How to bell a mischievous cat in the room?
I was recently watching a Netflix documentary about social media addiction and other stuffs called “The social dilemma” which I found very interesting the way it just strengthened our basic belief that we are the puppets to media, rather social media.
There have been already lots of agenda , propaganda going on over social media giants about how one is addicted to it and how they need to control the urge to want to look at their phones every time the cell phone chimes and I feel that the way the ads are catered to an individual is what they are very much aware of. Say, you chat on whatsapp about planning a trip, the next moment you open your facebook and voila! the advertisement of trip planners are there on your screen.
There has been lots and lots of things going on with the governments of several countries and these social media giants. The best example of recent times is summoning the head of google and facebook in front of US congress. Governments are sometimes accused of tampering with faiths and influence people in voting or electing them in which these social media giants play very crucial role with respect to the reach they are having, or I must say currently they reach out to people more than the government can at any given point of time. To say that those apps have made a tool out of people would not be wrong, even I would need their help in circulating this article of mine to reach out to my fellow beings.
I am not very much sure how will I justify the less availability of information to the people in the world as a good thing or bad. For example , China/ North Korea- you only know what is happening in those countries as much as their government want you to know about. You can not even know if they massacre people in their country and they deny their citizens of human rights if they are adamant and don’t want you to know, which those countries are accused of time and again. It is the social media again which sometimes provide information that a government want to conceal.
I heard lots of people talking about ethical design to make it less addictive, now a days screen time feature of your phone notifies you about the time you spent on different apps during the day which we tend to ignore in a jiffy without even pondering that it is the reality, we could have done something better.
Lots of people are so drugged to fame rather ill repute that they go to any extent to malign image of someone, blaspheming etc. which might have very serious impact on society or the person. They just malign the image of a person sometimes for sake of getting famous which may have irreversible implication. But who cares they get infamous overnight and that’s what they always wanted.
I know I am not giving any solution here but just explaining the problem so that we can think in our heads about the solution. And the “solution” my friends will be different for everyone which they have to seek from themselves.
The time is high and apt, we need to think about and approach to tackle the mammoth else the end may be gorier than the actual catastrophe.