How To Beat Inflation with Your Savings - Without Spending a Penny
Introduction (Updated 19th April 2023)
With rising prices happening every day, do you look longingly at your savings nest egg, and wish you?“Can have your Cake AND Eat It”?
Let me put that a different way?-?are you happy with how your Financial Institution is working for you?
When you read my earlier article, headed “How to Play the Banks at Their Own Game”, where these financial institutions trade YOUR MONEY every night, and regularly rake in gains of close to 10% per night using your money, but just offer you a miserly 5% PER ANNUM, what is to stop us doing the same process, and keep all the rewards for ourselves?
With annual inflation already at around 10%, and looking like it will go higher this year, can your Boss afford to give you say, a 10% rise right now?
Probably not.
But if you start looking hungrily?at your savings nest-egg,?as soon as you start to draw out of that – however much you have – when it’s spent –?the cupboard will be bare.
Now, with regard to what I have to offer, are you happy with how your money is currently working for you?
I know I wasn’t.
Then a friend told me about this opportunity, not a traditional financial institution of course, but one where I can possibly create not just a new income stream from it, but also grow my nest-egg at the same time, over an 18-month contract period.
To avoid any confusion with the title, at the end of that 18-month period, although I had to “Spend a Penny (or more)”, actually just “exchange them”, to get involved, after 18 months, I would get my original pennies returned, AND SOME….
And, of course, I don’t need to draw any or all of my weekly payback rewards, I could compound all or most of it (my weekly choice). Remember, as Einstein said, “Compound Interest is the 8th wonder of the World.”
Proof of the Pudding.
When I first heard of this opportunity, my first thought was that it was “too good to be true” – But IT ISN’T!
How does it work? – watch this ?brilliant and informative 20-minute video.
PS. As things only get better with knowledge, ask me for a copy?of the most recent, up-to-date version.
Now, although we have been involved in this project for nearly 4 years now, we would strongly recommend that we arrange for a 3-way call with our business partner – where you MUST ASK every awkward question you can think of!
As an example, a colleague of mine, also in my team (luckily), was about to utilise some £50K in buying a new house. He also had a large amount of Premium Bonds, earning him a “princely” interest of 3% Per Annum!
When he saw the level of rewards he could get, from this opportunity, you can guess that he has not bought a house and has also cashed in his Premium Bonds.
How does it work?
1.????First of all, you don’t have to build a team, if that is not your scene, but if you do,?your rewards would be faster and higher.
2.????Almost immediately,?with this opportunity, you get?a reward paid on a WEEKLY BASIS.
3.????In essence, that will have either?created a new Monthly Passive Income Stream, or, if left untouched, would have?MULTIPLIED significantly YOUR CAPITAL by the end of an 18 Month contract!
Now, here is an idea for any budding Property Investment Entrepreneur…
4.????Even if you have, say, sufficient funds to put down as a 15% deposit on an investment property, of say £250,000, although that property should, immediately, not only give you a net rental income stream, to meet any mortgage commitments, but to achieve substantial capital growth, you would be looking at historically doubling your asset value every 7 to 10 years. However, the only way that will help you beat inflation, is if you either re-mortgage your property after 4 or 5 ?or more years or sell your golden goose.
IMPORTANT. Your Risk Factor?. Any method that any of us use, in an attempt?to make our money work better for us, whether that is with Stocks and Shares, Property, or even a Bank Account, all carry a certain?level of risk, some more, some less.
I am?not a financial advisor, I am only relying on my own experience, so any decision you make, has to be your own.
Life itself is a risk, and that includes your money- in ANYTHING - but please do not risk any capital, that you just cannot afford to lose - that's when it becomes unacceptable to your piece of mind...
Geoff Morris (e-Biz Card )
About the Author.
Geoff has been an Ezine Articles Platinum level author since 2005, and has published over a hundred articles, promoting not just businesses, but also projects such as promoting Green Energy, including Turning Waste into Energy, Revolutionary roof-mounted?VORTEX Wind Turbines, Crypto versus FIAT Currency, Property Frauds, and in many occasions, fighting for the Underdog.
For more information, if you would like to arrange a 15-minute Zoom call, please select a convenient mutual date, using Geoff’s?diary at?
See next page for my Financial Disclaimer
Please read:-
1.?????I do not provide personal investment advice and I am not a qualified licensed investment advisor.
2.?????All information found here, including any ideas, opinions, views, predictions, forecasts, commentaries, suggestions, expressed or implied herein, are for informational, entertainment or educational purposes only and should not be construed as personal investment advice. While the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies.
3.?????I will not and cannot be held liable for any actions you take as a result of anything you read here.
4.?????Conduct your own due diligence or consult a licensed financial advisor or broker before making any and all investment decisions. Any investments, trades, speculations, or decisions made on the basis of any information found here, expressed or implied herein, are committed at your own risk, financial or otherwise.
Geoff Morris
Companion of the Institute of Sales and Marketing Management (CInstSMM)