How To Become An Android App Developer – A Complete Guide
Becoming an Android app developer is a highly rewarding career choice. It's also one of the most sought-after jobs in the world right now because of its high demand and ever-growing popularity among smartphone users. In fact, according to studies conducted by Google, there are over 3 million Android developers globally as of 2019. If we include all other software developers, that number will increase exponentially!
So if you want to join this exciting field and learn how to become an app developer yourself, then this article will help you get started on your journey toward becoming a professional Android developer by providing all the information you need throughout each step of the process including what courses are available online for free or at low cost, where do find reliable resources for learning these things quickly and efficiently? And so much more...
Learn Android App Development Online
Learning Android App Development online is a great way to get started, and you can find many courses available on platforms such as Udemy and Coursera.
These courses are usually affordable, with some costing as little as $10 per month. This makes them accessible to anyone who wants to learn the basics of Android app development, even if they don't have much money. You also have complete control over your learning experience since you can take breaks whenever you want or study at your own pace within the course's timeline (if there is one).
Understand the Basic Concepts of Android App Development
The basics of Android App Development are a complex process. Before developing your first app, you must know about the open-source platform, Java Programming Language, and Android Software Design Guidelines.
In this section, we will discuss some basic concepts that will help you understand what it takes to become an Android App Developer:
Get Familiar with the Android Software Design Guidelines
You can refer to several documents when it comes to learning how to develop Android apps. The most important is the Android Software Design Guidelines, which provide a comprehensive overview of best practices for developing Android applications.
The guidelines cover topics such as UI design and performance optimization. Still, they also provide information about security, accessibility, and other considerations that should be considered when creating an app.
Understand Android Source Code Structure
Android source code is organized into packages. Each package contains classes, interfaces, and other types. A class defines the behavior of an object and consists of fields (variables) and methods (functions). You can think of a method as a function belonging to a class instance. Methods can access all the fields within their class or those inherited from their superclasses unless private. Classes may also contain constructors, which create new instances of objects when needed.
For example, An Android app might have a package named com/example/app name where com represents the company name, here example stands for the application name, here app name represents the application name we want to build in android studio.
Learn Java Language Basics and Object Oriented Programming Concepts
Java is a programming language. It's used to build Android apps but can also be used to build server-side applications.
Java is an object-oriented language, meaning you can create objects containing data and functionality. You'll learn to use Java's built-in classes (like String or Math) and create your classes with methods and variables inside them!
Learn How to Work with APIs, Libraries, SDKs, and Tools.
You can build your app without knowing how to code, but you'll need to learn how to work with APIs, libraries, and SDKs.
APIs are the building blocks of Android apps. They're used to connect the user interface (UI) with the code behind it. The UI is what users see when interacting with an app on their device; the code behind it handles all of its functionality and processes input from users or other sources like sensors in their phones or tablets.
APIs can also be used by developers who want to connect their apps through third-party services like social media sites or payment gateways so that users don't have to log into those other services directly within each app when they want to access them--they'll see one login screen when opening each new application instead! This saves time because people won't have multiple usernames/passwords simultaneously floating around in their heads! And if someone needs to remember which account belongs where? No problem: click the "forgot password?" link next time instead of having everyone remember everything themselves!"
Practice Regularly by Building Small Applications
As you practice, you will want to start working on smaller projects you can complete in an afternoon or two. This will help build up your confidence and give you a sense of accomplishment when they are finished. It also allows for more experimentation with different coding styles because less pressure is involved with making mistakes in these smaller projects.
Why App development?
Android is the world's most popular mobile operating system, and app development is a growing field. If you want to be a part of this trend, becoming an Android developer will help you achieve your goal.
You can use your skills as an Android app developer for various purposes:
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So, if you want to become an Android app developer, the first step is to learn the basics of programming. This includes learning Java and Object Oriented Programming concepts. Once you have mastered these skills, it's time to start practicing by building small applications. You can also check out some online courses on Lynda or Udemy if they don't offer classes near your location!