How Birds Learn to Fly…

How Birds Learn to Fly…

Peregrine falcons are the fastest birds on Earth.

They are huge, fearsome, and beautiful.

And their process for learning how to fly amazes me,

You see, these spectacular birds tend to nest on high cliffs - far away from predators. And at around just 6 weeks of age, the chicks begin the flight process.

Once ready, the little chick will wander out of the nest...

Dangle the tips of its tiny feet over the edge of the cliff...


No hesitating.

No waiting for the perfect time.

No spending years coming up with the perfect game-plan.

They just JUMP!

That’s exactly what I encourage you to do.

The best time to take action is RIGHT NOW.

If you’re waiting to find the perfect strategy...

Or for the perfect time to start...

That’s the exact reason 95% of people never even get started.

Instead, climb up to the top of the cliff...

Dangle your toes over the edge.

And jump with complete and utter self-belief.

You’ll learn how to fly on the way down.

Speak soon,



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