How to become more productive
I've completed 2 edX courses within the last year and prioritised my health. I go to church on Sundays, something I wasn't able to do whilst in hospital. Practising a faith can really give you peace of mind.
One of my addictions is music. So now I have developed tactics to get the most out of each day. For instance I always make sure I shave and shower in the morning. I always practice good hygiene and get plenty of sleep. In actual fact a day isn't really 24 hours for us to live, it is only 24 hours in duration. Some of that time is spent asleep.
Chores such as doing the dishes are worthwhile and can bring increased motivation.
If you want to relax by watching television or going out then do it after you have completed studying or working on your projects. The same goes for music.
You can always find time after your work to do something, but it's critical you don't turn this the other way round. Otherwise, you will wind down the clock until bedtime and have wasted the day.
I'm currently studying an edX course and have completed 99% of the course content.
The exam will be tough but the staff on the forum are highly supportive.
#Motivation #Pomodoro #Mathematics #Studying #Studytips #Success #Simple