How To Become an Eudaimonic Leader?
Abirambika Ravivarman - Leadership and Team Coach, PCC, ACTC
?Human-Centric Systems Leadership Coach, Change catalyst supporting workplaces and teams by fostering harmonious connections, joy, and mindfulness for impactful transformations. Host of LN Live Leadership Insights Series
Becoming a Eudaimonic leader involves adopting a holistic approach to leadership that focuses on the well-being, growth, and flourishing of both yourself and your team members.
In this article, we will explore the practical applications of Eudaimonia with LIFEfulness model, drawing parallels with the Noble Eightfold Path from Buddhist philosophy. I have been a student of Buddhism for the past few years and I consciously use many of these elements in the work I do.
In the previous article I have given a detailed explanation of the model and how it can be used. Please have a look at that to relate it to this current article.
The Noble Eightfold Path, a core principle of Buddhism, is a guiding philosophy for leading a virtuous and purpose-driven life, encompassing aspects like mindfulness, ethical conduct, and the pursuit of enlightenment. By embracing the principles of the LIFEfulness Model, leaders can not only enrich their own lives but also guide their teams toward a more harmonious and purpose-driven existence—a path akin to the Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhism. It has 8 elements which acts as a guiding light for living.
Below is my take on LIFEfulness Model aligned to the Noble Eioghtfold Path which a leader can adopt...
1. Right Understanding - Embracing Mindfulness:
In Buddhism, "Right Understanding" involves seeing reality as it is. This is the base of the LIFEfulness Model. Leaders can cultivate mindfulness in their daily practices. By being fully present in each moment, they gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their teams, and their organizations. Mindfulness allows leaders to make informed decisions, foster self-awareness, and develop a profound connection with their teams.
2. Right Intention - Authentic Leadership:
"Right Intention" in Buddhism emphasizes the importance of ethical and purpose-driven motives. Authentic leadership aligns with this principle. Leaders who act with integrity and sincerity inspire trust and transparency within their teams. Staying true to the intuition. By sharing their values and intentions openly, leaders create an environment where team members feel safe to do the same.
3. Right Speech - Purpose-Driven Leadership:
Buddhism's "Right Speech" promotes honest and meaningful communication. Leaders can translate this into purpose-driven leadership by articulating the "why" behind every action and decision. When team members understand the greater purpose of their work, they become more motivated and engaged, fostering a sense of collective mission.
4. Right Action - Cultivating a Positive Mindset:
"Right Action" in Buddhism emphasizes ethical conduct. Leaders can embody this principle by maintaining a positive mindset, even in the face of adversity. A positive outlook enhances problem-solving and resilience, ultimately leading to better team dynamics and morale.
5. Right Livelihood - Fostering Gratitude and Recognition:
Buddhism's "Right Livelihood" centers around ethical and meaningful work. Leaders can integrate this concept by fostering gratitude and recognition within their teams. Regularly acknowledging and appreciating team members' efforts creates a sense of value and belonging, motivating them to excel in their roles.
6. Right Effort - Leading by Example:
"Right Effort" in Buddhism emphasizes the dedication required for spiritual growth. In leadership, leaders must lead by example, demonstrating mindfulness, authenticity, purpose-driven actions, a positive mindset, and gratitude in their daily interactions. When team members witness these qualities in their leader, they are more likely to adopt similar behaviors.
7. Right Mindfulness - Creating a Eudaimonic Work Environment:
"Right Mindfulness" involves staying aware of one's body, feelings, mind, and mental phenomena. Leaders can apply this principle by creating a Eudaimonic work environment. Encourage team members to practice mindfulness, embrace authenticity, and support one another's pursuit of happiness and fulfillment. Implement initiatives that promote well-being, such as mindfulness workshops and gratitude-sharing sessions.
8. Right Concentration - Attaining Eudaimonia:
The culmination of the Noble Eightfold Path in Buddhism is "Right Concentration," which leads to enlightenment & eudaimonia. In leadership, aligning with the LIFEfulness model can lead to collective flourishing. By embracing these principles, leaders guide their teams toward a harmonious and purpose-driven existence, ultimately contributing to the well-being and success of the entire organization.
The LIFEfulness Model offers leaders a framework for guiding their teams along a path reminiscent of the Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhism. By integrating mindfulness, authenticity, purpose-driven actions, a positive mindset, gratitude, and other Eudaimonia principles
into daily leadership practices, leaders nurture an environment of well-being and collective flourishing. This holistic approach not only enriches the lives of leaders and team members but also empowers them to achieve a state of enlightenment within their organizations, where purpose, harmony, and success thrive.
I hope this article was helpful to you. Happy to connect if you would like to have a conversation :