How B2B Buyer Behavior Has Changed
Chris Tully
As an Outsourced Chief Sales Officer, I help businesses achieve breakthrough Sales Growth, Discipline & Accountability.
I’ve always believed that at the heart of it, business buyers are just consumers with different priorities and a bigger checkbook. Businesses now shop for suppliers very much like we do as consumers – digitally. That behavior is increasingly the norm. These pandemic months of sheltering in place have only accelerated changes in B2B buyer behavior.
Comfort in socially-distanced shopping was already here?way?before the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to the demise of brick-and-mortar stores that didn’t keep up with the times (seller beware). Digital shopping transcends business-hours time barriers. It allows for wide product search capabilities and research before point-of-purchase, provides help chats, and leads to instant purchase gratification. What’s not to like?
Consumer Digital Shopping
Let’s take the auto industry example of consumer digital shopping outlined in a?McKinsey report :
Business Digital Shopping
B2B buyer decision-making is largely driven by their learned consumer behavior. As recently as 10 years ago, says a Forrester study, “Vendors held the power of commerce by controlling information. But the business consumer, digitally savvy and self-directed, is now in control.
Now more than ever, business marketing and sales decision-making means figuring out how to attract and keep a buyer online.?I’ve seen statistics that say nearly 40 percent of clients move on if your digital platform doesn’t perform well. How you “show up” electronically as a company is hugely important: you can either represent your excellence or create a huge credibility sink.
Think of Your Website as Your First Sales Call
Know How Your Prospects Shop
Get the right answers to the questions below to?precisely define your target client . Then apply them to your site. SEO should result in sustained lead flow.
Plan How to Respond to a Solid Online Lead
The more complex and expensive your offering, the sooner you want a sales person involved in client interaction.
Buyer Behavior Evolution
Buyer behavior has been evolving for more than 25 years, since the first secure retail transaction over the Web in 1994. The online shopping site and then eBay followed closely behind in 1995. Most B2B decision makers have been virtual shoppers for quite some time.
A?2017 Frost & Sullivan study ?says B2B online buying will continue to evolve to be more like B2C: “Customers expect things to be online and intuitive, desiring a self-service model with personalized and targeted B2B sales, accessible from anywhere at any time.”
It’s probably time to recognize that your sales strategy needs to match up with the way your B2B buyer wants to buy.
Are you satisfied with your company’s sales effectiveness? If you feel like you need to?do a better job attracting and winning the right prospective clients, give me a call.
Founder of The Swimologist | Teaching ADULTS TO SWIM ????♀? in deep water | Learn to swim in 5 days (8 dry hrs, 16 wet hrs) | You've lived without swimming long enough | long distance, open-water swimmer
1 年Chris, a great breakdown of what businesses need to consider when it comes to serving buyers the way they want to be served. Today's B2B purchaser wants to be able to research you and your product before they even consider reaching out. Will they be able to find you? Will your website answer their burning questions quickly? Simply? Compellingly? Chris, you bring up a lot of great questions!
I help $5M—$20M B2B companies streamline and scale revenue generation, without wasting months (or even years) on the wrong marketing & agencies that don’t deliver.
1 年Great post Chris. Love the part about the website as a first sales call. "If your value proposition isn’t clear on your site, you will lose credibility" - I'd add too, that if the potential client is confused at all, they won't spend time trying to figure it out. So many websites miss this piece - no clear value prop, no clear "who they serve," and confusing site navigation leads to lost opportunity.