How to Become Full stack Blockchain Developer?
Right now there is lot of scarcity for Blockchain developers since the investments in the technology raised very high.
Blockchain is no more a lab projects, lots of startups, Banks starts working on the products built on top of Blockchain.
There is no predefined qualification set to become Blockchain developer. Below points will help you to get the idea what needs to know towards a Blockchain career.
Understanding the Psychology and concepts of Blockchain.
- Understand what is Blockchain
- Explore why we need Blockchain
- Don't focus too much on Bitcoin, just grasp the underlying layer
- Understand the terminologies like nodes, accounts, smart contracts, transactions, mining, consensus, public network, private network, consortium, certificate authorities, hashing, blocks, chain etc.
- These terminologies varies depends on the platform we learn. First take one then start relate to others.
- Understand how it is different from existing Eco system and architecture like distributed systems and databases.
Blockchain platform to start
- There are multiple Blockchain platforms, each has its own capabilities.
- Each works different internally but they can be used to built Blockchain network.
- We should start with one platform, which is having lots of support. For example you can start with Ethereum platform.
- Because it is having clear documentation, initial kick of is easy and lots of you tube tutorials are available now.
- Also you should read about other growing Blockchain platforms and understand the difference between each other.
- take a detail notes about the pros and cons of each platform, it will helpful to decide which one we can use for our requirement.
- One more important thing is, you should be able to explain it in simple terms.
Blockchain Application design
- Any software development will have proper design to start with.
- You should know about how to create the Blockchain network
- How users are on boarded in to the network
- How we are going to structure our smart contracts
- Come up with simple diagrams and iterate.
- How the interact between Blockchain network and client software gonna happen.
- How to secure the interaction between clients and Blockchain network.
- How are you going to design the on chain and off chain data.
Smart Contract
- Smart contracts are the programs which is going to be executed inside the Blockchain.
- Business rules are codified and uploaded to the network in the Blackbox mode.
- Smart contracts are different for different platforms. Now the smart contracts are written using Solidity, Java, Go, Kotlin etc for different platforms. If you choose ethereum to start you go with solidity. It is same as other object oriented programming.
Programming language of choice
- Application end users are not going to use the terminal to use our application. They need client software like Web, Mobile apps.
- We should know basic(HTML, CSS, JS) knowledge. At least beginner level.
- You should be able to write web services in any of the programming languages(Like Express, Go , Java, Kotlin, etc)
- We should be able to handle off chain data in local databases. Like user authentication for your web and mobile apps
Tools and software
- There are other software which support for the Dapp developement.
- For file storage we can use IPFS, StorJ, casper.
- Try to use simulation software to kick start with. Ethereum - Browser solidity, Hyperledger - Composer.
Blockchain Platforms to look out
- Ethereum,
- Quorum
- Hyperledger Fabric
- Hyperledger Composer
- Corda etc.
For more details on learning Blockchain by doing, please reach out. Happy to help. Please add your valuable comments.