How to Beat the Holiday Craziness?
Rosalyn Kahn I am a 3X TEDx Speaker and Trainer, Professor
Freelance Journalist, Photographer, and Spanish Interpreter
As the Christmas holiday draw closer everyone is on edge. We have so much to do and little time to do it. Unfortunately waiting until the last final puts us all is in the same situation.
Today’s life is filled with honking horns, streaming lines in the grocery store and city streets packed to the rim. Stress is not an option. Endless lines are the norm whether shopping for gifts, buying your products for cooking, or standing in line to make your purchases.
You could let go of your angst on the innocent bystander but what if there was a better way? Why not take a simple breath and realize this too will pass. If we focus on the here and now we can avoid stress. Be present and let it go.?If you’re looking for a way to break up your stress it can be as simple as picking up the latest book by Rosalyn Kahn who’s published her second book Dog and Roses: How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety in Today’s Troubled Times. The book came out of depression the author faced. Her answer to combat that was her passion for dogs and roses which offer huge benefits in healing. The book is an inspirational volume of photographs, short stories and helpful resources on both dogs and roses. Proceeds from the book are being donated to help our veterans. Her goal is to create a foster care program where veterans on deployment have an option to put their dog in a foster home versus terminating the dog’ life. The book is available on amazon at