How the BLiNK Investment Program gives 600% of hidden profits in Collateral Effective Value.
- Land Value: Consolidated Agricultural land in Moldova is the cheapest in Europe. Thus, straight at the European Union border, where our Factory is located at only 15 km from the customs with Romania and 60km from the Port, at the level of 2019, the average price of one hectare of agricultural land was EUR 1,958, while in Romania it was at average EUR 10,000 and in the Netherlands it was over 31 times higher, amounting to EUR 63,000. Considering that world food demand is increasing year by year, the growing support of the EU programs for developing the Agricultural systems is becoming very noticeable, which inevitably leads to price growth. In comparison with the closest neighbors, big agriculture suppliers like Romania, Ukraine, and Russia in the near future will absolutely condition the price of consolidated agricultural arable land value to over EUR 10,000 per Ha, which means a 500% investment return in its effective value in the following 5 to10 years.
- Food System: The very idea of a comprehensive “food system” is new. Many progressive investors are looking to invest in drinking water, insiders consolidate their food business in a closed circle, from Grain planting to farming, processing, fresh food retail stock, vegetable and meat conserving and it includes own logistics and renewable bioenergy production fertilizers, gas and biodiesel. All of the mentioned parts of the system are "feeding" each other and getting benefits from being part of the system. Accordingly, to our yearly spendings, we can see a medium of 15% interest in each of them, which means another 105% of budget-saving, thus p.a. profit on the project.
- Infrastructure: Each successful investor has in his portfoglio Real Estate assets. While cunstruciton of buildings, houses, and condos on the rental cause are considered a "Passive Program" some consulting agents recommend properties like hotels or weekend parks to be more profitable and in the same time a real estate asset, we think that nothing can produce more profit and assurance than a Business Park. In our program, we consider each part of infrastructure needs to be covered at 60% by our own production and 40% available for the market for share. What does this mean, exactly? Well, our food system gives the opportunity for industry services in the fields mentioned in art.2. and this is planned to give us another 35 to 100% profits and a 500% increase in collateral effective value. Based on the agricultural land price of EUR 10,000 per Ha, which equals 10 000 M2, or 1 EUR for M2. After taxes and construction process, a business and industry building's net cost of EUR 600 for each M2 of land space, for at least 5 floors are offering 5 x M2 per floor, where each M2 value starts with EUR 600 for sale or 6 EUR for rent per month. And as a part of the mentioned Collateral Value with available profit capacity to perform we have another 1000% Collateral Effective Value on market or 500% amount of available Collateral Bank Financing, which includes a lot of many other insurances that secure the value conservation and growing for decades ahead.
4 年Carmen Luu?Nicolae Nour?Mihaela Moraru?Ivan Mishkoi?Cristiana Gorceac?Qualite Produce Inc.?JALIL AMRANI?ROMAN MANOYLENKO (OATS FLAKES)?