How to Become a Leader Who Inspires the Best in Others

How to Become a Leader Who Inspires the Best in Others

People sometimes talk about whether leaders are born or made.

That’s a little like asking if athletes are born or made. It’s absolutely true that some athletes seem to have unique kinesthetic talents. Or their bodies process oxygen or lactic acid more efficiently.

But athletes still need to show up and do the work. The most naturally gifted athletes in the world will never be competitive (or even in shape) if they don’t try.

Similarly, leaders – at least the ones that people are willing to follow –?are made. Or, perhaps more specifically, self-made. The ability to lead people well over time comes from choices that only the leader can make.

The Three Core Attributes of Leaders Who Others Want to Follow

Leaders, effective leaders, come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Some are gregarious. Others reserved. They might lean in different ways: big picture strategic thinkers, active doers, people people, or diligent executors and operational wizards.

All can be effective. In fact, all three will be effective at the executive level if they get these three things right:

  • They embrace leadership: Too many people in leadership roles don’t lead. Leadership, frankly, is tiring and takes a lot of work. Being a “boss” or autocrat isn’t leadership. Engaging the will of people in a common direction is.

Many people view the role of “leader” as the next rung in the ladder – a reward or a position earned. They don’t always see leadership as something that only exists through action and in relationships.

The best leaders actively inspire a compelling vision amongst their team. They are cultural architects and role models. They engage their people. They accept that the path to excellence is often on the other side of discomfort.

They work at leading.

  • Servant leaders: People who end up in senior roles are often motivated, ambitious, and drivers. They get things done. The question is for who?

The best leaders are primarily motivated to serve others. They focus on delivering value to others. Or helping their team or organization reach their highest level. This focus on serving others translates into the attitudes and behaviors which generate sustained success.

It’s easy for a leader’s motivation to shift towards self-centeredness. A focus on their own vision, legacy, goals, advancement, etc. When this happens, a leader’s attitudes and behaviors shift from being generative to parasitic.

It’s not either-or. Leaders are all on a scale – some leaning more one way than another. The difference shows up most obviously in results. Do the people around them grow? Do those people become more able, confident, and independent than they were before? Do they accomplish positive results that “stick?” These are all signs of servant leadership.

  • Vision: Leaders lead to what they see. They can’t lead if they have nowhere to go. Whether this vision is generated by the leader or the leader pulls it out of those they lead – leaders have vision.

They clarify it. They communicate it. They catalyze action around it. Anyone claiming to be a leader, but doesn’t have vision, only fills the seat of leadership.

Why It Matters

It can be easy for leaders, especially executives, to get sucked into the weeds of their job. Often they drift towards a part of the job that they enjoy the most or are the most skilled at.

It’s easy for executives to end up being glorified business developers or HR managers or operations directors or financial directors. All of which can be valuable roles.

As a test – think of a healthy, vibrant organization that has a track record of sustainably growing. Here’s what you will see:

  • The leaders of those organizations are actively doing the work of leadership. They’ve embraced it.
  • They lean towards serving vs seeking to be served.
  • They exude vision.

These aren’t just platitudes. Or “nice-to-haves.”

If you aren’t sure – flip it. Can you think of a healthy, vibrant organization with a track record of sustainable growth led by a leader who:

  • Is inactive, absent, or lost in the weeds?
  • Insists on being the “the boss” or maximizing their perks?
  • Has no vision, no sense of direction, and communicates no purpose?

You can’t, can you?

How Are You Doing?

To what degree do you believe you:

  • Embrace leadership as a responsibility and role?
  • Provide servant-hearted leadership?
  • Have and communicate a clear and compelling vision on a regular basis?

Take good care,


Let’s connect.

I’m passionate about helping leaders to create workplaces they love going to and increasing the value of the services they offer. My results-oriented approach is tailored to each client’s specific situation and needs.?As a leadership coach, I have developed a wealth of resources to help you and your team grow and become stronger.

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Free Resource:?How To Accomplish More Without Doing More?is a workbook I created to walk leaders through a process of helping you own your calendar, liberate your time, and still get more done.?Download it for free!

Executive and Leadership Coaching:?Do you feel overwhelmed? Are you not getting the results you expect from the effort you are putting in? Do you find yourself facing similar challenges time and time again? Would you like to change specific ways of relating or reacting? If you would like to experience predictable, measurable growth?Contact me.

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  • Curious about what your business might be worth?
  • Would you like to discover the specific steps you need to take to increase its value and become highly attractive to a buyer?
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