How Biophilic design improves your health and well being. Summarized  findings from Stephen Kellert '?'Biophilic design'?'? book.
Nature by design book by Stephen R. Kellert

How Biophilic design improves your health and well being. Summarized findings from Stephen Kellert ''Biophilic design'' book.

Want to know how incorporating nature improves your quality of life in the spaces you occupy?

1.Healthy childhood maturation and development has been correlated with contact with natural features and settings.

2.Contact with nature has been linked to cognitive functioning on tasks requiring concentration and memory.

3.Office settings with natural lighting, natural ventilation, and other environmental features result in improved worker performance, lower stress, and greater motivation.

4..People living in proximity to open spaces with high vegetation cover ,rural or urban report fewer health and social problems.

5.Direct contact with nature(e.g., natural lighting, vegetation) and indirect contact (e.g., pictures) with nature has been found to enhance healing and recovery from illness and major surgical procedures.

6.Communities with higher-quality environments reveal more positive valuations of nature, superior quality of life, greater neighborliness, and a stronger sense of place .

Inclusion of nature is key to achieving health and well being in your built spaces.


Wangui Mwangi V (Biophilic Living Champion - Kenya)的更多文章

