How being a Nomad has helped me become a better Entrepreneur.

How being a Nomad has helped me become a better Entrepreneur.

Traveling can't solve everything - and hardly is it ever the "answer."

It can, however, prepare you for a multitude of dynamics in life. And while I work a full 9-5, I've definitely had my fair share of entrepreneurial pursuits.

Here are the five thing I've found made me a better entrepreneur by being a nomad.

  1. It forces you to make decisions - Most people and entrepreneurs fail because they never start - but they are also bogged down by decision fatigue, and putting things off until it's too late. When you're a nomad, you're usually on a timer, so you don't have all day to decide where to go or what to do. Eventually you just have to pick something, somewhere and execute.
  2. You learn to value time - I usually spend a max of 1 month in any place I go. Enough to "live" there, and make friends, but obviously not enough to do everything. This means that every minute I have, counts. The limited schedule you have forces you to cherish every moment - You don't waste a second on things you don't want to do or don't find valuable. Think about this next time you're fighting over exactly what the logo should look like or not even starting at all - There is no time to waste.
  3. Letting go is second nature - If you're a consistent nomad, then you have to be a minimalist. You end up leaving clothes behind, giving away books, or lotions. You leave behind friends and people you grow to love. You just realize you can't take everything with you. The same applies for business - things will change, things are constantly moving. You have to be able to let go of what you initially thought was a "good idea" and migrate to what actually works.
  4. The "process" becomes the adventure - Going through any growing pains the first time is definitely not always fun. When you first travel, living in airports, wifi connections or water/power going out in Airbnb, loneliness, having to leave friends that you only just met, expenses, never having an ACTUAL place to call "home"...It can be tiring. But when things go right...they go right. You start to learn that what is all smooth-sailing is hardly ever a worth-while path. That with each strange situation, you sharpen your axe and are much prepared for the next to come your way. The process becomes and adventure and all part of the fun.
  5. You develop a "solution based" mindset - Out of all the things traveling teaches you - This is probably the most important one. You might have bed bugs, lose your ATM card, or get scammed! All of these are totally possible (and likely) to happen - Being a nomad and encountering these situations forces you to constantly be searching for solutions. At the end of the day, you don't have time to cry about the problem - you need a place to sleep, and you need money. You're going to find a way. The same goes with business - Too many people quit and give up because something is hard. They're only focusing on the problem. Learn to develop a solution-based mentality and you'll be able to pivot your business into success.

While I don't recommend everyone goes off and tries to be a nomad, it's clear to see the shift in environments is a strong foundation for anyone preparing to run a business, or handle just about any situation in life.

Do you want to work a remote job like me? Click for @talorlanes free masterclass (I wish I had this.)

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