How Badly do you want it?

How Badly do you want it?

Do You owe people money? ?

Do you have employees or suppliers, vendors who need to be paid and you don’t know where you’re going to get money from?

Do People Owe you? ?

Do you have money tied up in export of goods that someone hasn’t paid for?

If the answer to both questions is YES, keep reading...

These are troubled times that we are going through, we have witnessed some horror stories from suppliers, retailers and manufacturers of the “disappearance” of buyers after receiving the goods that were supplied or delaying to pay invoices due. These stories have become even more frequent since the #Covid19.

THERE IS A SOLUTION... and it’s FREE until your money is recovered!

Recoupex prides itself on its global network of attorneys, professional collection approach and the results we have achieved so far... we have recovered over 85% of outstanding invoices for our clients, and you could be one of those!


Upon receiving your documentation (copy of invoice due, last correspondence with the debtor, and last known contact details of the debtor) a legal demand is issued within 24 hours.

With our global network of attorneys, we are able to act worldwide and conduct a full asset and liability investigation of your debtor.

You receive a report from our attorneys with an update on your claim twice a month.

You will not be asked to pay any lawyer, court or other fees, and if we do not manage to collect your money, there is NO CHARGE to you

Contact us to start your claim today??

[email protected]


