How To Become A Better Closer
Michael Bernoff
Best-Selling Author | Host of the Average Sucks Podcast | Founder of the Human Communications Institute
Almost everyone I talk to has the same question for me. "Michael, how do I become a better closer?". You can have the best product or service in the world, even great marketing and an abundance of leads, but your business lives and dies on your sales.
Business is all about sales and nothing is happening until the sale happens. Yet, many business owners focus on everything and anything but sharpening their sales skills. At the end of this email, I am going to offer you the chance to join me for a free presentation that will give you the fundamentals of Selling, Pitching and Converting.
I am obsessed with learning. You must be as well, or you probably would not be taking the time to read this article. Even though I am recognized as a top leader in language, persuasion, sales and conversions there is not one year that goes by that I do not invest in continued sales education. I don't know what I don't know.
These are the three questions I ask someone inquiring about sales training;
- Is your closing rate good enough?
- Is it bringing you enough money?
- Is there room to grow?
I only work with no, no, yes people. Because the truth is, even if you have an 80% close rate, there is always room to grow. AND, I find that people that believe there is room to grow achieve much more than people that think they are at the top of their game. So the first road to becoming a better closer is the ability to recognize that you need the help. If yes, continue reading.
I have discovered 21 words that will make anybody say yes to you. I am going to reveal those words on our complimentary training session. All you have to do is enter your email address and you will be invited to our first public training. Our gift for following us.
One of the problems I see frequently in people's selling presentations is that the entire presentation from start to finish is focused on the services or products and how great they are. Unfortunately, this is not what triggers people to buy from you. You may get a standing ovation, but you will not get their credit card. These types of presentations actually push people away from you rather than draw them towards you. Most people spend way too much time building rapport with a client and not nearly enough time getting them to want to make a decision and purchase from them. Great closers know that when you get the objection, that's where the sale starts. The average salesperson hears no and quits.
What a closer understands is it's not about their presentation so much as it is getting people into the emotional state necessary to make a purchase. Sales is the ability to get someone to make a decision. That's all. Just getting them to decide. Getting someone to DECIDE to do something is what separates presenters that close from people just talking about information. The entire presentation needs to be designed around educating them on how to move forward with you. Asking them questions up front will help you decide how to sell them. For example, a realtor might ask "Before we get started, is there any reason why, we need to move really, really fast to show and find you a new home? Is there any reason we need to move very quickly?". Not only do you find out what you need to know, you are getting them thinking about making a decision.
These are just a few tips on how to become a better closer. Earlier in the article, I told you that I would make it very easy for you work with me on your sales and closing skills. In the month of May, I am launching a new presentation called Pitch, Sell, Convert. Enter your email at and you will be invited to join us on a presentation that will help you GROW your bottom line.