How to Become a Python Back-End Developer... ?? B.Praveen Kumar
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I learned Python a few months ago and didn’t know how to become a back-end developer using Python. I knew that I should have learned Django, but at that time, all the tutorials and courses available on the Internet seemed overwhelming for me.
If you are in a similar situation and you want to become a Python back-end developer, then keep calm and follow along with this article. I will try to help you to be successful in your journey to become a back-end Python developer by providing some tips and learning resources.
I tried to avoid a lot of technical terms so that even absolute beginners will be able to follow this article.
So, for all of you who are busy, let me answer your query within a few sentences and later I will explain the steps in detail.
How to become a python backend developer?
To become a Python backend developer, first of all, you need to learn the fundamentals of Python language. Then, you need to learn either Django or Flask, which are the web development frameworks of Python. You should learn some basic database management concepts. Also, you need to have a basic understanding of front-end technologies.
Now, all those who don’t have enough time are gone. You are staying here because you want to learn more, get some useful tips and desperately want to become a backend developer. So let’s continue.
Learn the Basics of Python
I know this step is too obvious. Sorry for boring you if you already know Python and feel free to skip this. But I can’t go forward without mentioning this step because this article is aimed at the beginners. Even if you don’t know the basics of Python, don’t worry. Because we are talking about one of the easiest programming languages in the world.
So, learn the fundamentals of the language. Now, how to learn Python? If you have less time, you can learn the basics within weeks by learning from video courses available online.
Knowledge of Frontend Frameworks
If you have some knowledge about the frontend web technologies, that will be very helpful while learning the backend frameworks. You need to have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS and a little bit of Javascript. Most of the time, the backend developer might require to deal with some frontend technologies as well.
At some companies, both the frontend and the backend are handled by the same developer. They are often called full-stack developers. So, if you master the frontend technologies along with the backend technologies, you can become a full stack developer and you will have a lot more career opportunities.
Backend Frameworks in Python
There are mainly two Python backend frameworks for web development. They are Django and Flask. You can pick up any one of them and use the framework for web development. Let me try to explain a bit about both of them.
Flask is a micro web framework of Python. It is so-called because it does not need particular tools or libraries. It is a very simple framework and you can learn it very easily compared to Django. If you want to learn Flask, check this YouTube playlist of Flask tutorials by TheNewBoston.
I suggest you to first learn Flask and then move to Django. If you don’t want to learn Flask, then that is okay. You can directly learn Django. I recommend Django over Flask because Django is the most used Python web framework. Also, there are a lot of jobs available if you are a Django developer compared to jobs related to Flask. But, Flask is so simple. So, you can try it out as well.
Now, let’s talk a bit about Django.
It is a free and open-source Python framework. It is a popular framework and even NASA uses it to do their projects. But learning Django is a bit more difficult to learn compared to Flask. It requires certain files to be placed in certain folders and certain rules to be followed while writing the code.
So, you need to do some projects to get better at Django. At first, It may seem overwhelming but after doing some projects and gaining some experience, you will become better at it.
While doing backend development, you need to deal with the database as well. So, it is important to learn any one of the database technologies like MySQL, MongoDB, Postgresql, Sqlite3, etc. Most of the Django courses teach database concepts as well.
Your first project in Django probably will use sqlite3. Sqlite3 is a simple file-like database and most operating systems will support it. Later, you can move on to the more popular and complex databases.
One cool thing about Django is that you do not need to create an admin interface for your web application if you are using Django. Django has a built-in admin interface and you can use it for your projects. This is an important feature as it saves a lot of development time.
I didn’t find a good video course on Django at first. for me, it was all over the place and I didn’t know what to learn. then I found the Back End Development with Django course by Hitesh Choudhary at This is not a free course. You have to pay a little bit of money to get this course. However, it is worth an investment.
If you do not want a paid course, then check out this free Django video course by Justin Mitchell, who is the founder of Coding For Entrepreneurs. You can check out his YouTube channel for more Django tutorials.
Also, you can check out the Django Girls Tutorials, which is yet another very valuable free tutorial (in text format).
Learn Django from any of these resources or from anywhere else and build some cool projects. Create a portfolio of your projects and put your code on platforms like GitHub (you can try GitLab if you hate Microsoft).
Once you become confident in Django, then it is time to apply for jobs. You can apply for a Python backend developer position at various companies. You can go to your favorite company’s website and check their careers page to see if there are any open positions available for a Django developer.
Also, if you like to work for yourself and not for a company, you can become a Python freelancer. Go to popular platforms like Upwork and Freelancer and create your profile there.
There are plenty of jobs available online on these platforms so that you can apply for them and land your clients. Then, you can be flexible in terms of your job location and timings. You can charge these clients at an hourly rate. An average Python freelancer earns more than 50$ per hour.
You can also work as a consultant and charge a lot more hourly rate when you become an expert in your field. There is an ocean of opportunities and the possibilities are endless. So start your learning journey right now!
If you have any doubts regarding this article, feel free to ask your queries in the DM section. I will be happy to help you.
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Hi, I’m B.PRAVEEN KUMAR. I’m a Computer Science and Engineering graduate who is passionate about programming and technology. Linkedin is the place where I nerd out about computer programming. On this place, I share all the things I learn about programming as I go.