How To Balance Work and A Side Hustle.

How To Balance Work and A Side Hustle.

How to balance work and a side hustle? Many?of you have this question and do it wrong.?? So we're going to detail that completely?how you can balance both. And ideally,?I'm going to suggest you get rid of the?side hustle. Let's make it a real hustle. Let’s get to six figures, drop the job and become a pure entrepreneur.??How many of you would like that? Because a side hustle to me,?it's little bits of money. It's sort of like putting more cash in your pocketbook.

???? How do you make $500 to $1,000 extra a month? So?that helps a lot of families in the world. But?is that really what you want? Really just?$500 to $1000? If you're going to go for it,?let's go.

??? ?How do you avoid overworking? Well, I actually walked?through this myself in the kind of 1994,?95, about 96 is when I met Kiyosaki. Bob Proctor called. He said, you got to get on a plane. I was?actually running huge teams at Chevron?Corporation in San Francisco. I said, are you?crazy, Bob? Like I have 62 people I have to?work with tomorrow. He said, no, I?need you on a plane to Scottsdale,?Arizona tomorrow. I said, and for what? He said, there's a guy down there built a game. And he's doing a book called?Rich Dad Poor Dad and Sharon Lechter?is his partner. You need to go meet?them tomorrow. They have opportunities?to grow this company, and this would be a great transition.

???? So I called in sick,?hired somebody to take my role for the day.? I paid them because it needed to happen. I wasn't going to cancel my?job or do that. So I just said,?I can't make it. I sent in a sub to?my own job. I flew to Scottsdale. I walked out?of there being the master distributor of the?cashflow game. Why is this so critical? Because I have lived this transition. It is not fun. If you are serious, which I was serious, I was going to go roll. I wanted to be the?master distributor of the cashflow game.? I knew this was my pivot back to finance?and being in this world.

???? Did I ever think I'd be a bestselling author and do all the?things I do? No, you didn't anticipate?that. I just knew it was a transition. So a lot of you, you have that moment where you've had opportunities to do that transition and you've?said no, because you didn't know the path. So?let's get to it. Overworking. First of all,?I want you to write this down. Employees?hang out with employees. Entrepreneurs?hang out without entrepreneurs.

???? So I?was jumping into entrepreneur life. So I started hanging out with the Rich Dad advisor?team. I started D'Rouge and Diane Kennedy and?Garrett Sutton and Keith Cunningham. I?started spending time with all of them,?more with the Bob Proctor community and?getting away from the Chevron employment?community. So here's my how to's. You get up in?the morning and you think about your business.

???? How to transition from side hustle to THE hustle. What is that side hustle going to be? You don't go to lunch with employees anymore.? You spend your?lunch hour, and you get focused.

???? I actually started coaching right away. So I actually?was creating more income right away and?then the evening you got to give it time. So if you have children, it gets more complicated,?which you have to hire women. You especially you,?you've got to get home help. So partner together,?get together, do whatever you need, but you got to get some support and then you got to give us?some attention on the weekends. I know a?lot of parents, especially single moms. I was a single mom too, where you get?the kids to bed seven, eight o'clock,?and then you spent eight to midnight working on?your side hustle. It's a little more challenging,?actually less challenging now. I was?going to say it was more challenging back when?we didn't have social media, because now you?can use social media to actually do a lot of?work for you during your day while at your job.

???? But it is your absolute commitment to making sure you time block that overworking?and staying committed and overworking projects.??How do?you prioritize the side hustle? Well,??

first of all, there's two engines that?drive it. You need to get incorporated.??So I'm going to have you talk to my team.? Do not do that on your own. Because you don't know what you?need given the company you want to stay, you're in.? And some of you, you're in really, really bad tax??

states. So we might redirect you to a new state?to run your company through. A lot of people use?my address.

???? You have two links. You're going to get a?strategy session for your company. You?need a corporation to run this through?whether that's an LLC S Corp or C Corp, my team will determine. The second one?is you need a database. Bob Proctor?taught me that I was 21 years old. I started collecting names, phone numbers, emails,?addresses of everybody ever met since I was?21. It's just a minute ago.

???? I want you to go to?our link below. It's called ask RMS, which stands?for rapid marketing systems. That is the database?that I use. It is my complete team and system?that support it. And yeah, I will get you up and?running inside a company with the right systems. You have to have those two technical systems to drive it. Because they're going to do a lot of?automation, a lot of work while you're at work and it's only 297 a month. And you said, well,?I can't afford that. Then start making?some money. If you can't afford 297,?you should probably even not even?walk over towards the side hustle. It’s not worth it. Because it's a lot to do?what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

???? There's?all sorts of departments and divisions?to every company from marketing to sales,?to accounting, to fulfillment, to operations,?technology, customer service. You can't do it?all. You say, well, I just want to?sell a few things here and there. That’s fine but you still have to have a lot of?that in structure in place. And our RMS system,?rapid marketing system will help you?structure it. So with the company,?it now allows you to look. corporate life. So if you've not been to my millionaire intensive,?I want to offer you two tickets?to my millionaire intensive. I want you showing up and if you've?already been and you still haven't?activated this corporate life, I want?you to come back. Because I want you?learning and being in our community. I?want you understanding what it takes to?make money. I want you to have that side?hustle available where you could just turn it on and turn it off. Now once? you get to the point where you're?actually making some real money,? half of your cash take home pay,??and I want you to go to my search bar on YouTube about? how to quit your job in 90 days. I'm not going?to talk about that again on the video.

???? How to quit your job in 90 days. So how do you prioritize yourself?? Especially I always speak to you women because?a lot of you women or just single parents,?you make it an excuse to not be successful. You take on being a single parent as?a victim versus I took it on thinking,?yeah, I'm going to change the whole way single parenting works. Took my kids all?over the world. They've been to six of?the seven continents, and I travel them??

with me and they've just Immersed in?business and money their entire lives.

???? So I had a very different opportunity to do that, but you also include them in your side hustle. Have them be engaged at night. This doesn't?have to be just you by yourself. Your kids?have amazing skills, by the way.? They're technically probably way?more critical than you are, especially they could do all your social media. So together you can do all of this. But?to neglect self-care, meaning sleep,?proper eating, you got to take care of your?health. If you don't take care of your health,?you're going to fall down, and this is why most?people quit. People don't quit their business?because they can't figure it out. They quit?their business because they're not making money. They don't go to my millionaire intensive and?marketplace. They won't activate those skills?and then they just get freaking exhausted because they're not making money. So make?sure you prioritize yourself care. Don't neglect yourself because I don't want you?quitting because you're tired, exhausted and?it can tell a lot of you what you have to do.

???? The first money you make once?you get incorporated and get RMS,?the next money is you're going to have to?hire some help. Whether that's home help to take care of food prep and take care of the?home and all that takes to take care of or?hire somebody to set appointments for you. So?you can actually get on the phone, do an ask,?tell, ask what you're going to learn at my Millionaire Intensive and start closing deals.

???? There is no reason all of you?cannot be making 5, 10 thousand?a month within a few short months doing?everything that I teach. We have the full?system A to Z on everything you need to?make that happen. If you have questions,?go to, ask a question, make?a request.

#MillionaireMaker #WealthBuilder #MoneyExpert


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