How To Beat The Winter Blues

How To Beat The Winter Blues

Sometimes after the hustle and bustle of the holiday season slows down and we settle back into our routine, the cold and dark weather can leave us feeling a little blue.

I've compiled a few of my favorite feel-good strategies that I use stay sane during the holidays (and year round) that you can use to decompress and create a feel-good space for yourself this winter while we transition to brighter days.?

Schedule time for a digital detox.

Is it me, or are we even more attached to our phones around this time of year? The cold weather has us inside so it's an easy go-to. We're glued to our phones watching shows, scrolling TikTok, looking up comfort food recipes, and so on.

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It’s can be a lot. So let’s unplug a bit .

If you can schedule an entire day without your phone, do it!! I promise you won't regret it.

If not, it’s okay—plan a mini detox instead! Set a time each day—maybe 5:00 p.m.—where you’re going to set down your phone for the night. Or maybe commit to starting your day without your phone—don’t check it until noon.

Literally choose whatever works best for you.

Just take a break and give yourself the space you need to decompress from your devices.

Eat what you want and what you need.

You know your girl here could eat an entire apple pie all by herself. So I’m not here to tell you that you need to say no to all comfort foods or treats. If you want you to indulge in a few Valentine's Day chocolates for breakfast, I fully support it.

You want to dunk that sugar cookie in a mug of hot cocoa while it's snowing and blustery outside? Tell me what time I need to be there to join you!

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But along with all of those delicious goodies, be sure to incorporate nutritious food, too. Be mindful about including fruits, veggies, and protein throughout your day to give your body the proper fuel it needs to thrive.

The good thing is, when you eat what you want and what you need, you’re still getting all of those winter comfort-foods, which satisfies your cravings and minimizes temptations .

When you're adding in the good foods your body needs and you’re drinking water, you’re going to feel satisfied and full most of the day. You’re not going to have enough room to fill yourself up entirely with sugary or carb-heavy treats. A little bit of balance goes a long way!

Create space for alone time.

November and December and even some of January are often packed with social outings and family gatherings. Personally, I love that there are so many reasons for us to get together during this season. It warms my heart, and I never take it for granted.

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But, on the flip side of that we're still human and afterwards it's normal to feel like we need a break! We need to rest. We need time to reflect and be alone. We don’t have to do it all.

And, this part is important, we don't have to feel guilty about it. Several studies show that after the holiday season is over and things slow down many people feel the post-holiday blues .

While that is completely normal, you don't have to let those feelings take the driver's seat. You can use this opportunity to create space for yourself and enjoy the peace. One thing I love to do is go outside and let the sun shine on my face, and get some vitamin D . (YES, even if it’s cold outside!) In some parts of the world, we’re in the midst of a lot of gray days, so we have to be even more intentional about getting outside on those sunny days when we can.

Our brains and bodies need recovery time. Take a few minutes and look for the opportunities to get off of social media and put the phone down, enjoy a nutritious, feel-good snack, and create some space to enjoy alone time. You deserve to turn all of that joy from the holiday season inward now!

Big Love,


Carl Tielking

Director & Program Manager at OneDay Industries

1 年

Karen I love your ideas! Please note that some people with the blues really have seasonal depression. This is a serious diagnosis, made by a therapist, and I have to avoid many depression issues associated with it! I use a light board to assist me in removing those feelings of the blues. A light board is a simple plywood board with 4 light bulb sockets wired to it. You must use 4-100 watt incandescent bulbs, NOT LED bulbs! Incandescent bulbs give you that special energy light. When you plug it in to use it, it emits enough "positive reinforcement light" to combat seasonal blues/seasonal depression. Hope it helps, from a Navy man too!

Enrique A.

I transform struggling leaders by helping them develop, evolve, and find their way from sucKcess to success. 2023 Top 200 Biggest Voices in Leadership & 2024 Global 100 Executive Coach of the Year. ??? DTLW Podcast Host.

1 年

As a Navy man, Winter Blues was common ?? It’s our winter uniform ???????? Great strategies to apply to the real winter blues. Thank you.


