How to beat #Linkedin peer pressure like a boss
Natasha Margaritis
Organisation wide colleague engagement | Digital Workplace | Equity for women in Tech
Ever been egged on by your friends or family to give an impromptu speech or sing live open mic karaoke at a bar or just do what everyone else is doing? Well, then this message is for you.
It's happened to me so many times that I've lost count and most often than not, it's when I genuinely didn't want to do it. I believe we've all experienced this pressure at some stage.
It's almost like we've been trained to say "YES" all the time. So much so, that all it takes for us to jump on the band wagon of a "trend" is to see other people doing it.
Then, FOMO (fear of missing out) kicks in and BOOM. Our logical brakes fail and we throw ourselves into it, headlong. Like one big car accident or should I say, a car pile up.
Because, when you hop on the wagon of Linkedin Video, many from your network of friends, colleagues and family experience that FOMO too. And suddenly, we've got a herd of cattle.
Before you get offended, know that I was once part of that herd. :D
So, here's what I believe is the problem with a "Join the herd" mentality and I'm going to need the help of our cow friends above to drop the following three #truthbombs
- Notice how these cows all have labels or tags? The truth is, when you pick up a "join the herd" mentality, you tend to allow people to label you with their own opinions of who you are, why you're here and what you represent - without you even realising it. While these cows in the image don't know any different, I don't believe we are called to be labelled or compartmentalised by others when we hop on Linkedin video. What kind of a calling would that be? I reckon, it wouldn't be a great one. #truth
- Notice how it appears as though there's a leader of the herd in this photo above? You've been deceived. The truth is, A herd of cattle are not like a herd of horses. They do not have a leader. EVER. There is no stallion to lead them. There is no group leader to guide or protect them from harm. Just ask a cattle driver from the country. He'll tell you that he is their only leader. So how is this relevant again, you ask? Well, when you jump on Linkedin video with a "join the herd" mentality by giving into peer pressure, then you're essentially not being a leader - you're not leading any charge. We'd like to think we are, but, believe you me, cattle don't cast vision over their lives nor do they seek to find true purpose. #truthmatters
- Notice how the cows are all facing the same direction? 90% of the time, when a part of the herd moves in a direction, the rest follow. Again, just ask a cattle driver. So here's the raw truth. Getting pressured into jumping on the Linkedin video band wagon overnight because other people are doing it is almost guaranteed to influence your sense of direction, your Linkedin video content/ topics, your motivation and your focus. #truthbetold
So, would you allow me to ask you, who are you really?
A member of the herd or are you the cattle driver/leader?
Here are three steps to help answer that question: (The exciting part)
- Start with why: Understand why you do what you do for people. Understand your motivations for doing so and, the impact you want to have on the world. Find inspiration on your own before you begin your Linkedin video journey and list them out. I repeat list them out on a blank piece of paper. Research says that when you pen something down, you're far more likely to remember it and commit to it.
- Did I say commit? Yes, that's step 2. Become the leader you wish you had. The best leaders are the best students. Learn to lead you first before you step out to lead others through Linkedin video. But Natasha, don't many leaders eventually have followers? Yes, they do. However, I believe true leaders inspire others to take action. They do not pressure people into taking action. While peer pressure leads to lack of clarity and vision. Inspiration leads to true purpose and a defined calling that connects with others.
- Oh wait, did I say connect? :D That's right. This is when you begin to share your vision with others. You can confidently begin to bounce ideas off of people whose opinion you value and who's reputation you respect - a mentor, a colleague or a coach. I believe you can do this as you begin your Linkedin video journey to personal branding. And suddenly, you'll find yourself in a place of clarity, calling and confidence.
Don't worry, I haven't left you hanging...
If you ever have trouble finding your why or finding your purpose, I'd highly recommend @Simon Sinek's #startwithwhy or the #findyourwhy book. It did wonders for me.
Leaders are the ones who have the courage to go first and open a path for others to follow. - Simon Sinek
Alternatively, watch his ted talk to get you started. (The image below is NOT linked as Linkedin's algorithm may not favour external links).
PS. From research and personal experience, I've found that good cattle drivers love their herd with all their hearts and, guide them in the right direction with a kind yet firm approach. They guide the herd confidently, because they know exactly where they are going before they even begin. This produces a bond of trust between the cattle and, their drivers.
A bond that I believe we should all strive to create with our Linkedin audiences. :p
I'd like to clarify with love that this article is not designed to deter you from starting your Linkedin video journey but instead, to start it the right way. To start with why, to understand who you are first and then, what unique perspective you bring to the table. And from there, go all guns blazing as a leader (AKA. cattle driver) in your own right.
What if we gave ourselves permission to find our purpose, know our worth, understand our offering before we put ourselves out there? Wouldn't that help stop us from being labelled or compartmentalised by others? Wouldn't that put you in a position of strength? Wouldn't that help find the leader within you? And, wouldn't that inspire others to do the same?
I believe Linkedin would be a healthier and more fruitful place.
And, a lot less like a rat race.
Because, we all deserve to move at our own pace.
In order to create our own unique space.
Keen to hear what I learned after I broke up with my own #jointheheard mentality? Watch this #tashtalks Linkedin Video
And if that inspired you in any way, you can watch part 2 here.
I live and breathe to empower others to learn, grow and, bear fruit. So, don't forget to leave a comment with your thoughts, get in touch if you ever need help with this process or want to learn more and maybe grab a coffee. I'm just a Linkedin chat message away.
Natasha Margaritis is a passionate people influencer who loves to create exciting experiences and real human connections for effective engagement within thriving communities (online, at events or in workplaces) You can also contact her on [email protected]
Quality Assurance Professional || Ex-Aviva UK & Ireland || Ex-EY || Ex-FSL || CTS ***
4 年Very helpful article nicely crafted to help one understand one's value system and the comparison trends.Natasha Margaritis
DOD Enterprise IT Modernization Growth Director
5 年This is awesome. Thank you!
IBM i DevOps | Visual Artist | Marketing
5 年Video didn’t play for me Natasha... anyway, I agree with what you are saying. And I’d like to add, what if you change over time, wouldn’t it be interesting to see how your videos change over time? Like your keeping a record for yourself or your family who knows doesn’t matter...
Founder, Conversionry | Helping Large Ecom & Saas Extract More Website Conversions Through Data & Experimentation | WE ARE HIRING!
5 年Great read Natasha Margaritis! It’s amazing how easy it is to join the herd unless you’re deliberate about finding your mission. And even then, you need to remind yourself of it often.