How Not To Become A Linkedin Spammer
Lorraine Duncan
Linkedin Super Ninja / CEO of Biz Gone Social & RestorationNinja Marketing / Podcast Host/ Serving Home Service & Restoration Companies to Generate more Leads/Social Media Speaker & Trainer / Author of Shout It Out!
LinkedIn is a great way to connect with other professionals in your field, but it can be difficult to know when it's appropriate to reach out.
So what is the "S" word on LinkedIn? S stands for spam. Spamming others on LinkedIn is never okay, and if you're doing it, you need to stop immediately.
Just this morning I got a connection request from someone who wanted to connect with me. And their note said "I will do Facebook marketing, fix ad account issues and run conversion ad. If you want to hire a freelancer then feel free to knock me at". Obviously, this person did not even look to see what I do for a living—they just saw that I'm in the same industry as them and sent out an invite without even reading my profile! This is just one example of what not to do.
If you want your connections on LinkedIn to be meaningful, get to know each other first! Don't just randomly send out invites without knowing anything about their background or interests; take the time to get to know them before asking them if they'd like more information about something specific that they could benefit from using your services or products.
If this blog is able to help you in any way in your Linkedin connections, I consider it time well spent. And if you don't find this useful, at least share it with others that you know may need a friendly reminder about how to connect with people on Linkedin. Everyone is always welcome to share this blog so we all can be better networkers.