How to become ten feet tall like Alice by being yourself without apology or explanation.

How to become ten feet tall like Alice by being yourself without apology or explanation.

The battle starts when you answer the knock on the door, follow the white rabbit, and decide you will do the hard work to find your own lane on the Red Pill Pathway.

Think of Alice in the dream as she stood face to face with madness, tyrants, and crazy people in triumph as an adventurer like Neo facing whatever must be faced directly.

Monty Python got it right as the Search for the Holy Grail is a hilarious fool's errand that's ripe for parody as histories court jesters poke fun at seriousness, folly, and ignorance.

Becoming who you are meant to be is part of the work which any original creator such as John Cleese did as part of his own path which included breaking all the rules at the BBC.

Think of your life, job, and approach to creating the business experience of your dreams.

Are you stuck believing in rules that don't serve you?

Do you believe the people on Cable TV believe in the opinions that they are arguing about?

Has the creator economy become a marketing project seeking popularity taking you off the path to adventure, original creation, and not becoming authentic to win but being real?

Do you think that the TEDx stage formula, renting a tux, and following the script is your ticket to fame, fortune, and popularity?

Nobody who won the game, created opportunities that mattered, or made an impact on the world that lasted started with a method that includes copying the creator of that method.

Are you stuck in that loop?

Here's the pathway to success.






Tune in as they said back in the hippie days.

That stage ended.

Don't copy originals.

What does life feel like?

What is possible for you?

Do you know?

Be careful what you wish for as you will get everything that is possible and more if you make one simple decision.

Refuse to conform.

Dip a toe into the water.

Take one small risk daily for seven days.

Your life will automatically change because you are paying attention to yourself now.

Dive into the deep end like me and end up bloodied by the concrete.

The approach does not matter.

Life does not require an instruction manual.

You already know the answer.

We've got one inside our genetic code.

LIke Neo you grow by following the rabbit into the nightclub.

Your version of that is your business.

It will be perfect for you.

You will be afraid.

You must be overwhelmed.

You will emerge in triumph.

Then fall harder.

Welcome to a life of adventure.

Given the choice let's put The Matrix into the context of what's happening this year inside the world that we consider our sparring partner, extraction opportunity, or life experience.

What is The Matrix?

What is the genetic code?

Why does knowing matter?

Getting what you want in life requires something that most do but few refuse to embrace as a dominant lifestyle choice given what's required to sustain what's necessary to live this way.

Acceptance of total and absolute freedom as your birthright.

Camus got it right.

Picasso now hated by many who do not understand art dived in head first.

Tyler, the Creator offers the modern world simple words in song, beat, and rhyme while many pay for escape rooms without keys hiding in Ibiza, hierarchy, or ayahuasca retreats.

Inside the safe confines of familiar millions fool themselves blocking the truth of their true nature looking for a dark corner inside societies chinese traps such as Meta Cortechs.

Many freed from what they find not liberating confuse liberation with adopting another costume identity on the now well trodden hippy trail that would be scorned by Ken Kesey.

Liberation comes out of the pain of life directly experienced as a creator of life rubbing against the raw energy of the world not hiding inside somebody's dream realized.

"I'm a 19 year old F*** emotional coaster with pipe dreams."

Pure freedom comes from the expression of truth not figuring out how to get spiritual.

"These motherf**ers think I'm supposed to live up to something?"

Desire for freedom comes when you don't have a pathway.

"Like I didn't make Parade or Inglorious."

Did Tyler market himself on social media pursuing popularity?

What if you could be like Tyler, Patti Smith, or me and live an honest direct life crashing into the pain of the world on your own terms regardless of your personal and financial situation?

You can't be like any of us.

Being yourself means exactly that but fully without explanation or apology.

That's the damn point.

"Sometimes I just wanna die."

Me too Tyler.

The pain turned into triumph when I got deeper into the song inside myself that came out in the form of transmuted rage, anger, and frustration.

The beginning of liberation starts with the decision to become liberated.

Embracing death leads onto the pathway.

It's not what it seems.

Do you have what it takes to live a real life?


Do you have what it takes to become invincible?


Do you have what it takes to enjoy the flow of prosperity?


What is the difference between pain and joy?


What is the pathway to freedom in our society?

Watch the party scene in the wildly popular movie version of Wicked.

Will they laugh?

If you are lucky you will be humiliated long enough to know why you feel humiliated.

That's a great start.

Realize that you created the humiliation experiment to evolve your perspective, expand your boundaries, and gain a deeper feeling of invincibility.

Notice that the more rejection comes in the hall of funhouse mirrors inside your complex mind that partitions exist that like old computers in my experience never got set up right.

Watch those separate compartments open as floods of ideas emerge from what were useless opinions, arguments, and debates that had nothing to do with anybody but you.

As the processes unfold it gets not only easier but joyful as real life never disappoints like catching an object of desire in the form of another person, wealth, or experience.

I've been with beautiful women that I didn't care about, had money in the bank that didn't matter, and tasted the top echelon of societies pleasures knowing that it's not the same.

Having those things is besides the point. I'm married to a "hottie" my age, live in a highly desirable community, and would never say something as stupid as money doesn't matter.


Success matters to me and it should to you as well.

The question is to define what that means to you and do whatever it takes against all odds to create that as your daily life experience sacrificing nothing to get whatever you want.

They will judge themselves projecting onto you the contents of their mind for you to notice, observe, and use for your own purposes if you slow down enough to not be triggered back.

Will you laugh back?

Will you lecture them?

Will you ignore confusion?

That's your decision.

"I'd gnash my teeth at them...I was simply frightening sparrows in vain, and pleasing myself with it...Afterward I'll certainly gnash my teeth at myself and suffer from insomnia..."

Dostoevsky would be my first choices to run a workshop with on how to deal with trolls on social media and popular celebrities who confuse fame with success.

Without running the gauntlet and ignoring the popular kids you will never arrive anywhere regardless of how much wealth, fame, and popularity you extract from the society.

What's at the top of Meta Cortechs?

Tyler, The Creator and an army of Liberation Mechanics coming into the world.

The top of the mountain life goes to those who don't climb other people's dreams.

I'm not a Black Man.

I'm an old Jew.

I don't feel old however.

That's because I live like a Black Swan.

From this vantage point it's easy to notice a flotilla of them all over social media despite the marketing clutter, confusion, and poseurs who got rich and don't know why they won.

My life is a dance between pain and joy with both fully embraced in gratitude.

Does anybody trapped inside the friendly and safe confines of Meta Cortechs feel this sense of exhilaration and freedom that I feel on a daily basis?

Yes, of course.

The destination, form, and condition matters not at all but rather the awareness of your intent, why you are there, and what you want out of the place.

Life is an inside job even when you feel completely disconnected from your inside.

Many of us don't know an inside exists.

That's not relevant.

All that matters is simply what a man from underground told a society as confused as this modern world about the reality of life writ large in a society we consider our enemy.

"I am a sick man...I am a wicked man. An unattractive man. I think my liver hurts."

Being awake does not mean being woke.

It's not the result of a seminar on how to become awake.

Neither does it come with a burst of creativity after the seminar, art class, or coaching program on how to become a person.

"It's a burden for us even to be men - men with real, our own bodies and blood; we're ashamed of it, we consider it a disgrace...We're stillborn, and have long ceased..."

The biggest crime against humanity is not to shoot somebody on the street by accident.

The crime is to not notice life, take risks, and be yourself in the world.

Dostoevsky learned how life works on vacation in Siberia courtesy of the authorities.

Was that an accident?

How did Tyler learn?

Patti Smith?

Why do the legends get to have all the fun.

Take it from an old Jewish guy from Chicago who bet his future security on a dream that started with a small idea and found something bigger than he realized existed.

The answers inside uncovered surprise.

Open your mind, emotions, and body to the dark void of the inner self.

There is no need or possibility to gain access on your terms.

It's not possible to plan this journey.

Wake up Woke.

Shut down your overlying active mind seeking answers.

Open yours hater of snowflakes.

Perhaps you are one more than you realize.

Nobody melts by admitting and owning truth regardless of historical hatred, bias, and animosity.

Original sin is an illusion created by small and confused minds not ready for reality.

Being antifragile, unbreakable, and invincible must be earned through trial by fire and eventually immersion into a plane that does not allow for complain and blame games.

Knowing how to win at all costs matters to those who live in the real world.

For some of us it's no longer necessary as opportunity, enjoyment, and meaning replace the desire and craving for victory over ourselves and others in the plane of experience.

Those like me don't give a fig as Dostoevsky well knew was his condition as too much consciousness in a society with less historically does not make one a popular figure.

No hierarchy means exactly that as your spiritual elevation experiences mean nothing to me when your blind eye to the plague of specialness clouds your third eye open vision disclarity.

Safety in crowds does not make for a real life well lived.

What does is to stand against the elite in Manhattan who decided that you don't belong, run for President, win the first time, get crushed again, and then do it again without apology.

Good people stuck in safe lives judge original creators from the couch.

Being one does not make you a Liberation Mechanic. That takes another leap where the grail gets served rather than chased as if it belong to one group who claims it by force.

Throw stones at the temple.

Break down the walls.

You will be stuck behind enemy lines.

The enemy within you must be defeated before you matter in a society ready for a firmware update the likes that has never before been witnessed in the history of humanity.

All lives matter at the end.

They, them, and theirs join at the party on your own accord and volition.

Require me to put he and him on my card and I'm leaving the room.

It's my life.

Truth arrives inside in a wave that at inflection points breaks through the damm of division caused by split minds at war with imaginary foes such as Agent Smith.

Those who stand up and claim their place outside the hierarchy of lies, deceit, and confusion no longer opposing any other group that matters get to create this new world.

The rest will follow us as nobody will be left behind on the real time table as it exists.

Rise Liberation Mechanics.

The year is written in the genetic code that houses our destiny.

Will you join us?

The army will be global.

Billionaires, young people, and those with nothing will join as equals.

No stages.

No audiences.

No hierarchies.

Leadership must be earned.

There is no cost for admission.

You will pay in blood, sweat, and tears if you are broke and we will make money today.

If you want support the investment will be worth its weight in gold.

The world of overnight success platitudes will disappear.

Embrace real, love the hurt, and prosperity flows into your mind, heart, and being.

Becoming ends as being becomes your state of experience.

Your right to join the human race remains inviolable.

George Washington built a little house at Mt. Vernon.

The world beat a path to its door.

It was cold, drafty, and slaves supported his family in comfort in his ancestral home.

From humble beginnings greatness germinates as a Caste system remains vulnerable to collapse as original creators prepare to take ownership of what is rightfully their property.

From not owning your own body to creating our culture appropriated using the word we turns into prosperity for those formerly in the shadows the world turns on its axis.

You don't think this will happen?

Look around at your own market, industry, and company.

Take a peek inside your own family.

What about the neighborhood.

Look past the echo chamber if you happen to live inside one completely confused by opinions that bounce off the walls unheard by anybody paying attention.

The great escape already happened.

Many of us have been on this journey for years if not most of our lives.

Millions joined globally during the pandemic.

Do you live in the middle of nowhere?

That place no longer exists.

The world is split into factions, hierarchies, and divisions that don't exist to anybody who peeks under the covers where the gold waiting for alchemical transmutation lies.

It's simpler than you think.

The answer will surprise you.

It's not something that I will ever be able to share.

I tried and that foolish path got me to liberation up in a storm in the Western Sky.

Back on Earth life feels simple, clean, and easy.

What is your destiny?

You don't need to know.

The beginning is one step off the path and onto the pathway into virgin snow.

Take it now before it's too late.

This train left the harbor.

The leap comes in an instant.

Blink and the opportunity vanishes.

My mind adopted the greatest lie of all as an inner truth that drove my life, led to success, and got me what I wanted time and time again.

That included money, travel, and experiences of a sort that most human beings rarely dive into deeply and carve out a lane of this sort on their own terms.

What I found after returning home is that home exists inside. I've been in the Chicago area the entire time but travelled the universe time and time again exploring everything.

The last mile came toward the end of this year and into the present one. How to exist in the human experience inside society not feeling like the Wicked Witch of the West.

At the end of the first Matrix Neo reborn after an epic battle with Agent Smith won by no longer fighting against the thoughts inside his own being and returning to origin.

That happened to me almost two years ago now.

It was another illusion.

Truth came in relationship with an inner circle of love that includes other people who are in my life.

Being not becoming in my experience came not after the epic battle but rather surrendering into the human condition as an ordinary member of society doing extraordinary feats.

What's it all for turned into a naive not necessary to answer question.

We've known the entire time.

The Matrix is an illusion but it's our magic trick.

We've got to take care of it.

The firmware update has been ongoing for as long as humans existed to create this part of a much bigger experiment beyond our need to know as it's not relevant or important to view.

My role is to support the firmware update required now that the modern mind reached its limits and exhausted its capacity to evolve or elevate humanity into what's coming next.

As that noble Russian wrote we reached the Wall.

Leading in a small capacity feels possible, exciting, and right. I'm an original entrepreneur. I wanted to be in a rock band or travel the world. Instead, I got to come home to myself fully.

The Rise of the Liberation Mechanics is not my project. It's part of a bigger vision beyond my paygrade, need to know, or ability to conceptually understand.

As Bruce Lee taught me along with many others being water is a useful role despite feeling the past few years that there was no place on Earth that would ever feel like home.

Red Pill Pathway offers anybody who wants to become or is a successful entrepreneur, coach, or service provider space inside the campus as an equal member with benefits.

The first step is to claim your guest pass. Then hang out with us at no cost for five days if you like the experience. For those too busy, not ready, or unclear check out our content.

If you want to know what I'm selling the programs page provides details. For those with big ideas, problems to solve, or fellow travellers meet in my office on campus.

Louisa Jovanovich

Founder at Connect With Source

1 个月

Love your posts. So powerful

Mike Jones

?? Free "Sell on LinkedIn" Training ? LinkedIn Agency Owner ? LinkedIn SaaS Founder ? Over 12 years doing Social Selling

1 个月

I'm excited to see your focus an opinion of being and entrepreneur in this day and age Larry Kaul


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