How to Become Emotionally Invincible
Chris Pinckley
Keynote Speaker | Coach & Confidente to CEO's, Founders, Artists, & Athletes | Creating Breakthroughs in Leadership & Performance utilizing the Quantum Model of Reality
Becoming Emotionally Invincible
It’s just about considered normal these days to suffer from, at the very least, a mild form of depression.
However, if you asked most people, considering if you were able to create a safe enough environment for them to be able to let their guard down and be emotionally honest, they would tell you that they battle with depression.
I mean, most people won’t tell you this right off the bat. Why? Because it’s not considered socially acceptable to admit that you suffer from depression or anxiety. This basically means that millions of people will quietly suffer from anxiety or depression, alone and isolated.
The Fallacy of Emotional Intelligence
The introduction of the concept of ‘emotional intelligence’ simply further confused things for people. This concept is a mentalization that avoids the actual issue, which is emotional, not mental. Emotional Intelligence is just another sidetrack into bolstering the ego to think it knows. The only value in mentalizing emotion is if it leads you into feeling, which is the only true access to healing the emotional body.
Emotional Integration
The real answer lies in learning how to feel. Learning how to feel deeply, to allow the body to express the suppressed emotions that have built up over time. They may have built up since childhood, or perhaps have never been expressed since then. Either way, these suppressed emotions will continue to generate thoughts cycles that lead to pain and suffering.
This will continue until you finally allow yourself, specifically your body, to express these unfelt, suppressed emotions.
There is too much pressure in the world, too much buildup. You need to allow yourself to express these unfelt emotions to be able to feel the peace that you so desire.
True happiness isn’t trying to paste as smile over your depression and anxiety while you utilize a litany of coping mechanisms to get through the day. Sure, you may be a trooper and have really learned how to deal with it, I’m not trying to shame you or tell you that you’re doing something wrong.
I’m simply saying: wouldn’t it be nice to feel authentic inner peace and wellbeing without having to battle all day long to suppress the anxiety, stress, and depression?
YES! It absolutely would!
How to Become Emotionally Invincible
The expression, “you’ve gotta feel it to heal it” is valid. This is the way. Learning how to surrender so deeply that you relax all the muscles in the body, every single cell, to the point where you allow your body to start expressing itself.
This is the process of emotional integration, whereby you finally let the trapped suppressed emotions out of the body. In so doing, you will realize, perhaps for the first time ever in your life, emotional freedom.
True freedom is emotional freedom. Through this process people have described themselves as becoming ‘invincible.’
And as you continue to engage with this exercise, more suppressed emotion will continue to come to the surface. But now you’re ready for it. You’ve learned how to surrender and feel. This will start to empty out all the suppressed emotional debris that’s been trapped in your body for an eon.
How to Do It
Start small, perhaps just 5 minutes.
Sit in meditation or even just at your desk and close the eyes. Take a deep breath, now relax. Instead of fighting it, let it out. Let the body express itself. Disidentify with it (observe). Just continue to let go and surrender and allow the body to express itself.
Obviously, it’s best if you can do this at home or in private. However, if it comes up at work, no problem. Just excuse yourself, go to the bathroom, and engage with 5 minutes of emotional integration. Allow yourself to feel. When you’re done, slap some water on your face, towel off, and head back out.
Deeper sessions can be done for 20-30 minutes while in the privacy of your home. Let the body sob with tears, rage with anger, or shake with fear. It’s okay, you’re not out of control, you’re just letting the body express itself for the first time in a long, long time.
When you’re done, take some deep breaths, and allow yourself to feel the joy of being again. Visualize and feel into the things that bring you joy.
This is the path to becoming invincible, which starts with becoming emotionally invincible!
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Creative person, served in the army, former inventor, clean energy technology as new platform features
2 年Thanks. Let off steam emotions, stress, it's good.?But, in my opinion, the best option is to suppress depression in yourself, be persistent - get over it in the short term, subdue emotions, stress, and become stronger...