How To Become Truly Consistent
Everyone knows (or at least?should?know) that consistency is THE key to success in any endeavor. But how can you become consistent? Is it really that hard?
That depends.
How hard do you think it is to pick up a new habit you don’t enjoy doing?
Whatever your answer was, that’s how hard it is for you to become consistent.
Because, ironically, consistency is just another habit.
If that doesn’t make sense to you, allow me to explain.
You see,?consistency comes from self-discipline.
The reason why people don’t stay consistent is that their emotions and whims end up getting the best of them.
It’s easy to say “I’m going to workout 3 times per week EVERY SINGLE week in 2023”.
But DOING that is a whole other beast. Because there will be one day in which you’re going to be feeling exhausted, in a bad mood, maybe your car is broken and your gym is far away and it’s raining heavily… etc.
The point is, there’s going to be at least a couple of days in which you’ll be feeling like the entire Universe is telling you “Don’t go today. It’s okay. Look at all the reasons you have not to go. You don’t even?want?to go. It’s fine. Just don’t go.”
When that happens, it is SO easy to accept defeat. It is SO easy to go back on your word. And it’s even easier to tell yourself “Oh, it’s just this one time”.
And it is THOSE moments of weakness that kill your consistency. Because whenever you allow obstacles to get the best of you, then you open a dangerous precedent.
And guess what?
If heavy rains were good enough of an excuse not to go this week, then next week your gym partner not going will also be enough of an excuse. And the following week, some other excuse will work too. Once you start giving in, it’s like you open up the floodgates and then try to put the water back in with your own hands — no matter how much you try, it’s not gonna happen.
The thing is, you shouldn’t see those days filled with obstacles as days in which the Universe is giving you an excuse. You should see it as a test. As a challenge you’re meant to conquer.
Why? Because the point of the test is to see just how much you want it. Just how committed you are to achieving your goal, whatever that goal may be.
That’s what separates successful people from non-successful people — how much they want it and what they’re willing to do to get it.
When it comes down to it, you need to?ignore?how you feel and understand that you just need to execute.
You don’t always need to feel good doing it. That’s not what consistency is about.
Consistency is merely doing something over and over again regardless of the changing circumstances.
If an unexpected thing comes up, the first thing your mind must start thinking is “Ok. How can I STILL do what I have to do, despite this enormous obstacle that just showed up?”
Let’s say you go to the gym and it’s closed. Oh no. Now what?
Here, most people would have a clear conscience and say “Oh, well. Not my fault, and nothing I can do”.
But being consistent isn’t about your conscience feeling guilty or not.
It’s about doing everything you can to stay consistent no matter what.
So, most people would just see it is closed and go home.
But someone who is truly committed to being consistent would figure out a solution.
They would first find out why it’s closed and whether it’ll open again on the same day.
If not, then they would either sign-up for another gym (if it’s financially viable) OR they would just try to find a nearby gym and ask them to “try it out” for a day.
A truly consistent person would seek a solution relentlessly. And if they couldn’t find one, then they would just work out at home. They would end up doing something close to what they had to do.
This is the mindset you need to stay consistent. The no-excuses-and-solutions-seeking-only mindset.
In conclusion, the underlying attribute you need to be consistent is?ignoring how you feel and doing what you must.
This is what self-discipline is based on.
And self-discipline is just a habit you pick up. That’s why I said earlier that consistency is just another habit.
It’s going to be hard to gain that habit, but if you can stick to it for at least 3 months, you will have gained that habit and everything will feel easier from that moment onward.
However, as I mentioned in my previous article about?How To Make a Daily Commitment To Yourself, the reason WHY you want to stay consistent is extremely important as well.
When the weaker side of you asks “Why go through all this effort and sacrifice? Why do all of this??”, you need to have a powerful answer to keep going.
But there’s one more thing…
The final piece of the puzzle is self-belief.
If you don’t really believe you can get in shape, you will be making it so much easier to quit trying.
Just think about it. Would Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant have worked out SO MUCH for SO MANY hours if they didn’t believe they could achieve AMAZING things?
Of course they wouldn’t. If they didn’t blindly believe in themselves, they would’ve felt like maybe they were wasting their time spending so many hours on the court.
If you lack self-belief you won’t stay consistent because you won’t believe that the sacrifice will eventually be worth it. So, before you start trying to be consistent, MAKE SURE you subconsciously believe you can achieve your goal.
Whatever it is you want, start now. Right now is the best possible time you have to start.
No excuses.
Never stop hustling & never stop dreaming,
- Dez
P.S. I’m a Success Coach and I’d be happy to help you stay consistent with your goals if you think you could use some help! You can check out my official website? more information