How BG5 Helps You Succeed
BG5? Business Institute
The Official Licensed Training School for Human Design for Business
There are so many different career paths in life. If you’ve chosen Human Design coaching and consulting, you’re in the right place.
What is BG5?
BG5 is a unique tool Ra created to facilitate the material maximization of your career and small business. BG5 reveals the mechanics of group dynamics and personal potential in our work, business, and career. The knowledge covers the entire spectrum of temporal patterns. Would you like to be able to identify and align with a career setting that brings out your unique skills and empowers you to thrive on the material plane?
Here’s a look at what Human Design can offer to your Career and Business life. BG5 is a fantastic tool to help entrepreneurs and small business owners understand how they can become more successful as an owner, team, and company leaders.
Penta Skills
For any small business to be successful, we need specific human talents, or we lack the proper success ingredients to function at full capacity. BG5 can look at an entire small business and accurately tell the owner where they will have problems in their business.
Personal Career Success
On a personal level, BG5 can aid you if you're in the process of:
A BG5 Consultant helps you comprehend your strongest career skills and the settings you would most likely thrive professionally in.
Personal Career Setting
Each of us is designed to flourish in specific settings. What makes you unique and successful in the business world? Usually, one stage brings out our skills more than any other.
The four stages we could perform consist of working:
This is one of the most powerful success tools in our toolkits. I love to point my clients toward a superior setting that facilitates their gifts. Knowing your ideal working situation gives you the chance to express your innate material gifts to move forward in your career or business success.
Wouldn’t it be beneficial to know if you need to delegate Planning & Public Relations to this employee versus that one (as well as other assorted skills you’re not so good at)?
We can see if someone has the skill to help any business or team develop a company that works, find ways to implement successfully and administer operations.
Wouldn't you like to know how to leverage yourself and your team for success?
Learn how Human Design Helps You Succeed as a Human Design Professional.
Watch Our Complimentary Webinar with Laveena Archers, DDP, BG5BI - How BG5BI Helps You Succeed as a Human Design Professional