How bad will the property downturn be?
Michael Yardney
I bring investors clarity in the chaos of all the mixed messages, sharing my 50 yrs perspective. Voted in the top 50 Influential Australian Thought Leaders. Host of the Michael Yardney & the Demographics Decoded Podcasts
Is the property market going to experience a downturn?
That’s a question I get asked a lot at present, and the answer is…
Yes - without a doubt this will happen.
In fact, it’s already started, but even though our property market will be correct, it will not crash and then certain property markets will be back stronger than before.
Why am I so certain?
You just need to look at the history of financial markets.
Since the early 1900s, we have been experiencing similar cycles; markets overheat fuelled by the inflated demand and then they inevitably flounder or falter.
I’ve personally traded through the last 5 property cycles and have learned to recognise these patterns.
So when will this correction occur?
When you read many differing opinions in the media you will find even the experts are struggling to give you any certainty as to the timing.
For mine, we are entering a period of slower growth, but there is still plenty of growth ahead in selected markets that moved from fifth gear into second or third gear – these particular markets are not in reverse.
However, if the last few years have taught investors anything, it is to expect the unexpected.
That’s why I suggest you should prepare for the worst while hoping for the best.
In other words, maximise your upside while at the same time covering your downside.
Some of the ways you can prepare for the inevitable storms ahead are:
1. Ensure you have a holistic, strategic property investment plan
Property investment is a process, not an event, and the property you will eventually purchase will be the physical manifestation of a whole lot of decisions that must be made in the right order.
That’s why you can’t just run off and buy any property or just speak to a buyer’s agent.
You need to plan to become the person you plan to become, and that way you know what you should and should not be doing.
It will stop you from getting sidetracked by the “white noise.”
If you want to understand more about the benefits of a Strategic Property Plan, click here.
2. Correct asset selection
To see you through the ups and downs of the economic and property cycle you need to own the types of properties that are strong and stable.
By strong, I mean your property should outperform the averages and increase in value at wealth-producing rates of return.
By stable, I mean the value of your property should not fluctuate much when the property cycle slumps.
This is why you must only own investment-grade properties – the type of property that will be in continuous strong demand by a wide demographic of more affluent owner-occupiers and one that is situated in the big capital cities of Australia because these locations are underpinned by multiple pillars of economic support.
3. Diversification
As your portfolio grows, it makes sense to own properties in various states, so that when one market is flat, you’ll benefit from the growth of your properties in another state.
It’s also worth remembering that at the slump stage of the property cycle when fewer people are buying property, more people are renting and this usually increases rentals and this is good for your cash flow.
4. Don’t speculate or overcommit
Enough said.
5. Have a financial buffer
Rather than gearing to the max, strategic investors take a more prudent approach by building an emergency financial buffer to buy themselves time to ride through the storms.
6. Build a buffer or buy a bargain
The other beauty of being financially prepared is that when everyone else puts the brakes on and competition in the housing markets slows down, you’ll be in the position to take advantage of the opportunities that abound by using some of your LOC or the funds in your offset account as a deposit on your next property investment.
Remember – you need to be proactive with your property strategy and be in control of your situation before the market changes.
There has been a game-changer for our property markets
Only this week RBA Governor Philip Lowe said:
“It's going to be some years, I think, before inflation's back in the 2-3% range. But over the next couple of years, it will gradually come down.
We don't see a recession on the horizon.
If the last two years have taught us anything, we can't rule anything out. But our fundamentals are strong and the position of the household sector is strong, and firms are willing to hire people at record rates. It doesn't feel like the precursor to a recession.
And interest rates, while they've gone up, are still low. The cash rate is still less than 1% at a time when the unemployment rate is at a 50-year low, so the fundamentals here are still pretty positive."
But it’s clear the RBA will go hard and fast now in response to the highest level of inflation we’ve experienced in decades has lots of Australians concerned about the future of our property markets.
This is one of the two game-changers which means many forecasts made earlier this year are now out of date.
So next week I’m conducting an online live MasterClass with Ken Raiss where we will share with you…
The latest research which has changed my views on what’s ahead for property in 2022-23.
In this special Masterclass, we will answer the following questions and more:
Please?click here now?to register for this session which will be held on Thursday, June 30th @ 4:30 pm.
And Ken and I will set time aside at this live event to answer your questions.
Click here now and register?for this educational session and discover the things property investors need to know about the changing landscape.
See you at the Online Market Update,