How to Become a PHP Developer?
Ankita Sharda
Senior Human Resource Executive || Hired for Adidas & KPMG (ex-clients) | MBA, Talent Acquisition- Corporate HR.
There is a large number of programming languages out there, with each one offering its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this article we will cover the following topics that will help you take a step closer to becoming a PHP developer:
- What is PHP?
- What is a PHP developer?
- PHP developer roles and responsibilities
- Web development tools
- Skills required to become a PHP developer
- PHP developer salary
- Future of PHP
- How to become a PHP developer?
Let’s get started.
What is PHP?
According to the PHP’s website: “PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML.”
The server executes the PHP code, and then the client receives the generated HTML. It’s a relatively simple language for a newbie to learn. That simplicity doesn’t preclude an impressive number of advanced features that any experienced professional programmer will appreciate.
Fun fact: PHP used to stand for Personal Home Page, but that name ran the risk of pigeonholing the language, so it was changed. Sometimes, it’s all about the packaging!
What is a PHP Developer?
Quite simply, a PHP developer is a professional who develops applications, programs, and websites, using the dynamic scripting language called PHP. Sounds easy enough, right? Sometimes, PHP developers are referred to by more generic titles like “software developer” or “web developer.” However, PHP developers are just a specialized subset of the developer position.