How to become a data analyst without a degree.
How to become a data analyst without a degree.
Skilled data analysts are in demand in almost every sector. If you have made your mindset on becoming a data analyst, there is only one question you like yourself, how to become a data analyst?
Data analyst is a very low probability of candidates having an actual degree in data science, therefore to compensate the demand, persons with the right skills are required even without any degree.
There are two categories of skills that a successful data analyst has, that is, Soft Skills and Technical skills.
Soft Skills involves defining the problem and narrowing it down to reduce infinite what-if questions and understanding the companies needs which require good communication understanding of the business needs. Also delivering in a powerful accurate predictive model without affecting the sales price but rendering method of potentials high sale in the market.
Technical Skills involves gaining knowledge of statistics to the understand machine learning and computer skills that are useful such as querying languages.
How to Become a Data Scientist Without a Degree?
Here are the steps you need to take to be a data analyst without a degree:
Step 1: Gain Knowledge:
The field of data science is a wide field that has multiple disciplines of Computer Science, Mathematics, and statistics. There are a lot of books in the market that you can acquire to gain this knowledge. You can learn the basics of computer science and some programming languages such as Python that are popular in the area of data science.
Step 2: Be a Data Scientist.
Data science is a discipline that has various components like data cleaning, data collection, data extraction, data transformation, data visualization, and prediction. To be effective in these skills, you need to learn them online or from the books around. Another important aspect of data science is storytelling. Also, it's important to learn basic algorithms like linear regression, logistic regression, k-means clustering, etc.
Step 3: Explore Case Studies.
Once you get a little bit of understanding about data analysis and the tools used in data science, it’s of great importance to read different case studies on different businesses that are using data analytics.
Exploring more case studies will help you in finding out the problems to solve and how to solve a particular problem. Case studies will also give you the best hands-on experience to handle huge scenarios in the future.
Step 4: Start Doing it.
The best way to learn is by doing it. There are various hackathons that you can participate in on online platforms like Kaggle that allow active participation in data science competitions. Through competition, you gain experience and network that will lead you to land your first job. It will also give you in-depth knowledge of data analysis and what the market is looking for.
Step 5: Work on projects:
Since data analysis is a practical field in which to attain true experience you have to actually solve problems by working on live projects. Working on various projects in real world will help you to improve and actualize your data analysis skills.
Moreover, getting through data science you need to be a critical thinker and an observant individual to understand the outcome.
Through these steps, you can become a data analyst even without a degree. Do share your feedback through comments and share this video with your families, friends and colleges. Don’t forget to give us a thumbs up, so that we can continue to give you more videos like this.
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