How Bad Could It Be?
Having met Pat Boone on three occasions, and having seen his movie years ago called, "The Cross And The Switchblade", when I came across a restored/modernized version, I just HAD to see it again!
Now this is where this story suddenly goes off the track and becomes a train wreck. (And I wanted SO MUCH for this to be a HAPPY article, but noooo.)
So of course, you want to know what was wrong with the new print.
I don't always go on a rant, but when it comes to crappy sound quality, I have full license to - so there.
WAIT! - Don't leave yet. You're about to learn something.
While the picture quality for this 'restoration' looked okay, the sound was much worse! That's right, WORSE!
Is THIS what you call a modernized version?? You have got to be kidding me.
Here's what it sounded like . . .
It's as if somebody haphazardly threw a noise gate on it and walked away - and came back after lunch - and called it a day.
Since when do sound people not LISTEN to their work before signing off on it?
If you're going to work in audio, you should at least have a sensitivity for what you're doing!!
Okay you can stop reading now if you wish, because the rest gets technical.
(But you'll learn something if you're up for it)
Alright, here we go . . .
"Noise Gate" -- It's a type of dynamics signal processing which mutes or eliminates background noise below a certain set-point or threshold, leaving the envelope in-place. That type of processor is generally referred to as an 'envelope follower', and in this configuration it's sometimes called a "downward expander". It exaggerates the difference in amplitude between envelope and background. It can be an effective and beneficial tool when used sparingly as long as its effect (or artifacts) aren't noticed. (I said, 'sparingly')
(The dialog energy is the 'envelope', and the absence thereof is the 'background')
Here's why this is not a good idea . . .
The envelope's 'body' consists mostly of vowel sounds produced by the vocal cords, but with consonants & sibilance, not so much. But the processor doesn't know that. It's too dumb to know the difference. So it dumps the sibilance and all the details into the abyss of the background. Gone forever.
What you end up with is a weird, disfigured rendition of what one WAS a human voice.
Do you understand why this is a bad thing?
And do you understand why this is so upsetting to me??
We're talking about the very essence of the story itself - the dialog!
And since this film's spoken words consist of an uncountable number of "envelope-vs-background" transitions, therein lies the problem. It's constantly - Envelope / Mute, Envelope / Mute, Envelope / Mute - transitioning between the two states - on, and on, and on, like that - non-stop to the point of utter distraction.
Please understand, each state is 'okay' by itself, but it's in the TRANSITIONS between the two states where the nasty artifacts occur - and the details go bye bye!
Audible dynamics errors like this are often described as 'pumping', or 'breathing' of the sound being heard. - That's not good.
And those artifacts are PERMANENT - there's no "un-do" for it.
It's like killing a fly with a hammer.
Oh, sure, you killed the fly alright. But look at all the collateral damage you've caused in the process.
This project isn't at all what I would call a restoration. It's more like a degradation!
In a case like this, the only way to repair the damage done, is to start all over again.
Pay attention to what I'm about to say . . .
I have a much better way of cleaning-up dialog than this.
Utilizing a proprietary method that took me years to develop, I literally STEER the listener's attention AWAY for what it doesn't want to hear, and magically ON to what is being highlighted! And WITHOUT the annoying artifacts which indicate it's been tampered with.
Here's the problem, folks. Nowhere in nature do we hear artifacts like that, only in the fake world of artificial audio. It's highly un-natural and foreign to the ear. It's a turn-off, which tells your brain you don't want to hear this any longer. And that's exactly what happen for me.
Because I've met Pat, this movie has special meaning to me, but even in spite of that, I couldn't continue watching it beyond the first few minutes. I refuse to give my attention to sloppiness! - Pity.
My suggestion? - FIRE your sound personnel for gross incompetence. And nope, pleading 'amateur' is no excuse.
It's plain to me, whoever did this 'restoration' didn't give a squat about the content they were 'fixing'. - It least, that's my guess.
If you get the impression I actually CARE how things sound, you're right.
And that's the kind of perspective you WANT helping you with YOUR film!
Let 'sloppy' be someone else's mantra.
Film Sound Improved / Audience Happy / Filmmaker Elevated
1 年For those who'd like to hear examples of proper dialog clean-up, look for one of my earlier posts - the one with the title card featuring "Bullseye, the Target Dog". (Plus, one other within) These aren't the worst I've ever tackled, just typical.
Used to listen to Pastor David Wilkerson all the time. A great godly man!