How to become a $10k keynote speaker

How to become a $10k keynote speaker

"Social media will never replace a handshake, but if you do it right and invest the time, it will provide you new handshakes "

I'm excited to announce I will have Brian Fanzo on the "Think Like a Marketer Show" Wednesday, August 22nd 10am CT on . Where he breaks down how to go from zero to $10k as a speaker?

Brian is a highly sought-after Keynote speaker on the topic of millennials. He has promised to share some insight into his journey and is currently traveling DOING a social experiment "Road to Social" check them out there on day 97 looks like they are having a blast here's link

Check out his Pod Cast FOMO Fanz on I-tunes

Anyone, you want me to have on the show post in Comments!

#fomo #braianfanzo #roadtosocial #millennials #thinklikeamarketershowRoberto Blake Brian Fanzo


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