How Bad Do You Really Want It?
Steven Clauson
I Help Established Businesses Compete And Become The Dominate Choice In Their Target Market Within 18 Months Using The Assault System
Many, if not most people I know pray. With that said, when we pray we expect God to do something and answer that prayer. We are at least hopeful he will directly and easily answer that prayer. If it were only that simple. Frequently, when someone prays for something God will provide it in some form. Once it arrives the answer interferes with some other external factor, they decide it’s too much effort after all.
I’ve been personally praying for something for about the last 4 months. I got an answer from God and it’s not the actual answer I was praying for. He provided the answer to my actual prayer and it’s going to demand a lot more of me and cause me a lot of discomfort. From what I can tell God is asking me “How bad do you I want it?” My response is to move forward and just do the work to get the result. Of course, that means continuing to do the work I’m already doing and adding the additional work.
I can do both as long as I give something up… there are only so many hours in a day. The reality is something has to be placed on the back burner and I refuse to put my family, my close friends or those I work with back there. So many people will pray for something and as soon as it starts to get difficult they give up on what they wanted and the dream dies. When you place your faith in prayer you better get used to not always liking the answer and just accept that the answer is the answer. The key is finding the answer, taking action and making your prayer your reality.
My name is Steven Clauson.??I coach?people who want help getting where they want to be.?The people I coach are typically already taking action, getting results and?ask what’s next and what actions to take?to make an even?greater impact.?They aren't afraid to ask for help.?How can I help you??What actions are you taking???Those who have a plan and implement that plan lead the pack.?Planning, preparing to win and taking appropriate action means you?hear the word?"YES"?more than ever.?Only if you are one of the few willing to take action, do what's required and?play full out?are you likely to hear the word yes more often.?People hearing the word?"YES"?are winners?on the playing field because they play full out and dominate.?For these?people?results matter.?Tired of results?less than you know you can produce???Call me at 916-230-0176 or visit?