How To Become A Full Stack Developer
Engineering Manager | Experienced Engineer & Mentor | Enterprise & Senior Java Solution Architect | Technical Consultant | PMP Certified | Cloud Architect (GCP & AWS) | Technology Advisor & Digital Transformation
Before you jump into the learning the skills, let’s get clear on what a full stack developer actually is.
Full stack developers : Are developers who work with both the front and back end of a website or application.
Who is a full stack developer?
A “full stack” refers to the collection of a series of technologies needed to complete a project and the developer who knows all the technologies likewise is considered as a full stack developer.
What Do You Need to Learn to be a Full Stack Developer?
Front-End Development
HTML/CSS and JavaScript.
Back-End Development
This is where you study programming languages such as JAVA, Python, Ruby, Node.js, and PHP.
Some of the topics you need to learn to gain full stack development skills are relational databases (MySQL), NoSQL databases (MongoDB, Redis), graph databases (Neo4j), and other web storage.
Application Architecture
Learn about the architecture of web programs so you are sufficiently armed with the appropriate skills and knowledge if you want to create a more complicated web application.Some topics to keep in mind: Heroku, AWS, performance optimization for applications, and model-view-controller (MVC).
Kindly remember that these 18 point checklist of things you need to know to build a full stack application on the backend (Tips):
1.. Learn how to Authenticate
2.. Build Roles, Permissions and Access Control
3.. Learn how to CRUD
4.. Learn how to REST
5.. Learn to work with forms and state
6.. Build an API
7.. Build Notifications for Email, SMS and other realtime Webhooks
8.. Build Subscriptions and Plans
9.. Learn billing integration with payment gateways
10.. Handle File uploads
11.. Don’t be afraid to work with third party APIs, Frameworks and Packages
12.. Work with, build and extend community packages
13.. Create an admin interface
14.. Manage Caching
15.. Think in terms of components
16.. Work with a modern version control system for your code
17.. Work with the command line
18.. Ask good questions on Stack Overflow
Fullstack Web Development 2019 Roadmap
You can choose either the Front-end, or Back-end path below. Regardless, there are eight recommendations in yellow that you should learn for either path. Focus on yellow boxes and grow from there.
Full Stack Web Developer Technologies:
Becoming a Full Stack Developer involves developing, designing and being proficient in the following three layers of development:
- Front-End Layer
- Back-End Layer
- Database Layer
Based on the above three layers we have three stacks
Based on the above you can choose what you want to be . If you face an issue for how to choose the suitable one you can browse the jobs for all three stacks and choose based on the highest job require . Also i can provide you my advice to choose MEAN stack.