How to better manage your time at work.
Time management is planning how to efficiently use and deliberately control the time you spend to maximize productivity. In short, get more done in less time. Other upsides include:
Here’s how to get started:
1. Know how you’re spending your time
If your productivity is measured by output over a certain period, lost time can mean dollars out the window. Just like creating a budget, you have to track what you’re actually spending your time on to reveal any areas or habits that are blocking you from reaching your goals.
Start with a time check. Time-tracking tools like RescueTime can tell you, based on the categories you set up, how many hours you’re productive in a day versus how much time you’re spending on non-work-related activities, such as browsing social media or shopping.
2. Stick to a daily schedule
Go beyond “I have eight hours to do XYZ.” Create a daily schedule with allotted time blocks for different tasks. Sticking to it is the key to success.
3. Prioritize
To-do lists can be productivity lifesavers. But if you’re not careful, they can get so big and overwhelming that you don’t know where to start. A tool known as the Eisenhower Matrix can help you decide what to prioritize according to importance and urgency. Using this decision matrix, you can break down your list by:
4. Tackle the most difficult task first
Distractions happen to all of us, whether it’s a phone call, a favor from a colleague or that pile of dirty dishes. Next thing you know, the day is gone. It’s time to “eat that frog.”
The Eat That Frog productivity method devised by leadership expert Brian Tracy works well for people who tend to procrastinate or have trouble avoiding distractions. It recommends tackling the biggest, most difficult and most important task first—the one you’re likely to put off for later. Only move on to other things once you’ve “eaten that frog.”
5. Batch-process similar tasks
Batching, or batch processing, means grouping similar tasks so you can work on them together. Group them by objective or function.
For example:
6. Set reasonable time limits
Parkinson’s law states that, “Work expands to fill the time allotted to complete it.” If you have a full day to complete two tasks that should take only three hours, you’ll probably still spend the whole day on those two tasks. If you give yourself a smaller window, chances are you’ll still meet the earlier deadline.
7. Learn when to say no
We have only so much energy in a day, and it wanes with the hours. To avoid half-baked work, know your limits and be willing to say no. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses. Focus on what you’re good at and, if possible, delegate what can be done better and faster by other people.
8. Avoid multitasking
The science is clear on multitasking: It cuts efficiency and can even be dangerous. According to the American Psychological Association, mental juggling involves “switching costs” that slash productivity. Although task switching might cost only a few seconds per switch, it adds up if you multitask frequently. Your risk for error also soars.
9. Keep things organized
You might need an organization makeover if any of these have happened to you:
The good news is that organization is a skill that can be learned. Start with the basics.
10. Use time management tools
Leverage these productivity and automation tools designed to boost productivity:
List of the best time management tools: