YouTube is the Now it is the 2nd most visited website in the world (with over 1.3 billion users) used for creating and sharing video content. YouTube is owned by Google who regularly promotes it in its search engine results. When a keyword is searched on Google, it automatically suggests any related videos as well.

 YouTube hosts the largest number of videos available in a single place on the internet. This makes it the number one source for video material for many people and it can also be an incredibly powerful social media marketing tool. You can hold your audience and people love to invest in You Tubers and YouTube partnerships.

How to become YouTube famous, well first you′ll need to get a camera like that, this camera will help you vlog and make videos.

After you′ve got a camera you need to pick what your videos are going to be about. I usually go and look at who′s got the most views on YouTube and copy their type of videos.

Avoid vlogs, doing vlogs will not make you famous, a lot of famous vloggers got picked up by a network and that′s how they gained fame.

You can do vlogs after you′ve started gaining fame. It’s recommended that you start doing something relating to advice, how to′s, tips, entertainment, news, talks, any of them topics.

Once you′ve picked what your videos are going to be about it′s time to start videoing - video loads.

You need to post 1 video a day every single day, you want to queue them so you don’t film them the day they release and you want to get it so you can focus just on videoing.

Below is an image of GT Bank on YouTube.

Follow the how to become YouTube famous guide to learn how to get loads of views quickly.


An article on “how to get famous on YouTube” shows us (steps to becoming famous on YouTube fast. Let’s Begin.

The process of becoming famous can be like starting a fire with a “bow drill.” You have seen a bow drill. It is like a miniature archer’s bow strung around a stick and then feverishly worked back and forth relentlessly until a spark ignites. At the instant of that flash, the small smoldering flame feeds on nurturing, controlled breaths of oxygen, carefully administered to avoid over-exposure, which could blow out the flame.

What appears to be instant fame on YouTube is most often the result of a dedicated effort exercised with the single-minded and consistent determination that it takes to create a spark from a bow drill. Listed below are tips that can serve as a guide to YouTube stardom.

Step 1:

Clearly define for yourself what you have to offer that is worthy of so much attention. If you are a singer you might have noticed that the category “non-singers” seems to be a shorter count than listing those in the world who count themselves as singers, so pick a great song. Neil Young has a bad voice, but his great songs drown out the missed high notes.

Having no talent should never really been a problem. Through the 1950s and 1960s one of the most famous people in the United States was Ed Sullivan, who had no discernible talent. He introduced talent on his variety show, and he carried out those introductions with an awkward, robotic cumber. Explore the back alleys of YouTube and offer to showcase any gems of talent, freaks of nature or quirks of personality you stumble on.

Step 2:

Secure access to a decent camera and editing software. The top 10 editing videos recommended by Tech hack are:

1.    You tube editor (PC/Mac Free) visit, recommended for short time usage, especially for people who have no editing software to use

2.    Movie Makers windows free for windows users, very basic and would do the job that you need to do such as addition of effects or transitions

3.    Imovie MAC fantastic video editing app, easy to use. Imovie is great if you are a Mac user. Highly recommended to start with.

4.    Lightworks (MAC/PC free) great free video editing app that can be downloaded and used on your windows or Mac.

Now Paid Applications:

5.    CAMSTASIA (MAC/PC Paid) is a bit pricey because not only does it perform as a good video editing program but also has the ability the record your computer screen. It is good for intermediate users who want more features that the basic free video editing program.

6.    SCREENFLOW (MAC Paid) if you’re a Mac user this is preferable to Camtasia. Screenflow is a fantastic video editor which also has the ability to record your computer screen like Camtasia. Easy to use and pretty affordable.

7.    MoviePlus X6 (WINDOWS Paid). Its powerful yet easy to use. Editing tools and studio quality effects would help you to create stunning movies in minutes. Burn HD videos to Blueray disc or DVD or upload your movies to the web and share them with friends, family or the world.

Professional video editors

If you want to go all out and get the most powerful video editing application you can have for your YouTube videos THEN CHECK OUT THESE TWO VIDEO EDITORS


This is one of the most powerful video editing applications for MAC and Windows, if you want the most features then think about going with this. It’s more difficult to learn but is one of the most popular professional videos editors available

9.    FINAL CUT PRO X if you are coming from Imovie its recommended use final cut pro instead of adobe premier pro just because you would probably find it more intuitive or familiar. Final cut pro X’s similar to Imovie and easier to learn

Below is an article We would like to share with you from


Well, the best editing software is the one that you know how to use. It can be any software, really. One that needs no manual to learn, I may add.

You probably want an intuitive, powerful, easy to use program, which imports most video formats (AVCHD - MTS, MP4, MKV, MOV, 3GPP2, etc), doesn't crash and works well even on your old laptop. Something that delivers professional results without headaches and no wasted time. If you want all that and more, any in the top 10 might be a good fit for you.

Now, imagine being excited for your next video and getting the recognition you deserve after you publish it. You can feel really good when you get that.

The list below contains the best video editors for beginners, amateur videographers, YouTubers but it's not limited just to that. You can download almost any of the ten and push it to professional levels since most programs have the proper tools that enable you to edit great videos. If you put a little work into it you can definitely become a professional video editor.

So have a look at the side by side comparison chart and view the different ratings. The best video editing programs for amateurs and consumers (Windows PC chart - works with Windows 10 as well):

1.                Cyber Link Power Director (+free bonus)

2.                Magix Edit Pro Plus

3.                Corel Video Studio

4.                Adobe Premiere Elements

5.                Sony Platinum Suite

6.                Sony Platinum Suite

7.                Video Pad

8.                AVS Editor

9.                Studio Pinnacle

10.           Sony Platinum

Here's the best part for you

You can turn professional and deliver professional results if you combine creative shooting and good storytelling. Consider this - if you're somewhat proficient with an editing program, you're already better than 99% of people who need to make a video. What you do is magic for them.

So it's not always about the software, it's about your work as well:

?       How you shoot

?       How you make the cuts

?       What music you add to you videos

?       Etc.

It is preferable to use a light software that doesn't need too much hardware resources but manages to edit HD (3D as well). And Magix does that.

Do you need an expensive camera to shoot good videos?

Hell no.

There's an explosion of DSLR cameras that shoot amazing video but they're not cheap and once you buy one, you'll find yourself buying more lenses and more accessories than you initially anticipated. Now, that's not bad if you want do to this as a pro.

But point and shoot cameras are catching up with better sensors and more complex functions - some compete with DSLRs on image quality.

Basically, if you want to learn video shooting and editing, you can start with affordable gear such as a compact camera and a simple to use, yet powerful, video editing software - Movie Edit Pro Plus in my case.

What you can do with a compact video camera?

If you shoot like you mean it - using a fluid head tripod, a slider and a stabilizer - you can get amazing results.

To get  results or even better, all you need to do is take your time.

Shoot the same scene a few times, try a different angle, move your camera, etc. Then, at the editing stage, do the same - find a good music track for your video, edit on music beats, cut short scenes, keep the video below 5 minutes, etc.

So you see, even without the best professional video editing software you can do a lot. I've been using a consumer program as my GoPro editing software and my skills improved dramatically. That's because every GoPro video editor has a lot of features that are cool yet they take some time to discover and master. But once you know the ins and outs of cutting videos you can totally rock it on YouTube. And that's a sweet position to be in.

It's no race so if you want to have a good watchable video - you want to get lots of views on YouTube, don't you? - take your time and do work to be proud of.

Success and good things

Imagine the amazement on your friends' faces when they see your new videos. Think about how cool it would be to actually make money with your videos.

Yes - it's possible. The internet allows people like you and me to live our passion and earn a living as well. You don't want to miss this opportunity. You are the star. Get on with it; pick any in the top 10 and start publishing your videos coz the world needs your awesomeness.

So buy your top software at no obligation today. Don't waste your time. Have fun with it. Claim your fame.

Other stuffs that you might want to get:

If you're serious about creating a career that involves video producing (YouTube vlogging, creating game play videos, interviews, etc.) or you simply want to make awesome home movies for your own pleasure, check out this list of resources on video gear (cameras), game capture cards and software:

  • Best Video Converter
  • Best Vlogging Cameras
  • GoPro Editing Software
  • Best Game Capture Card
  • Best Digital Voice Recorder
  • Best Screen Capture Programs

Step 3:

Be “camera ready” as often as possible. If something gets your attention, shoot it to show it. Insert yourself into the event through introduction or “on camera” commentary.

Step 4:

If you are bad at commentary but have a video worthy of comment, spend seventy-five or eighty dollars on a professional writer who is between jobs and working for rent money by writing web content. Just Google “content provider” for links.

Step 5:

If your voice is as unappealing as your commentary, Google “voice talent” and mime to the golden throated oratory of gifted vocal chords

Step 6:

If your face does not turn heads, use an attractive friend to mime the voice over of the commentary of the content provider, and keep in mind that your name might need modifying to a moniker with more appeal. At this point you would have created some sort of Avatar-stein, and if a small audience gathers you could expose the fraud under your real name and face, possibly gaining fame for the cleverness of your idea.

Step 7:

Get your videos in faces at other places. Put your videos on social network sites or as a response to popular videos on YouTube.

Step 8:

If you have the know-how, or cash to pay those who know how, produce an interactive video. Make use of the YouTube channel page.

Step 9:

Always be in the video, and maintain a consistency in your persona. If you are always in the process of “re-inventing yourself,” there is no familiarity for a fan base to become familiar with. Strike the balance between the tedium of “sameness” and the confusion bred by radical transformation.

In conclusion, beg, buy, but do not steal, whatever has appeal. Be outrageous, but do not outrage. Create a person or paste parts of people to your name. In the end, you picked the parts to create your own celebrity. You might choose to put yourself, alone, on stage to suffer the ridicule or bask in the appreciation of your entry into the lottery called “how to get famous on YouTube.

I hope you enjoyed reading this. Thank You. ;-)


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