great recipe.”

Receive compliments from others, acknowledgments from others, and be present with them. Breathe. Thank them for it, and then, go back to step one and write them in your Dynamic Year Journal so that you can capture the learning from them as well and document it as a success or an achievement.

Receive those compliments. Don't deflect them. Don't push them away. Don't ignore them. Receive them. Thank them. You could even agree with them.?

Don't push them down. It's kind of like someone giving you an amazing gift, and you're giving it right back to them. We don't want to be doing that with these word gifts of compliments and acknowledgments.?

Phase 3: Announce it to others.

This has a lot of people super uncomfortable. In the case of coauthors in the Trailblazer Secrets book and even the other two books, they need to announce:?

  • “Hey, I'm going to be in this book.”
  • “I'm in this book being published now.”?
  • “Frien, buy a copy of this book.”
  • “Look at me, I'm a published author.”?

It's not coming from an egotistical place. It's coming from a celebratory place. If you don't have people in your life who will celebrate you, if you just have people who cut you down or ignore the fact that you've done well, you need some new people in your life.?

I'm not saying you have to cut those people out. But you definitely need some fans, some people who will get excited with you, for you, and encourage you to do more things that maybe you didn't believe you could. When you announce things to others, like when I announced the interview with Jack Canfield, how he was interviewing me, people paid attention. When I announced being flown down to Washington State to do the opening and closing keynote, people paid attention. Do you know what came from that? By announcing these different achievements, people not only paid attention, but opportunities came my way. Opportunities that were in alignment with what I wanted.?

You can have the same thing happen too. Announcing it to others doesn't have to be like, “Look at me. I'm so amazing. I did another book.” It can be, “So grateful to be able to share my story in this book.” It could be, “I'm a published author. Thank you to Diane and her team for putting this together.” We can still come from a place of gratitude without pushing down and ignoring our successes.?

Wrapping Up

I encourage you this next week, when you have a success, sit in the glory of it, sit in the excitement of it, and write it down. Also, when you receive compliments and acknowledgments, say thank you.?

You also don't have to say a compliment right back. You can just say thank you, and then write those acknowledgments and compliments down so that you can easily share them with others.?

In the next week, and I hope moving forward, you'll do all these three things, look for something you can announce. Maybe even today, as you're reading this blog, you have something you've just recently accomplished, share it. Don't just think about sharing after the success. You can share before it happens. You can share when it's happening. You can share after it happens. That's a really smart business move to be able to leverage something longer.

For the Jack Canfield interview, I said I was going to do it. I then showed photos of me going to do it and then talked about the experience and how it was. It was funny because, I didn't even release the interview for about 45–60 days!?

People kept saying to me, “Oh, can I still talk to you? You've been rubbing shoulders with celebrities” and “Well, how have you been doing amazing things to have Jack Canfield interview you? This is incredible!”?

I realized, “Wow, I haven't even put the interview out there. No one's even heard it. They just knew it was happening, or it had happened.” You can leverage your successes and your acknowledgments. This will also boost your confidence because not only are you acknowledging it yourself, other people are acknowledging it. But when you announce it out there, other opportunities or people wanting to work with you will come forward, it's going to boost your confidence even more.?

Let me know which of these three phases is the most important for you. They all are important, but what's the number one for you??

If you have a topic that you'd like me to cover, please reach out to [email protected].?

P.S. You have an opportunity to be a published author in 2024 alongside me! You’ll boost your credibility and increase opportunities and profits! Apply today.

Read my other blogs:

1.?Stop Giving it ALL YOUR POWER!

2.?My Coach Shifted Me

3.?How I Got the Courage to Stop Hiding


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