Marcello Burattini
Mentorship | Board Member | Business Development | Startups | New Ventures
Next five weeks we're going to talk about thinking empowerment not control. We're going to think investment, not spending. We're going to think possibilities, not problems. We're going to think inspiration, not motivation, this is how the best leaders think.
Let's go to part one of how the best leaders think.
Our minds are elastic. Over time, they grow, change, and evolve.
Neuroscience shows us that the more we think a thought, the more we create neural pathways.
So, if you don’t like where your thoughts are taking you, you can change the way you think. And for leaders, growing, evolving, and changing is mandatory.
You are a leader. You have influence. You have God-given strengths, burning passions, innovative ideas, and the ability and responsibility to impact a world desperate for hope and healing! Like never before, our world needs humble, confident, bold, and integrity-infused leaders.
Your leadership is always moving in the direction of your strongest thoughts. How you think will determine how you lead. The problem is, what you believe about leadership may be wrong.
Most people want to know “What do other leaders do?†While that’s not a bad place to start, the better question is “How do other leaders think?â€
These three steps will give you a lens for looking at how a great leader would think.
- Find a leader several steps ahead of you.
- Watch for where you push back the most.
- Be willing to be wrong.
“Leadership is never about title or position. Leadership is always about trust and influence.†—Craig Groeschel
Here are exercises you can do to grow as a leader—ask yourself and your team these questions:
- Are you willing to be wrong? What’s one area where you might need to challenge your thinking in order to grow, succeed, or see a perspective you might have missed?
- We all have a leader we admire and would love to learn from. Write down three questions you’d like to ask them about the way they think about leadership.
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