How to become invisible?
Pravin Agrawal ????
?! Founder, SIndia! ???? ???? ?? JSK! LOVE??You are under cctv surveillance!
How to become invisible?
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About the Author
Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.
You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.
Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.
It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.
Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends.
His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!
His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.
In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search about them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.
Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.
But this knowledge was lost with time.
Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.
Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!
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21 February 2025
Don't Think That My Work Is For Me-
Any work of Pravin published in Social Media or any other place is not for the use of Pravin.
It has been shared only for you, only for the public for their reading, for their use.
Tomorrow these websites may be closed. Pravin may close his account.
Then you may not find these works. Hence the wise person is one who keeps its copy or who gets it printed.
Pravin doesn't need all these writings as he has already fulfilled the aim of life.
Some of the writings of Pravin are based purely on his divine experience, hence it may not be available in any scripture.
All the writings of Pravin have been created only for you. It is up to you, how you keep it preserved for your use.
Pravin doesn't want any popularity or reward from all these writings as he thinks they have been created by the blessings of beloved Krishna.
Hence praise the lord only.
Jai Shri Radha Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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27 December 2023
How to Finish Ignorance?
Hi Friends,
The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.
Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?
Why so much evils in the world?
It is due to ignorance.
If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.
Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-
Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-
Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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25 March 2023
Don't consider my posts like poem
*My posts are not merely!
Like poems!
They are based on!
Actual truth!
Which is encountered!
At different levels of knowledge!
*Almost my all posts!
They are based on actual truth!
That is a universal truth!
At different levels of knowledge!
*I have no ability to write!
Whatever I can write!
Whatever I can do!
That is due to my Krishna!
*Almost my all posts!
They have been created!
As per my thoughts!
Blessed by Sri Krishna!
*Hence they are not mine!
They belong to Sri Krishna!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-
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8 June 2023
How to become invisible?
*You are son of God!
God is invisible!
Hence you can also become invisible!
*Truly speaking!
You are not body!
You are Atma, Soul, Self!
*Body is your tool!
You work through body!
You are already invisible!
You have to know this truth!
*Once you know this truth!
You will become invisible!
While living in this world!
*For this you have to practice!
For some years!
After some time!
You will see!
You are invisible!
*This is one of the oldest knowledge!
Of ancient India!
This is king of all knowledge!
This is most secret, sacred knowledge!
*Two things are required!
If you want to gain this knowledge!
Abhyasa and Vairagya!
In English-
Practice and detachment!
*Practice and detachment required!
For some years!
And you will see!
You are invisible!
*What practice is required?
You have to practice!
You are invisible Soul, Atma, Self!
You are infinite Chaitanya!
You are infinite Sat Chit Anand!
You are infinite Consciousness!
Thus you have to forget!
Your body and comfort of body!
*Do against your body!
Do against your mind!
For some years!
Thus you can win!
Your body and mind!
*See everyone invisible Soul!
See invisible God inside them!
Don't see their body!
Practice for some years!
*And after some years!
You will see!
You are invisible!
You are Soul, Atma, Self!
*Truly speaking!
Things which are visible!
They don't exist!
Things which are invisible!
They only exist!
*Things which can be sensed!
They are called visible!
Things which can't be sensed!
They are called invisible!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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7 June 2023
You are all pervading
*You are Chidakasha!
You are infinite Chinmay Sky!
You are invisible Chaitanya!
You are Sat Chit Anand!
You are True Consciousness!
You are everywhere like air!
You are without a break!
*Same is the case with me!
Same is the case with you!
*You are solid like diamond!
You can't be broken!
You can't be burnt!
You can't be cut!
You can't be dried!
You can't be destroyed!
*You are unique!
You are invisible!
You are infinite!
You are indivisible!
*You are the Self, Atma!
You are Supreme Soul!
You are Supreme Self!
*You are the screen!
World movie being played on you!
*You are only alive!
World movie is dead!
It seems to be alive!
Due to you only!
*Like in movie!
Every thing is static!
But it seems to be running!
Due to projector!
*In the same way!
Every one is static!
But it seems to be running!
Due to Chitt!
On the screen of Self!
*Chitt acts like projector!
Of this unique world movie!
*When Chitt becomes static!
Then world movie is finished!
*Then you know yourself!
You are not the body!
You are Atma, Soul, Self!
*Every religion!
Every worship!
Every meditation!
Every Yoga!
Only for this purpose!
To make Chitt static!
*When Chitt becomes static!
Like static water!
Then you see your true image!
Then you know!
You are Atma, not a body!
*There is no English word for Chitt!
It can be called subtle mind!
*When subtle mind becomes static!
When you become very Gambhir!
When you become very serious!
Like your some beloved is dead!
Then Chitt becomes static!
Then you know yourself!
You are not a body!
You are Chaitanya Atma!
*Purpose of birth of everyone!
To experience this truth!
While living alive!
This is called Self-realization!
This is called liberation, moksh!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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3 June 2023
Only Seer Exists
*Scenes do not exist!
Only seer exists!
*Scene can't see!
Only seer can see!
Your body is scene!
*What is scene?
Your senses are scene!
Your body is scene!
Your mind is scene!
Your intellect is scene!
*Whatever you can see!
That is scene!
Whatever you can perceive!
That is scene!
*Scene may be visible!
Scene may be invisible!
*What is seer?
Who sees all above things!
That is seer!
*Seer is always invisible!
Seer can be felt by seer!
Seer can be experienced by seer!
*Scene is the quality of seer!
Hence scene exists in seer!
Like dream is your quality!
Dream exists in your feelings!
*Hence scenes do not exist!
Only one seer exists!
That is called Self, Atma, Soul!
That is called Almighty!
And God in every religion!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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7 June 2023
You are invisible
*Believe it or not!
You are invisible!
*God is invisible!
You are son of God!
You are also invisible!
*God is Paramatma!
That is Supreme Soul!
You are Atma!
That is Soul!
*Paramatma and Atma same!
Supreme Soul and Soul same!
Supreme Soul is Self!
Soul is also Self!
*Soul is invisible!
Supreme Soul is invisible!
Self is invisible!
You are the Self!
Hence you are invisible!
*Whatever you see!
Whatever visible!
That is seen by Soul!
That is seen by Self!
*Like you see dream!
In the same way!
Soul seeing this dream!
Self is seeing this dream!
Dream of visible world!
*Whatever visible!
That doesn't exist!
Whatever not visible!
That only exists!
*Like you see dream!
That doesn't exist!
That exists during!
Your sleep only!
Whatever world you see!
That exists in dream of Soul!
When Soul wakes up!
It finds no world!
Except the Self!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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5 June 2023
Types of Guru and Devotees
*Majority of people in divine!
Actually they are not divine!
Most of them are just for name!
Just for show in the world!
Just for popularity!
*Who is true divine person?
He will not want show business!
He will not advertise his face, name!
Since he knows!
He is not the face!
He is not the body!
He is not the name!
He is invisible Chinmay!
He is Atma, Paramatma, Soul!
*There may be a few exceptions!
Reply me-
Why Almighty is not visible?
Why God is not visible?
Does Almighty want His publicity?
Does God want His popularity?
*If someone wants to improve others!
It is not necessary!
To advertise his face and name!
One can do good of the public!
By remaining hidden from society!
It is the will to do good of others!
*Majority of Guru are fake Guru!
They are entangled in fighting!
With other Spiritual Masters!
In the name of God!
They want to show their superiority!
They want to show others inferior!
*Most of the politicians!
They utilize such fake Guru!
In the name of God!
*Hardly you can find a true Guru!
Who will do his all family duties!
Who lives like an ordinary person!
He lives away from publicity!
You can't recognize him!
*Some Guru says-
That Guru was sent to jail!
Due to him only!
*Some Guru says -
This political party won election!
Due to him only!
*All such Guru are fake!
Very rarely and by your good luck!
You will find any true Guru!
*Most of the Guru increasing!
Their ego!
They themselves not fully liberated!
How can they liberate others?
If you throw a ball in the sky!
It has to come down on the earth!
If any fake Guru becomes popular!
He has to come down on the earth!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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11 May 2023
You are invisible
*You are not merely a body!
You are invisible Soul, Atma!
*You are not the body!
Body is yours!
Body is a gift to you!
To work in this world!
*Body is your tool to work!
Hence it is called Karma-Bandhan!
*You are part of Paramatma!
Paramatma is invisible!
Hence you are also invisible!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
9 May 2023
Scenes do not exist
*Only Supreme Soul exists!
Which is without scenes!
Scenes do not exist!
*Invisible Supreme Soul!
It is seeing dream of world!
All are in this dream!
*Those who are in this dream!
They consider world true!
*Those who wake up!
From this dream!
They know this fact!
Only invisible Soul exists!
Scenes do not exist!
*Invisible Supreme Soul!
That is Chidakasha!
That is like clear sky!
*Only clear sky exists!
And nothing else!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
4 May 2023
Can You Deny Your Existence?
*Liberation is here and now!
In fact!
There is no liberation!
Can you deny your existence?
*You are as you are!
When you superimpose!
Wrong identity of body!
You become ignorant!
*In knowledge!
There is no liberation!
*You can't deny your existence!
For whom you want liberation?
Who will be liberated?
*Body does not speak!
You Atma, Soul speaks!
Soul speaks through body!
*Body can never be liberated!
You are always liberated!
Since you are immortal Atma!
You are immortal Chinmay!
*You are here and now!
You are everywhere!
You are invisible Chinmay!
From you everyone gets life!
*You are covered with!
Many layers of ignorance!
Remove these layers!
And you will find yourself!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
4 May 2023
Wrong Assumption is Ego
*You are Purush!
Assuming yourself Prakriti!
This wrong assumption!
It is called ego!
*Prakriti is always with Purush!
Prakriti is nature of Purush!
*You are Purush!
Your body is Prakriti!
*You are invisible!
Prakriti is visible!
*Prakriti is visible by Prakriti!
When it is mixed with Purush!
Else, only Purush exists!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
Daily Prayer Revised
*My infinite love!
My infinite Pranam!
To one Almighty God!
Inside you!
*Irrespective of any religion!
Irrespective of any gender!
Irrespective of age, younger, elder!
Irrespective of any nation!
Irrespective of any caste!
Irrespective of any language!
Irrespective of friends or enemies!
Irrespective of any differences!
*Since one and only one!
Almighty God resides in you!
Since He is only one Atma in you!
Since He is Supreme Soul!
Of this entire universe!
Which keeps this world alive!
*You may call Him Krishna!
You may call Him Almighty!
You may call Him Atma!
You may call Him God!
Of any religion or nation!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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When you wake up-
*When you wake up!
In the morning!
*Just remember me!
See me!
I am around you only!
Wherever you are!
*I am filled up like air!
In the room!
In the palace!
Wherever you are!
*Just see me!
Remember me!
*If you talk with me in silence!
I shall talk with you in silence!
*If you remember me!
I shall remember you!
*You can't go anywhere leaving me!
I can't go anywhere leaving you!
*You are always with me!
I am always with you!
*This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
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9 April 2023
Believe it or Not
*An Invisible Power present!
Everywhere, every time!
Believe it or not!
*He is seeing everyone!
He is seeing everything!
*This is truth!
Truth will not change!
By your believing!
By your not believing!
*He is the witness!
Every time, every where!
*You may cover your face!
You may hide yourself!
Under the ground!
In the Mars or any place!
*You are always watched by Him!
You can never escape from His eyes!
*This is true for you!
This is true for me!
This is true for everyone!
*He is known as Almighty!
Supreme Soul, Atma!
God, Goddess!
In any religion, nation!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
9 April 2023
Believe it or Not
*An Invisible Power present!
Everywhere, every time!
Believe it or not!
*He is seeing everyone!
He is seeing everything!
*This is truth!
Truth will not change!
By your believing!
By your not believing!
*He is the witness!
Every time, every where!
*You may cover your face!
You may hide yourself!
Under the ground!
In the Mars or any place!
*You are always watched by Him!
You can never escape from His eyes!
*This is true for you!
This is true for me!
This is true for everyone!
*He is known as Almighty!
Supreme Soul, Atma!
God, Goddess!
In any religion, nation!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
7 April 2023
Three Types of Death
*Death is of 3 types!
First, death of ignorant!
Second, death of devotee!
Third, death of enlightened!
*Death of ignorant!
He feels too much pain!
At the time of death!
Due to leaving his!
Beloved persons, things!
*Death of devotee!
He does not feel pain!
At the time of death!
He leaves body easily!
*He departs in the aeroplane!
Decorated with the flowers!
Sent by his beloved God!
This is visible only to him only!
He enjoys pleasure after death!
In the abode of his beloved God!
*He enjoys pleasure!
In the world of his beloved God!
When he knows that he is Atma!
He mixes in Brahman, Almighty!
*Death of enlightened!
He departs with pleasure!
As he has no attachment!
He immediately mixes in bliss!
In the infinite Brahman!
Thus he becomes Almighty!
In infinite Sat Chit Anand!
*How a person enjoys?
Pain and pleasure!
After death!
*A person is not this visible body!
He is subtle invisible body!
Which feels pain, pleasure!
Even after the death!
*Purpose of birth of everyone!
On this beautiful planet earth!
To know this truth!
During this life only!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
4 April 2023
Mind Causes illusion
*Every thing in mind!
Every thing illusion of mind!
*Nothing exists except Self!
Self is every thing, every one!
*Self is invisible!
World is visible!
*All this illusion!
Of visible, invisible!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
3 April 2023
Whatever You See
*Visible doesn't exist!
Invisible only exists!
*Whatever you see!
That is like photo!
That is Jad!
*Who is running all this?
That is Chinmay!
That is invisible!
*He is seeing all this!
All visible is scene!
It is like photo-frame!
It is like a movie!
*If you are entangled in it!
You are trapped in the world!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
2 April 2023
How to win the mind?
*Do not see the world!
Do not spread the world!
Do not see others!
See only yourself!
*Do not forget!
All visible is Jad!
Which does not exist!
Since Jad is mortal!
*Jad can not speak!
Jad can not see!
Jad can not listen!
Jad can not act!
*Chinmay is invisible!
Chinmay speaks!
Chinmay sees!
Chinmay acts!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
13 March 2023
All visible doesn't see
*Chinmay only sees!
All visible doesn't see!
All visible can't see!
*How can a table see?
How can a door see?
They are Jad!
*All visible is Jad!
Like a table or door!
How can they see?
*Only one Chinmay sees everything!
And that is Almighty God!
*He is never born!
He will never die!
*Jad is already dead!
Jad seems to be visible due Chinmay!
Jad seems to be alive due to Chinmay!
*Invisible Chinmay only exists!
Visible Jad does not exist!
*And that Chinmay is called Almighty!
And that Chinmay is called Krishna!
*And that Chinmay is Sat!
And that Chinmay is Chit!
And that Chinmay is Anand!
His one name Sat Chit Anand!
*He is very far away!
He is at infinite distance!
He is very nearby!
He is your Self!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
12 February 2023
Miracles May Be Required
Miracles may be required, may not be required. This is as per need of the hour.
When society needs, then miracles are required.
Some of the society does not require miracles. For them, miracles are not required.
Basically miracles are required to affirm your faith in Almighty God.
In fact, there is no miracle and every thing is miracle.
Thing which you know, which you believe is not a miracle.
Thing which you don't know, you don't believe. That is miracle.
But once, it is shown, it no longer remains miracle. Initially you feel it miracle.
But if you do it daily, it no longer remains miracle.
In fact top most miracle in the entire universe, in entire Srishti is you are breathing. You breathe!
You grow!
You take birth! You die! And you don't know, from where you came? You don't know, where you will go?
These are the greatest miracles of your life!
But the greatest of all great miracles are these:
You are God and you don't know!
This world which seems to be visible, it does not exist!
Visible things don't exist! Invisible things exist!
All other miracles are very very small.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
12 February 2023
Visible and Invisible
*I am invisible!
But body is visible!
*I am everywhere!
But body is here only!
*Brahman is invisible!
But world is visible!
*Self is invisible!
But body is visible!
*Atma is invisible!
But body is visible!
*Intellect can be perceived!
Mind can be perceived!
Body can be perceived!
But I can't be perceived!
*I am beyond intellect!
I am beyond mind!
I am beyond body!
*I am self!
I am Atma!
I am Paramatma!
I am Brahman!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
11 February 2023
Reality of Idol Worship
*Those who worship idol!
They don't worship idol!
They worship Chinmay!
Which is invisible in idol!
*Which is invisible!
That is really true!
Which is visible!
That is not true!
*What you see!
That is not true!
What you can't see!
That is really true!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
8 February 2023
All this is Chinmay Space
*Entire space is not empty though it seems to be empty. So many things are filled in the infinite
space which are invisible.
*All this is infinite Chinmay space. Every thing and every one is contained in this infinite space.
*Every thing and every one in dream of Chinmay. When Chinmay knows itself, it wakes up from
the dream. Time and space in this dream.
*This infinite Chinmay space is called Supreme Soul or Atma or Almighty or God of every
religion, nation etc.
*I am not the body!
I am Chinmay Atma!
I am infinite Chinmay space!
I am Supreme Soul!
Even if I realize or not!
This is always true!
This is the ultimate truth!
This is the divine knowledge!
This is the ultimate knowledge!
This is the king of every knowledge!
This is called Adhyatma Vidya!
This is the most secret and most sacred knowledge!
Same is the case with you!
Same is the case with me!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
4 February 2023
Prakriti itself acting!
*Nature itself acting!
Prakriti itself acting!
Due to my presence!
*I am infinite Purush!
All this is infinite Prakriti!
*Only I exist!
Prakriti doesn't exist!
*I am seeing Prakriti!
Prakriti doesn't see me!
*I am Chaitanya!
Prakriti is Jad!
*Prakriti is visible!
But it doesn't exist!
*I am invisible!
But I only exist!
*My body, this world!
They are Prakriti!
I am only Purush!
*Purush is in knowledge!
Prakriti is in ignorance!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
Quotes Which I loved-
Two kinds of person are happy in this world ; complete fools and those who are completely
Two things guarantee success: Start. Don't stop.
I am the only refuge.
Happiness comes from decreasing material attachments not increasing them.
God is our greatest ally.
Depend only on me and I will protect you.
Be good but don't try to prove it.
We learn our best lessons at the worst times.
Our love cannot be broken.
You can only change yourself but that changes everything.
Love always forgives.
In this world, no one is your relation. We are like travellers in a hotel, meeting briefly and going
our separate ways.
Faith moves mountains.
When you blame others for your suffering you give away your power to end it.
I am invisible to those who do not want to see me but seen everywhere by those who do.
If your knowledge does not detach you from this world, it is ignorance.
Our separation is just an illusion.
Power is meant to protect the weak, not exploit them.
Power means responsibility not privilege.
You matter to me because you are mine.
Karma never loses your address.
One who sees God everywhere fears nothing and hates no one.
There is no higher happiness than finding yourself.
Love turns thorns into roses.
If your religious practices have not made you gentle they are useless.
My worshiper who asks me for nothing achieves everything.
Pressure turns coal into diamonds.
Look away from the world and you will see me.
I am what you seek.
If every rub disturbs you, how will you ever be polished?
Great teachers show you your greatness not their own.
I will always give you what you need, which is not always what you want.
If it ended it wasn't love.
I think of those who always think of me.
Your anger reveals your attachments.
What I don't give you is also my blessing.
Realising that you own and control nothing in this world is the beginning of peace.
God hears your heart not your words.
Wisdom is knowing what to ignore.
We cannot achieve the eternal if we cling to the temporary.
Right is right, even if no one is doing it. Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it.
God brought you to it and he will get you through it.
Relax, you're not the controller.
Those who sacrifice principles for pleasure lose both.
Find the beauty in your own heart and then you will see it in others.
If God is not changing your situation maybe he is changing your heart.
Attachment to anyone other than me must end in grief.
The future is the wrong place to look for happiness.
I turn to those who turn to me.
Unless you change nothing changes.
All beings are dear to me, as I am to them.
17 Jan 2023
I am Chinmay
*I am inside of everyone!
I am outside of everyone!
I am Chinmay!
I am Chidakasha Atma!
*I am here and now!
I am everywhere!
Always for ever!
*I am invisible!
But I see every one!
But I see every thing!
*Jai Sri Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
25 DEC 2022
Publicity as God
*Why one wants his publicity as God?
Do you know who is God?
*Who serves His creation!
By remaining invisible!
*God does not have any desire!
God serves you!
He does not want His service!
Like Krishna served Sudama!
*He remains hidden!
He doesn't show His face!
He doesn't do His publicity!
*He considers everyone as God!
He considers everything as God!
*For Him nothing exists except God!
He is full of love always!
Since God is love, love is God!
*Like gold ornaments are nothing!
But gold only!
In the same way!
He considers this world!
Nothing but one God or Atma!
*He is without body!
He is without mind!
He is without intellect, ego!
He is beyond nature!
*He is capable to protect!
Any one and any thing!
*If anyone has such qualities!
Then he may be considered!
Very near to God!
Still he can't be called God!
21 DEC 2022
Why I don't want publicity?
*Be Drishta of everyone!
Don't be Drishya of anyone!
*That is the reason!
I don't want publicity!
I don't participate!
In social events!
*Since this world does not exist!
Since there should not be rat-race!
Since I am no body to do!
*Already there have been many Gurus!
In public, in the society!
Many learned persons preaching!
*But I feel!
I must learn from Almighty!
I must be like invisible Almighty!
Who does everything!
Even without doing!
*He is not visible to anyone!
But He does everything!
*What is the use of showing!
Use only your seeing power!
*Be Drishta of everyone!
Don't be Drishya of anyone!
*Drishta is one who sees everything!
Drishya is one which is seen!
12 DEC 2022
Only Brahm exists, not the world
*Suppose very big flower tree!
Which is spread in one km area!
There are many branches of tree!
There are many beautiful flowers!
*When you see its one flower!
Even at one km distance!
You call it tree only!
You don't say the tree as flower!
*Similarly one Brahm exists everywhere!
This world is its very tiny part!
Which is visible part of invisible Brahm!
Hence only Brahm exists, not the world!
*Like flower is produced in tree!
Similarly world is produced in Brahm!
*When we see a drop in the ocean!
We don't call the ocean as drop!
We call it ocean only!
World is like drop, Brahm is ocean!
*We see the waves in ocean!
We don't call ocean as waves!
We call it ocean only!
World is like waves of ocean of Brahm!
9 DEC 2022
Self can never disappear
*Paramatma is the self of everyone!
Self can never disappear!
*True self is superimposed!
By false self of body!
*You can never disappear!
Since you are the Self!
But you consider yourself body!
*You always exist!
Body may exist or not!
*You are doing everything!
Even after not doing!
Since body does due to your presence!
*You are Purush!
Your body is your Prakriti!
Your body is your nature!
*Your nature can not be separated!
From you!
You are invisible!
But your nature is visible!
*You never born!
You never die!
*Your nature never borns!
But it dies!
When you know yourself!
*Your nature is to dream!
You are always dreaming!
Since infinite times!
*When you wake up!
Then you know this fact!
Then there is no nature!
Then there is no dream!
*Then you know this fact!
There is no bondage!
There is no liberation!
Both were in dream!
*You always exist!
There is no one except you!
*It is like!
You see dream!
Almost daily!
You see many scenes!
You died in your dream!
But when you wake up!
You find!
No dream world except you!
Then you say!
Thank God!
It was just a dream!
I am still alive!
8 Dec 2022
Body can not be God
*Some people claim!
He is God!
She is God!
Body can not be God!
*God is Sat Chit Anand!
Material of God's body is different!
Than the material of human's body!
*Body of God is light body!
That is not ordinary light!
That is special divine light!
*In the body of God!
Infinite worlds are there!
Body of God is sacred!
*Human body made of!
Flesh and bones!
Human body is non-sacred l!
*Do you know?
Human body made of!
Ruj and Virya!
Hence it can't become sacred!
*What is Ruj?
Ruj is the material!
Like in monthly periods of woman!
*Virya is the material!
Like semen in man!
*Body of all humans!
Made of these materials!
From their mother, father!
*Those who are fully submerged!
In this ocean of Sat Chit Anand!
They may be respected like God!
Since Sat Chit Anand is invisible!
*But only Atma can see Atma!
Only Paramatma can see Paramatma!
Only God can see God!
Human can not see God!
*If you want to see God!
You will have to be Atma!
Even for very short duration!
Only then you can see Atma!
Only then you can see God!
Only then you can see Paramatma!
*One has to die to see God!
Even for very short duration!
Only then one can see God!
Like you do in deep sleep!
*And once you have seen!
You will not remain body!
You will become Atma!
*What is special quality of God?
He will be everywhere!
He will know past, present future!
He can speak to you anywhere!
He is omnipotent!
He is omniscient!
He is omnipresent!
? ? ?
3 November
What is Chhoti Deepavali?
*Chhoti Deepavali!
It is Narak Chaturdashi!
*What is Narak?
It is Hindi word!
In English!
It is called Hell!
*Narak Chaturdashi!
It means!
Don't do any such work!
That you may have to go to Narak!
During or after this birth!
*It is preparation for!
Happy Deepavali!
To welcome Goddess Laxmi!
Next day in your home!
*What is home?
Home is your material home!
And your real home!
*Your visible home must be cleaned!
Your invisible home must be cleaned!
To welcome Goddess Lakshmi!
*Do cleaning of your home!
Clean your mind, body!
Speech and Karma!
To welcome divinity!
In your home and body!
*Thus celebrate!
Happy Chhoti Deepavali!
A real Happy Diwali!
1 Sep 2021
Only I exist-
*Believe me!
Only I exist!
Only you exist!
And nothing else!
*World is my nature!
All visible is my nature!
*My nature is in Me!
It is not separate than Me!
*I work through my nature!
I speak through my nature!
*Without me!
Nature can't exist!
*I am invisible!
Nature is visible!
I am visible!
Through My nature!
*You are visible through your nature!
Your body is your nature!
*I and you are one and same!
I and you are not different!
*In fact there is no you!
Since only I exist!
*Everyone in my dream!
Every thing in my dream!
*My nature only in my dream!
Dream is not different than Me!
*This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
2 Aug 2021
All this is my play
*All this is my drama!
All this is my play!
*All Gods in this drama!
All Guru in this drama!
*All forms in this play!
All names in this play!
*All movable in this play!
All immovable in this play!
*All living in this play!
All non-living in this play!
*All visible in this play!
All invisible in this play!
*When I sleep!
I see this play!
When I wake up!
No play at all!
*In fact only I exist!
And nothing else!
1 Aug 2021
Only I am subject
*My body is object!
Only I am subject!
*Body of everyone is object!
Every forms and names object!
Form of every God Guru object!
Only I am subject!
*I see form of every God!
I see form of every Guru!
I see form of everyone!
But I am without form!
*Whatever I see!
Whatever I listen!
Whatever I touch!
Whatever I taste!
Whatever I smell!
Every thing object!
*Every movable, immovable!
Every living, non-living!
Every visible, invisible!
Every thing is object!
Except myself!
I am only subject!
*I see them!
I give existence!
I don't see them!
I don't give existence!
*I think them!
I give existence!
I don't think them!
I don't give existence!
*Mind intellect senses!
They are my tools!
*If I use these tools!
I give them existence!
If I don't use them!
I don't give them existence!
*I am without shape!
I am without form!
Only I exist!
And nothing else!
14 July 2021
Mind Acts As A Mirror
Whatever I think!
Mind makes its image!
Mind reflects it!
Thus mind creates it!
Mind is nothing!
But bunch of thoughts!
Thus Sanskars are created!
Thus births are created!
Brain is different!
Than mind!
Brain visible!
Mind invisible!
Like in cinema!
Image is magnified!
By focused light!
From distance!
In the same way!
Thoughts are magnified!
By our focus!
If we distance them!
If we see thoughts as our waves!
If we see that we are the thoughts!
If we see as thoughts are Chinmay!
Then thoughts are our waves!
Likes waves are not different than ocean!
Same way thoughts not different than us!
Waves are coming n going in sea!
Thoughts are coming n going in us!
Like in Cinema everything is standstill!
But it seems to move as we run it!
Same way everything standstill in life!
It seems to move due to we Chaitanya!
In cinema if lights are on!
Movie is not visible!
In the same way!
When we are in full light!
When ignorance is removed!
World movie is not visible!
10 JUN 2021
Everything conception of mind
Whatever you see visible invisible!
Whatever you notice and think!
Everything is conception of mind!
All names and forms!
Conception of mind!
You are beyond conception!
You are beyond thinking!
You are the Self!
Self is Atma!
Atma is Paramatma!
Paramatma is Krishna!
Paramatma is Allah!
Paramatma is Almighty!
14 May 2021
Who is else besides you?
Aapke alaawa aur Kaun hai?
Who is else besides you?
You are only feeling all!
You are only thinking all!
You are only judging all!
You are only seeing all!
You are only speaking all!
You are only touching all!
You are only tasting all!
You are only smelling all!
You are only dealing with all!
Including your body and others!
Other people, nature and things!
Includes all visible and invisible!
You only deal with all visible!
You only deal with all invisible!
Who is else besides you?
Who else exists besides you?
If you don't exist!
Who else will exist?
Who will feel the existence?
Who will think the existence?
Who will see the existence?
If you don't exist!
And you are not merely a body!
You are the existence of all!
12 May 2021
Do not mourn any one - Krishna
Krishna says in Gita -
This soul dwelling in the bodies of all, can never be slain, therefore, you should not mourn for
anyone. BG - 2/30
In fact, no one dies. One leaves the tool to work which is body.
Body is liability if not used for knowing yourself!
Body is an asset only if used to know yourself!
In both the cases one need not mourn the loss of body since no one dies!
Only difference after death is that, one becomes from visible to invisible!
There is no time when one ceases to exist since one remains always. One can never die!
8 March 2021
Don't fear death
Don't fear death!
Death is also illusion!
Only difference after death!
We become from!
Visible to invisible!
Hence don't fear death!
Memory of this birth is lost!
After the death of every one!
Since our all relations all things!
They are also illusion!
16 February 2021
O My Radhe! Come in body!
O My Radhe! Come in body!
Body is the medium to express love!
How can I love you?
Without your body!
I can't see you!
Without body!
You have to express yourself!
By your beautiful body!
Then only I can love you!
I can't love you Radhe!
Without your body!
You are my Radhe!
But you have to express by body!
Then only I can see you!
Since you are invisible!
Hence, be happy!
And express yourself!
By your beautiful body!
So that I may love you!
O My Radhe!
You are bliss!
But without form!
How can I love you?
Come in your body!
Be in form!
So that I may love you!
26 JAN 2021
Benefits of Kirtan
What is Kirtan?
Dancing and singing like a child!
With the names of Krishna!
It is called Kirtan!
Thus, become a child again!
And regain joy of childhood!
It is the ancient tradition of India!
But now Indians are forgetting!
Foreigners are adopting!
What are the benefits of Kirtan?
They are visible and invisible!
Visible benefits!
You can reduce weight!
It will burn extra calories!
You can improve body flexibility!
You can avoid wasting your time!
Thus you can avoid!
Many problems and quarrels!
By using your precious time!
You can reduce your worries!
You can reduce tension of mind!
Since empty mind is devil's workshop!
Invisible benefits!
It will burn your sins!
It will purify your mind!
You can purify your blood!
Control blood cholesterol!
You can reduce diseases!
And many mental problems!
You can reduce your ego!
By becoming like a child!
Thus you can be near to Almighty!
And peace, divine joy n bliss!
That is the reason!
Foreigners are adopting!
Kirtan of ancient India!
14 Jan 2021
Subtle Mind is like a projector
How you see a movie?
You see a movie!
With the help of a projector!
Projector is too small!
But you see too much big movie!
With a small projector!
You see the entire universe!
In a movie!
With the help of small projector!
Same is the case!
With this world movie!
You see entire universe!
Including your body and of others!
With the help of subtle mind!
Subtle mind!
It is combination of all senses!
And it is invisible!
Nor it can be seen by any device!
Body is least powerful!
Senses more powerful than body!
Subtle mind more powerful than senses!
Intellect more powerful than subtle mind!
Subtle intellect more powerful than intellect!
Atma or Soul more powerful than subtle intellect!
You are the Soul or Atma!
Hence Krishna told in Gita!
Control mind with the help of intellect!
With Abhyasa and Vairagya!
Means practice and detachment!
Thus, know yourself!
Wishing You Happy Makar Sankranti and other festivals!
5 December 2020
What is mind?
Mind is different than brain!
Mind means subtle mind!
Which is not visible!
All world is play of this mind!
Mind is accumulated Sanskar!
From our thousands of births!
Our desires, good and bad deeds!
From our thousands of births!
They make the invisible mind!
Our past Karma stored in mind!
And that is the cause of our!
Birth after the births!
Even if you are doing!
Any bad or good Karma!
Even if no one is seeing!
Your mind is seeing!
Your mind is storing it!
At the time of death!
This storage is transferred!
To new body!
You take birth accordingly!
Subtle body contains!
This storage of your Karma!
Subtle body does not die!
Your visible body only dies!
You are not this visible body!
You are invisible subtle body!
One takes next births!
Of human, animal, bird etc!
As per the Karma stored in mind!
As per the deeds stored in subtle body!
That is the reason it is said!
Do good Karma for good birth!
You can't remain without Karma!
Since body is made only for Karma!
If you do selfish Karma!
You take good or bad birth!
If you do selfless Karma!
You don't take any birth!
Birth is the cause of miseries!
Good Karma golden jail!
Bad Karma iron jail!
You can't remain happy in jail!
Your body is dead.
You are making it alive.
You come to the body.
You go out of the body.
But you remain for ever.
Then why you grieve for the body?
Then why you favour your body?
Then why you give comfort to body?
You are holding the body.
Body is not holding you.
You are attached to the body.
Body is not attached with you.
Why you become angry,
If someone abuses your body.
Since body is dead.
Someone is abusing the body not you.
And you are invisible.
He can not see you.
Then how can anyone abuse you?
Message of Navaratri
Prakriti and Purush only exists!
And nothing else!
Our vices are Mahishasura!
Prakriti is power of Purush!
Prakriti is visible!
Purush is invisible!
Prakriti signifies Goddess!
She is Shakti, Power of Purush!
Gods defeat Mahishasura!
With the Shakti of Goddess!
Purush defeats the vices!
With Shakti of Prakriti!
Shakti and Shaktiman not different!
Both are one and same!
Both Goddess and Mahishasura!
Both resides inside you!
Message of Navaratri!
Defeat the Mahishasura!
From your inside!
With the help of Goddess!
Who resides inside you!
He is really fortunate!
Who defeats the Mahishasura!
Of his inside!
With the help of Goddess!
Who is also inside him!
He only celebrates true Navaratri!
Celebrate true Navaratri!
This Navaratri!
Celebrate always Navaratri!
Wish you Happy Navaratri!
Corona Mantras
Prevention is better than cure. This specially holds good for Corona. The following Mantras, tips
may help you to prevent Corona and side effects of Corona related issues like tension,
headaches, worries:
1/ Increase immunity by different ways. Some of the ways are given here.
2/ Love one, love all selflessly as most powerful Almighty resides in every one. Do Pranayam
and meditation. Meditation is not just sitting at one place. Meditation is to remember Almighty as much as possible even if you are walking, working, eating, sitting, etc. By doing so you can come closer to Almighty.
3/ If you come close to Almighty, you will come close to your originality. Your originality is
virus-proof, disease-proof. Then no disease, no virus can touch you.
4/ Chant or listen Om Mantra or Hare Krishna Maha Mantra or Om Namah Shivaya.
It will certainly increase your immune system if you do it with purity.
Chant or listen devotional music of your religion with purity.
5/ Keep purity of body, mind, speech and thoughts as every visible and invisible thing in the
universe starts from this. It will strengthen your immune system remarkably.
6/ By following above points you will gain not only in this visible world but also in invisible divine world.
7/ Consume Vitamin C items like Amla, lemon, orange, etc to increase your immunity. Keep
8/ Take hot water or tea two or three times in a day specially during morning and evening hours.
9/ Follow all the preventive measures suggested by the Govt and World Health Organization,
WHO. You may visit their websites for knowing them.
What is Nature?
Nature is grass!
Your body!
All animals, birds!
Fish, crocodiles!
All plants, trees!
Forests, hills, rivers!
Deserts, oceans!
Sun, Moon, stars, etc!
Whatever you see!
Whatever you can perceive!
That is nature!
Earth, sky, air, fire, water!
Senses, subtle mind, intellect!
They are called Prakriti!
Every thing is nature!
Except one Purush!
Nature may be visible or invisible!
But Purush is always invisible!
Nature is mortal!
Purush is immortal!
Nature is alive!
Only due to Purush!
Nature works automatically!
Due to the presence of Purush!
Nature seems to exist!
But really it doesn't exist!
Hence it is called Maya!
Maya of the Purush!
Which is just illusion!
Purush is Almighty!
Entire universe exists!
Only due to this reason!
Only due to the presence!
Of Prakriti and Purush!
Two parts of the food
Your food makes your body. Whatever food you eat, your body will become as per that.
Mainly there are following two parts of any food Veg or Non-veg:
Sthool Part - It is visible part of the food which you eat. It makes your visible body.
Sookshm Part - It is invisible part of the food. It is called subtle part of the food. It makes your
invisible part of your body ie your subtle body. Your subtle mind is also built up by this subtle
part of the food.
Subtle part of the food includes Rasa etc which is essential for preparing your subtle body.
Subtle part of the food also depends upon the the thoughts, violent or non-violent nature of the food maker, raw food or the place where it is grown and eaten.
? ? ?
Your body is dead!-
Your body is dead.
You are making it alive.
You come in the body.
You go out of the body.
But you remain for ever.
Then why you grieve for the body?
Then why you favour your body?
Then why you give comfort to body?
You are holding the body.
Body is not holding you.
You are attached to the body.
Body is not attached with you.
Why you become angry,
If someone abuses your body.
Since body is dead.
Someone is abusing the body not you.
And you are invisible.
He can not see you.
Then how can anyone abuse you?
? ? ?
Easy Way to Know Yourself-
First of all, tell me!
You are Jada or Chetan?
All will reply -
Yes, but your body is Jada!
And you are Chetan!
Body is visible!
You are invisible!
Where are you?
Who are you?
Paramatma is also Chetan!
You are part of Paramatma!
But your body is not!
What is the problem to know you?
Now you must easily understand!
Have you understood or not?
Any questions?
Almighty is most powerful
Body has least power!
Mind is more powerful than the body!
Since it controls the body!
Senses are more powerful than the mind!
Since mind is visible, senses are invisible!
Subtle mind is more powerful than the senses!
Intellect is more powerful than the subtle mind!
Subtle intellect is more powerful than the intellect!
Jeevatma is more powerful than the subtle intellect!
Paramatma is more powerful than the Jeevatma!
Almighty or Paramatma one and same!
It is amazing!
It is wonderful!
Which can make!
Mortal to immortal!
Which can make!
Visible to invisible!
And invisible to visible!
And this is the real knowledge!
And this is the real Vidya!
And this is the real wisdom!
And this is the true secret!
People are running after false things!
But they can never get!
People are running to catch their shadows!
But they can never catch!
Sand is slipping from their hands!
Time is running very fast!
They will weep with tears!
At their last moments!
They will realize then!
They were running to catch the shadows!
They were doing how much foolish!
Difference between Buddhi and Sookshhm Buddhi
Buddhi is intellect!
Sookshhm Buddhi is subtle intellect!
Buddhi is Moti Buddhi!
Sookshhm Buddhi is refined Buddhi!
If you are selfish!
Your Buddhi will become Moti Buddhi!
If you are selfless!
Your Buddhi will become Sookshhm Buddhi!
Ordinary intellect takes you in visible world!
Subtle intellect takes you in invisible world!
If your Karma ie actions are impure!
They will take you in visible world!
If your Karma are pure!
They will take you in invisible world!
Impure Karma are selfish!
Pure Karma are selfless!
Visible world is sorrowful!
Invisible world is sorrowless!
Difference between mind and subtle mind
Mind is the part of the body!
You can take photo of the mind!
You can see the mind!
But you can not see subtle mind!
Mind is called in Hindi Dimaag!
Munn is Sookshm ie subtle mind!
Mind is inside the body!
But Munn is beyond the body!
Mind is visible!
Subtle mind is invisible!
You can conceal anything from others!
But you can not conceal from subtle mind!
Subtle mind knows everything!
Subtle mind is recording everything!
Subtle mind is controller of all senses!
Senses run your body!
But subtle mind runs the senses!
You are beyond the subtle mind!
By Moti Buddhi!
You can not understand yourself!
By Moti Buddhi!
You can not understand Almighty!
You need Sookshhm Buddhi!
To understand yourself!
You need Sookshhm Buddhi!
To understand Almighty!
Sookshhm Buddhi can be acquired!
Only by selfless actions!
Sookshhm Buddhi can be acquired!
Only by remembering Almighty!
? ? ?
You are superior!-
You are superior than
Subtle mind
You are
An integral part of
You are Jeevatma!
You are Atma!
Visible and invisible is
Made of above
Five elements!
You are superior than
Any thing
In entire universe
Visible and invisible!
Senses are more powerful than body!
Subtle mind is more powerful than senses!
Intellect is more powerful than subtle mind!
You are more powerful than intellect!
Hence you can win body!
Hence you can win senses!
Hence you can win subtle mind!
Hence you can win intellect!
Then you can know yourself!
Then you can know Almighty!
For this you need blessings of Almighty!
For this you need grace of Almighty!
What are the things which are Maya?
Subtle mind
Visible mind
All visible things
All invisible things
Maya means that it appears to exist but actually it does not exist!
There are at least two layers!
There are at least two layers of everything visible in the world.
One is visible layer and another is invisible layer.
The sun you see is visible layer of the sun.
But invisible layer of sun, you can not see.
Hindus worship sun. Some people say why sun is worshipped. They worship the invisible layer
of the sun. Even if they worship visible layer, there is no harm since the sun gives so many
things to all of us. No creature can live without the sun.
Similarly there are at least two layers of the moon and all the stars, every human, every
Invisible layer is more strong than the visible layer and gives the energy to visible layer!
? ? ?
Try to be like Almighty God-
Try to be like Almighty God!
Since you are His part!
Since you are His son!
Since you are His heir!
He is Data!
You must also try to be Data!
He has no desire!
You must also not desire!
He is invisible!
You must also try to be invisible!
? ? ?
Important Quotes-
I am smaller than the dust particle!
I am filled everywhere in the entire universe!
All visible is imagination!
I am chinmayanand Prakash!
I am sky!
I am universe!
I am chinmay light!
Munn ie subtle mind is created by assumptions!
Almighty is Paramatm-prakash!
I am yours!
Liberation means no blockage of mind in doing or not doing!
Your body is your friend!
I only exist! You only exist!
I alone exist! You alone exist!
I am not holding the body!
Body is holding me!
Mind is magnet!
I am chinmay sky!
I am Param Prakash!
Work is done by body, not myself!
Count your blessings!
I am invisible!
If any one abuses body, it is already dead!
Everything already done! Just you have to see!
See everyone as three kg of ashes!
If you die right now! Act accordingly!
No senses, no universe!
I am ocean of divine bliss!
? ? ?
30 September 2019
What is Brahm?
Brahm or Brahman or Sachchidananda is infinite Almighty who is filled everywhere in the entire
He is without beginning and without any end in all directions and times!
All the worlds have been enveloped by Him. Nothing remains without Him in the universe and
out of the universe!
His another name is Paramatma. He is full of bliss, truth and consciousness!
All Spiritual Gurus, Gods, Goddesses of all the religions in past, present and future are within
this Brahm!
Brahm is the ultimate Supreme Power of the entire universe! He gives the power to fire, sun,
moon, stars, air, water, earth etc everything visible and invisible!
? ? ?
Divine voice from sky: All religions are mine!-
All religions are mine!
All castes are mine!
All languages are mine!
All genders are mine!
All nations are mine!
All sky is mine!
All stars are mine!
Sun and moon are mine!
All oceans are mine!
All forests are mine!
All deserts are mine!
All mountains are mine!
All creatures are mine!
All forms are mine!
All words are mine!
All music are mine!
All fragrances are mine!
All beauties are mine!
All knowledges are mine!
All Loving things are mine!
All visible things are mine!
All invisible things are mine!
Your happiness is mine!
Your unhappiness is mine!
No one is different than me!
Nothing is different than me!
Nothing is beyond me!
Nothing is without me!
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Guru Tatva or Paramatma-
You can not see any thing without light.
You require either the light of sun during the day time or artificial lights made by the man for
seeing anything.
Imagine if light was not created, how you could see any thing?
Guru, Paramatma or Brahm is not a body.
It is a Tatva or divine element which is filled everywhere.
It is the light of all the lights.
Light can not see without Guru Tatva or Paramatma.
Light can not show any thing without Guru Tatva or Paramatma!
Guru Tatva or Paramatma is the heart of all lights including the light of sun, moon, stars, etc.
Guru Tatva, Paramatma or Brahm is same and one.
It is pure divine element, conscious, Sat, Chit and Anand.
Every thing visible or invisible in this universe and out of this universe exists due to this Guru
Tatva or Paramatma or Brahm.
It is the source of all creations, love, beauty, life, light, truth, consciousness, bliss, happiness or
divine joy.
My infinite love, thanks, Pranam and deep obeisance to this Guru Tatva, Paramatma or Brahm
who includes all Gurus or spiritual masters, all Gods, all incarnations of all religions, all Rishis,
all sages, all saints of past, present and future on this auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima.
Wishing you a Happy Guru Purnima.......
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Your body is dead-
You are making it alive.
You come to the body.
You go out of the body.
But you remain for ever.
Then why you grieve for the body?
Then why you favour your body?
Then why you give comfort to body?
You are holding the body.
Body is not holding you.
You are attached to the body.
Body is not attached with you.
Why you become angry,
If someone abuses your body.
Since body is dead.
Someone is abusing the body not you.
And you are invisible.
He can not see you.
Then how can anyone abuse you?
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Pravin Agrawal`s True Incidents Linkedin-
Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-
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?! Founder, SIndia! ???? ???? ?? JSK! LOVE??You are under cctv surveillance!
7 个月How to become invisible?