How Being Conscious Saved My Family’s Life!
Walter R. Aguilar CPC, CORE Dynamics Specialist
Pioneer in the mind/energy connection to peak performance. One of the first 25 to become certified as a COR.E Performance Dynamics Specialist in the World by IPEC - Institute for Professional in Excellence in Coaching
Many times, people have said that you never know when your last day on this earth will happen. Today was a day like any other in my life as a parent to a special needs boy. Often his needs supersede our own and it can be very easy for me to get caught up in my thought world. Little did I know what was in store for me today.
My day began at 6:30am with a conversation with my mastermind partner, Marc. We chatted about my wanting to be more present today because it was going to be an emotional day. We would be taking our special needs boy to Canuck Place (a hospice and respite center) for some symptom management and then heading to see a specialist downtown to get clarity around some of his feeding issues. He has been struggling with gaining weight since he had had a life saving surgery back in September of last year.
Later at 9 am I had an opportunity to work on and get clarity around my power affirmations for the day at our mastermind zoom meeting. They ended up being:
I am focused
I am aware
I am creative
I am committed
I am action oriented
I am engaged
I am a great listener
I am curious
I am compassionate
I am fearless
I am all that!
Later that morning as we were driving to Canuck place my wife, Rayanne, had some anxious energy around the fact that we were expected for lunch at 12pm but would not get there until roughly 12:45 -1PM. Driving I became aware that I was feeling tired, so, I opened my window for some cold air to keep me alert on the way there. Rayanne was complaining about something or another but I just kept focused on the road and listened but did not make any comments on what she was saying. I instinctively knew engaging her at this time would just caused me to drop in my awareness and could affect my driving.
When we got to Canuck place, I helped unload my boy’s belongings and Rayanne met with the intake nurse to do some paperwork. I excused myself to the lunch room to eat lunch. I was very grateful they had put away a couple of food plates for us. Being able to eat really help increase my energy and I was aware of my consciousness increasing. Nothing like food, a nice cup of Java, and a couple of the special chocolate chips cookies to boost my spirits. I took time to listen to my affirmations I had recorded previously on my Iphone while I waited for her to complete the intake.
When Rayanne finally came down, we realized that we only had 20 min to make it to an appointment downtown Vancouver at St Paul’s hospital to meet a feeding specialist. Quickly, I loaded our boy in his wheelchair into the van and waited for Rayanne. As soon as she got in the van, her anxious energy became very evident as she frustrated and said to me, “ I was late last time and this Doctor doesn’t like that!”.
Normally I would take it personal and point out that we were late because I had been waiting for her. This would often lead to a verbal bump about how much each one of us has on their plates. This time however, I chose not to go there. I consciously chose to keep my peace and not take it personal.
Driving to the end of the block, I got to a stop sign and prepared to make a left unto a busy street called Granville Street. This a risky turn in the best of times, as cars seem to confuse this street for being a highway. As I was waiting for a gap in the traffic, I became aware of my wife’s frustration by her shorts breaths and the 2-3 minutes waiting must have seemed like an eternity to her. However, I was totally present and conscious in the moment and waited until an opportune time for a break in the traffic to occur.
Finally, a gap happened from the cars coming right to left. Consequently, only one car coming from my left slowly, so, I begin to inch forward as it seem like a logical time to move forward. Suddenly, something intuitive, whether it was a feeling, a flash in thought or just an instinctive reaction caused me stop and not go any further, even though the vehicle in the slow lane was slowing down to allow me to make the left turn. Not a few seconds later a car in the passing lane flew by beeping its horn at an excessive speed missing my front bumper what seemed like inches. It shook our van and distant sound of his horn let me understand how fast he had sped by. Had I trusted only my logic, and had been in my thought world, as I can sometimes be, I most likely would have moved forward to make the left turn. I would have received the full impact on my driver’s side or if had sped forward I would have been t-boned in the center of our van, where my boy in his wheelchair and my wife were sitting. After the car passed I made a safe left turn but was bit shaken by the event. I noticed that Rayanne was even unaware of what had just happened. Driving I began to visual what could have happened had I not been present in the moment. I or my whole family could have been killed or badly injured. My training as an iPEC coach and understanding holographic decision making; logic, feelings and intuitions(gut), along with taking time early in the day to make the intention to be present in my day, I believe helped me avoid a tragic and potentially fatal situation.
It got me thinking of how often many of us are not fully present and under stress reactions that distract us from being fully in the present moment. Today, I truly belief that God communicated to me through my intuition and because of my iPEC training, which helps to raise consciousness, I was able to respond and act in way that saved both my life and my family’s life. Being more conscious is not just about being more effective in the roles we inhabit here on earth but can literally save our lives. I know this because it saved mine and my family’s.