How to become a more effective leader in 2024!
Being on Mission News Update

How to become a more effective leader in 2024!

We at Being on Mission believe you need to reflect weekly on what you are proud at and what is still difficult, in orde to focus, grow and celebrate success all year long.

Reality is that the whole world looks back and plans forwards mostly in this time of the year. So probably you are also busy right now finishing your to do list for 2023 and planning KPI's and budgets for 2024.

Risk is that you will forget about the development of your people. who you need to realize all the set targets. Let me tell you something:

Effective leaders always give priority to the development of themselves and their team(members)!

They spent their full (personal) development budget and plan training, team- and coaching sessions far ahead.

So take 5 minutes to become more effective:

  1. Did you spent your full people development budget for 2023? If so is the result what you expected or do you need to do some follow up? If not make it a priority to spent it and combine it with the 2024 budget to create optimal training and coaching opportunities for yourself and your team (members).
  2. Look back; what are you proud of and what is still hard looking at yourself as a leader?
  3. Look forwards and define your main leadership challenge for 2024! What can help you to become successfull in achieving this challenge?
  4. Find training needs and search for programs and/or coaching for yourself and your team to support your challenge.
  5. Check the agenda of the helpful leadership programs, block agenda's and book open courses and team sessions far ahead.

Let me tell you another interesting fact on effective leaders:

Effective leaders see, affirm and utilize talents

You might think there is no time to do this, to give a compliment or to tell somebody what they do is really special, but trust us the pay back is endless.

Still not convinced? Watch this video (Dutch spoken but the visuals say everything and you can subtitle in English on Youtube):

Our end of year contribution to make you a more effective leader:

To stimulatie you to give priority to your people and their growth we:

  • Offer a split invoice to still use the rest of your 2023 budget and a part of the 2024 budget if you book before December 31th
  • On top of that we offer 10% discount to all open courses and team- or incompany sessions booked before Januari 31th


Warm regards,

Mark, Nicole, Claudia, Axel, Margaret, Jolanda, Raoul and Patrick

Nicole Loeffen

Leadership | Change | Result | Awareness | Happiness | Success | Effectivity as Coach | Workshop Facilitator | Moderator | Speaker | Author | Guide For Individual - Team - Company

11 个月

Het enige budget dat je altijd volledig moet uitnutten is het (persoonlijk) ontwikkelbudget, leerde ik ooit van een RvB lid bij ABN AMRO. Eerlijk gezegd heb ik zelf lang mijn werk voor laten gaan en dat dus zelf niet altijd gedaan, maar als manager kregen mijn mensen wel alle kansen. Nu als zelfstandige besteed ik jaarlijks flink veel tijd en geld aan mijn eigen ontwikkeling. Want als ik anderen groei wil bieden dan is mijn eigen groei daarvoor voorwaardelijk. En toch zie ik dat de ontwikkeling van mensen vaak niet op de eerste plaats komt, behalve bij effectieve leiders. Die begrijpen dat je je doelen alleen met je mensen kunt behalen en dat er dus ook tijd en aandacht voor ontwikkeling en groei dient te zijn! Hoe effectief ben jij als leider?



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