How to Become an Effective Listener

How to Become an Effective Listener | Emotional Intelligence and Active Listening.

Watch my You Tube Video on "How to Become an Effective Listener | Emotional Intelligence Tips."

Effective listening is an art. Anyone can learn it.

Tips for better listening skills

1 Have eye contact with the speaker

2 Don’t cut off statements

3 Respond genuinely

4 Understand the process, not only conclusions

5 Don’t impose your own view, but listen responsively to develop the speaker’s own conclusions

It takes courage to stand up and speak. It takes greater courage to sit down and listen. Listening, true listening, is actually. A lot of work. Sometimes it surpasses listening to what someone is saying and the words being spoken. Listening means to be attuned to the world surrounding us, staying current, seeing ahead, and knowing what to weed out.?

Emotionally intelligent people are excellent listeners. The emotionally intelligent employee thinks about everything they say, but doesn’t say everything they think. They know when to stop talking and when it is better to start listening. Not every person has the oratory skills of the Roman Emperor Cicero. However, nearly all of them do cultivate the art of listening. They know that communication isn’t just dispensing information but hearing it as well. They spend more time hearing, rather than talking. Emotionally intelligent employees know it is more important to listen much more and talk less. That’s why they have two ears and only one mouth. The reason being to listen more and talk less.

They listen long enough so that the people talking feel heard. Then, they stop. Listening does not mean that they listen endlessly and allow the other person to go on a rant that takes all their time. Excellent listeners don’t allow ramblers to waste their precious minutes and seconds. They know when it is time to pass the baton. The chief listening officer is like a physician with excellent bedside manner. In order to prescribe the best medicine they must first listen to the needs of the patient. A doctor who simply starts prescribing meds without listening to the patient’s ailment is not going to make a sound diagnosis.?They are usually not the ones however who make the climb upward to becoming outstanding physicians.

There is danger to not listening. A doctor who fails to listen could prescribe the wrong medicine or the wrong does. This could lead to a malpractice lawsuit, the doctor being mandated to take a course on communications skills, being put on administrative leave, facing a prison sentence if it causes a wrongful death and much more. The consequences of failing to listening can be dire.

Watch my You Tube Video on "How to Become an Effective Listener | Emotional Intelligence Tips."



