How to Bond Well with Your Baby
Agrodut Kumar Mondal
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How to Bond Well with Your Baby
What is bonding?
It is a deep attachment that you feel for your baby. It is the sheer feeling of giving love and affection to your child or even willing to sacrifice your life for the baby.
Why Bonding Required:-
Did you ever think that why your baby cries when a new person has taken him or her in his lap? It’s because there is no bonding between the two people, so the baby doesn’t feel secured with him. Thus bonding builds the trust between the two and makes the baby feel safer with the other person
So bonding is very much needed between the baby and parents.
How to bond well with the baby?
Babies are born ready to bond with you, but sometimes it is the parents who have mixed feelings for the baby, some parents feel the attachment from the very first day, few takes some time. Just to tell bonding is a process that happens by itself. There is nothing to teach in it, if you are just staring at your babies eyes and the baby in return gives a toothless smile, that I think will be the most memorable moment of your life and you never knew that both of you have already started boning with each other.
However with my personal experience I am sharing few ways, with the help of which you will find it easy to bond better with the baby.
Early Start: - Usually the bonding between you and your child gets started when the baby is in mummy’s tummy only. In this period both mother and father can communicate with the baby, but don’t wish for a two way conversation. A baby can respond you with little movements or a kick. Being a very bad singer also, whenever I used to sing my son used respond by kicking and moving inside his mother, and even after he was born he used to calm down sleep very peacefully whenever I used to sing.
So before birth also the baby can recognize the voices. So it’s better for the parents to spend quality time with each other during pregnancy. This also strengthens the relationship between the spouses.
Feeding: - The bond between the baby and the mother is usually stronger than the father, not because she gave birth to the child, but because the mother feeds the child from the day zero. While feeding a mother can easily bond with the baby like by staring at him, making different facial changes, smiling at him. But the father can also make his presence feel, like bringing the baby to the mother at the time of feeding. It also helps the mother as usually she gets very tired during night.
Feel the music
In a quiet place listen to yours little one’s heart beat, after feeling the most melodies sound track, let your baby hear yours
Eye and Skin contact: - This is the easiest way of bonding. After a busy day at the office whenever I use to return home totally exhausted, my wife use to handover my son to me, at first I used to get irritated and angry but after some time when I used to stare at my son’s eyes , I felt the magic. All the exhaustion got over magically.
So just keep your baby in your lap as long as possible, keep an eye contact, speak different things.
Sleeping Time: - It is always better that the parents sleep together with the baby. By this way both the parents can be with the child for whole long hours and the baby will also feel safe with the company of the parents.
Shopping: - To bond well go for shopping and take your child along with you. He or she will able to see the world, and you can buy the required things. Gift your baby with baby toys and don’t miss the Baby Cloths Sale as you can get Cheap Baby Cloths UK from there.
Take Rest: - self care is also required. Take your shower, eat healthy and get a good sleep. Getting stressed will only create trouble as the baby will always ask for your attention, so next time whenever you feel stressed after hearing your babies cry first find a way to calm down yourself like by taking a deep breath.
A mother doesn’t needs to do everything, she can always ask for help from her spouse or family members or from friend also. Can go for a fresh walk or join yoga also to release stress.
Final thoughts and Suggestion:-
Bonding is a process that gets started between the parents and the baby from day zero. Some parent’s starts bonding from the first day, some takes time, and it’s nothing unusual. If you find my post helpful and have any suggestion, kindly mention in the comment section below.
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