How Big Data Can Build Trust in Banking

How Big Data Can Build Trust in Banking

Beyond revenue generation, cost reduction and risk management opportunities, big data provides banking organizations the opportunity to build trust with consumers by enabling better financial recommendations based on personalized needs. Taking advantage of this opportunity will increase loyalty at a time when competition is increasing.

By David Sosna, CEO and Founder, Personetics

The rapid transition to digital and mobile banking has fostered a mindset that borders on technological utopianism among banks – at least when it comes to what many presume to be the future of customer service and sales.

Listening to the commentary on this subject, one can only think that many of the traditional tools are dead – whether you’re talking about branch banking, the helpful representative, or the free cup of coffee. After all, according to FDIC data, the number of bank branches has fallen to its lowest level since 2005 and their prominence as a customer sales and service tool will continue to be reduced as online banking becomes easier and more widespread.

But in accepting the current wisdom, one should not also assume that somehow, magically, customers will no longer need help with their personal finances, or that they will in every case pick and choose products and services themselves, with no personal touch needed.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Digital Banking Changes the Rules of Engagement

Financial services are an inherently complex arena. The critical point to keep in mind is that the transition to online banking does not eliminate the customer’s desire for benefits such as better service or financial guidance. Rather, it changes how these benefits will be delivered. The challenge for banking, in the face of rapid technological innovation, is to find new ways to continue providing these benefits – in part so customers and members don’t defect to a competitor, but also because smart, personalized guidance is one of the best ways to sell more products and services. Why? Because focusing on someone’s individual needs builds trust.

“The consumer wants suggestions based on their personal financial situation, yet banks often pursue aggressive selling instead.”

The foundation for building this trust comes in the form of Big Data (capitalized here for the almost unquestionable reverence some have for data to solve their problems). The increasing ease of access to, and growing proliferation of, data no doubt provides insights into customer behavior, yet the mere existence of such information is no salve. For, while it seems almost banal to say, it never stops being true: Data alone is not the answer. Using it effectively to create a valuable experience from the customer’s perspective requires careful consideration about what the client and the banking organization need and want. Unfortunately, financial institutions and consumers are not always in alignment on the use of data. For example:

  • The consumer wants suggestions based on their personal financial situation, yet banks often pursue aggressive selling instead. Individuals are suspicious, if not hostile, when they feel they are being sold something purely in the interest of a bank. Financial institutions should not confuse the need for business results with consumer needs. To complement existing customer acquisition programs, firms can use the data and technology available to them to serve up guidance that identifies the right moment to introduce a customer to a new product or service.
  • Customers expect online applications to “know them”, yet experiences with banks and credit unions often feel institutional … lacking personalization. Marketing campaigns, even when brilliantly applied and segmented, don’t always make the customer feel as if the bank knows them or understands their needs. Financial organizations need to find new ways of establishing and maintaining a personal and helpful relationship that benefits the customer, particularly as technology makes it easier for customers to take their business elsewhere.
  • The potential for Big Data overload. Financial institutions have more access to structured and unstructured insight than ever before, but they are not always sure how to harness it, or even how to deal with it as more and more comes in.

It’s Not About the Data, It’s About What You Do With It

The misalignments noted above make it clear that simply having access to more data is no panacea. According to the Harvard Business Review, Wal-Mart collects more than 2.5 petabytes of data every hour from its customer transactions. One petabyte is equal to about 20 million filing cabinets worth of text. The power comes in knowing how to synthesize this data, both so that financial institutions can respond to customers and customers can respond to financial institutions.

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Fabio Manzoni

Chief Data & Analytics Officer at Epipoli Group | Data Driven Strategy | Location based Analysis and strategy | Digital & Business Innovation

9 年

It is always like this in any business. You need to know what to do with data and with findings coming from the data. It is not a lack of data, not even a lack of analytical tools or analytical skills. It's a lack of vision.

Isaac Syed

Associate at Bracewell LLP

9 年

Couldn't have agreed more. Data mining and acquisition has become the goal to banks, but translating those finds into intelligent business decisions tailored to the specific needs of the that's the real deal.

Roberto Ferrari

Innovator, Digital fighter. Founder. E-commerce, Fintech, digital banking maker, advisor, investor, NED. Founder & CEO Design Italy.

9 年

Agree 100%. Marketing and product design will need to change a lot and quite quickly. There is a very good book about that that i recommend: Seven Billion Banks written by Frank H Bria



