How to be a better UX designer in 2020
Saraswathi E
Top Voice: User Experience Design | Usability Testing Voice | UED Leader | Problem Solver | Business UX Strategist | Design Mentor | Design Thinker | UX Researcher
If you are an experienced UX designer or a novice, the only goal as a UX designer you might have to stay on top of your game. And with the ever-changing trends in this field it is of paramount importance to stay updated. There are umpteen things available online. It is up to us to pick the best and start working on it.
Sometimes, your theme and ideas don’t have to be complicated. Even the simplest of ideas and your undivided attention to detail can make you the best UX designer out there. It is highly necessary for you to keep learning the in-trend tools, themes, and everything that is relevant to your field. We have shed some light on how you can stay ahead of your game.
Choose your JD wisely
There’s always a debate of how you choose what you study. It is important to choose if you want to specialize or generalize. There are myriads of responsibilities in this field. Do your research and figure out what will work the best for you. This can be overwhelming and sometimes daunting.
But it is not impossible, spend your time and choose your profile wisely. Our suggestion is for you to combine your designing skill with some analysis skills. This can be highly rewarding. And you can find some top paying jobs.
Decide what you specialize in
There are various options to choose from including content writing and UX designing, video creating with UX designing, 3D designing, Data Analytics, etc. Do your research and figure the best possible specialization for you based on your prior experience, your knowledge, and interest.
Once you’ve figured out what you want to combine your designing skills with, try doing a short course. It can also be an online certification course, but the point is you need to be certified to add some weight age to your profile.
Be active in the knowledge based communities
There are umpteen knowledge sharing communities out there. It is imperative to note that knowledge grows when you share. The more you discuss and talk about the tools and ideas, the more knowledge you gain, which in turn makes you a better designer.
Networking and learning are two things conducive for empowering yourself as a better designer. These forums we are mentioning are either absolutely free to join or come with a much affordable price tag. Enroll yourself in one such forum either on facebook, quora, or other such social media platforms.
Follow inclusive designing
Designing especially UX designing is all about making lives easier for users. Users can fall into hundreds of categories based on the products and services offered by the companies. It can be quite easy for designers to sometimes ignore a particular set of users who might be potential prospects that will use your product or service.
Inclusive designing is all about being meticulous while designing, taking into consideration all kinds of users that will be interested in your product. Inclusive designing is a sure fire way to make you a better designer than you already are.
All you have to do is identify your field of interest, get yourself certified, design inclusively, and deepen your knowledge on UX designing to get ahead of your game. Watch this space for more updates on trends and tricks in UX designing.