How to Block Your Bad Habits - e.g., Biting Nails
See my video below presenting the method
Nowadays, we find ourselves constantly immersed in situations of anxiety and stress. And sometimes we can have nervous tics and habits that we use to consciously or unconsciously give vent to the feelings we are experiencing. Or these habits may simply be models acquired over time, being very difficult to stop doing them.
Bad habits can result from anxiety and stress situations
Through many well-known books, we learn that many of the habits we have are activated by triggers, elements that somehow provoke the actions like biting nails, biting the lips, biting the skin, shaking the legs, touch the face, etc.
Many of these repetitions have no bad results for our lives, no side effects, and they aren't so harmful for us. However, some of them can have great bad effects for our bodies. One of the bad ones is biting nails, which we all know can have consequences due to direct contact with bacteria that are under the nail, and also the problems for the teeth, damaging them in the long run.
Bad habits can be harmful and result in bad side effects for our bodies
Current solutions proposals for solving these habits are the identification of the triggers that lead to them and the attempt to change our course of action.
Proposal of this solution: Block Habits at Their Root
Let us take as an example this main common habit today: Biting Nails
How to block the habit
- Among the possible solutions that exist, we find that few really work because if contact with the nail is still possible, those who have the habit will not have a barrier: use enamel base on fingers, use enamel with bad taste, use pepper, etc. All of these forms don't allow the habit to be stopped.
- The proposal we suggest is to block the habit. In this case, we use thin disposable surgical gloves, adapted so that the use is more pleasant, so that the user does not have access to the nail, and thus blocking the habit. We believe that in this way, over time, and using daily, the user will change his habit.
It's important to remember that this change can cause the stress and anxiety flow to be redirected to another habit. The important thing is that if this happens, to check if the new habit will be more or less problematic than the old one. If it's another harmful habit, it's always possible, with creativity, use other blocking barriers.
Block your habit
Author: Alexandre Bianchi